The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

If you bought a pack/arena run while the game was in beta you got a golden legendary that is awful and no one plays him.

The problem is he uses a random 'spell'... which in turn also fire off randomly. It can really win or loose you a game all depending on luck.
Ah ok, well it's free and is awesome, can't really get moody about that!

Loving Shaman right now, played someone who was getting a tad cocky in his playstyle, in one move I boosted someone up to 13 attack then threw windfury on him, bye bye :)

(I know doing this is old news to a lot of you, apologies!)
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Hahahaha. YEAH!


Haha yeah - I've probably had around 15 packs I think mostly from paying for the Arena but perhaps about 3 bought with gold more recently...

Best thing I got was a Tinkmaster Overspark (kinda lucky as I got 1600 dust for DE'ing him recently) but haven't really had any other good epics or rares :(
Is that the guy who summons an 'awesome' construct when he's placed? Have seen him in a few matches on twitch and youtube, he usually causes more problems than he fixes. :D
Just had one crazy game against a Druid. Turn 1 innervate puts out alarm-o-bot I had no way to kill it. Turn 2 his bot summons a mountain giant :( not a great start he then coins another bot out. All I could do was shield up with my warrior. Turn 3 his bot summons deathwing lol it was game over by that point. There was no turning the tide in that game.

RNG Jesus can be absolute godly at times, other times he rams you hard ! Lol I really can't wait for the iPad version of this though :) going to be so much fun
Is that the guy who summons an 'awesome' construct when he's placed? Have seen him in a few matches on twitch and youtube, he usually causes more problems than he fixes. :D

Not quite (you're thinking of Gelbin Mekkatorque)... Tinkmaster used to turn a minion into either a 1-1 squirrel or a 5-5 Devilsaur, but since the release they changed it so you don't get to pick which minion he targets, which makes it completely useless

RNG Jesus can be absolute godly at times, other times he rams you hard !

Don't you mean RN-Jesus ;)

Sounds like a ridiculous game you had there though, happens sometimes but now and then it's you that has the crazy good draws and luck instead
Just played a nice game with my Hunter vs a Paladin.

He had 5 minions up, played buzzard, hounds, 2 x scavenging hyena, killed the hounds, played my other hounds... ended up with 2 x 18/10 hyenas.

Bloke conceded on 22 hp :)
Reckless Rocketeer is ****ing awful, don't you have anything else you can put in? Another Sen'jin or Stranglethorn would be much better, or a FW Yeti/Boulder Ogre.

God the servers for this game are AWFUL. Like worse than Diablo.
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