The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I have to say I played one epic game last night in ranked. Was using my control warrior against a druid. It was going well I'm playing for the end game, he gets a couple of good plays he really did have me down and out (at least so he thought). I'm down to 2 HP and he is at 22 (he had a healing touch :eek:) after being Alexandria'ed. He spammed me a couple of times with "well played" I just thought no not giving up. I managed to get some armour up and with a couple of turns the game spun around and won :D

Even after the game the guy /w me saying he was sure I pulled an amazing comeback :D

This game really provokes you sometimes and end up going into a fit of rage about how to play cards and what he might have in his hand. It’s really quite enjoyable :p

I have to say I really do like playing the control warrior though such a nice deck to play. Although I'm still lacking Baron he is next on my to craft list.
i remember i was playing a game and next turn he had lethal i said well played, played force of nature and savage roar, i was going to run them into the minions then concede but before i could make the first attack he conceded haha, i was in no position what so ever to win the game lol
i remember i was playing a game and next turn he had lethal i said well played, played force of nature and savage roar, i was going to run them into the minions then concede but before i could make the first attack he conceded haha, i was in no position what so ever to win the game lol

I've had this happen a few times. SR/FoN, Leeroy, Grommash etc can sometimes make people leave because they assume you have lethal. It's nice to get a free win from the jaws of sure defeat.
I've had this happen a few times. SR/FoN, Leeroy, Grommash etc can sometimes make people leave because they assume you have lethal. It's nice to get a free win from the jaws of sure defeat.

Yeah haha, i was thinking, do you guys agree that after reaching rank 20 you can get the card back for the season? you can't get demoted below 20 and its really easy to achieve, surely it should be around rank 10 or something to show that you've actually worked for it?
Different levels of it would be good I think, like one card back for reaching 20, one for 10, one for legendary etc.

Yeah that seems better, dunno why its so far apart, either rank 20 or legendary, seems a bit meh, they might change it when they impliment an achievment system.
Had an epic example of that last night... Playing my reasonably okay Shammy deck and came up against a Warlock murloc deck.

We traded blows fairly well in the early game, sitting at about ~25 health each for several turns, but then he started bringing out all the murlocs, giving me 4 cards in the process (oracles) - he even played a hungry crab effectively etc. and beat me down to about 17 health

A few turns later he actually had lethal and I was getting ready to rage - his side of the board was completely full of various murlocs and I was sitting on a searing totem and a frostwolf warlord buffed up to a 6-6. This is where he made a huge mistake - rather than just finish me off he ran one of his 'locs into the Warlord to get it off the board so he could play - Old Murkeye!!!

Unfortunately even with the huge boost he was only able to get me down to 1 health (perhaps he didn't realise) and it had left my warlord alive. So on my turn it went:

windfury + rockbiter on the warlord + bloodlust making him a 12-4 with windfury and I pounded him to the ground in one turn - I wish I could have seen his face :D

TL;DR guy messed up trying to showboat his gimmick deck and I killed him from ~24 HP in one turn
I've picked up a few legendarys from playing arena and getting packs etc. But I only ever play Leeroy.

Are any of these worth keeping or should I disenchant them and craft some other legendaries (also have Cenaruis (Druid))?

Had an epic example of that last night... Playing my reasonably okay Shammy deck and came up against a Warlock murloc deck.

We traded blows fairly well in the early game, sitting at about ~25 health each for several turns, but then he started bringing out all the murlocs, giving me 4 cards in the process (oracles) - he even played a hungry crab effectively etc. and beat me down to about 17 health

A few turns later he actually had lethal and I was getting ready to rage - his side of the board was completely full of various murlocs and I was sitting on a searing totem and a frostwolf warlord buffed up to a 6-6. This is where he made a huge mistake - rather than just finish me off he ran one of his 'locs into the Warlord to get it off the board so he could play - Old Murkeye!!!

Unfortunately even with the huge boost he was only able to get me down to 1 health (perhaps he didn't realise) and it had left my warlord alive. So on my turn it went:

windfury + rockbiter on the warlord + bloodlust making him a 12-4 with windfury and I pounded him to the ground in one turn - I wish I could have seen his face :D

TL;DR guy messed up trying to showboat his gimmick deck and I killed him from ~24 HP in one turn

Shaman are dangerous like that. I made similar mistake against one (I was just coasting at 28HP with him at 2HP, so l arrogantly left his Fire elemental alone for a turn, feeling smug about fatal next turn.

Well he 28-0'd me with wtfwindfury/rockbiter/rockbiter/lust.

Only time I made that mistake!!
I've picked up a few legendarys from playing arena and getting packs etc. But I only ever play Leeroy.

Are any of these worth keeping or should I disenchant them and craft some other legendaries (also have Cenaruis (Druid))?


I'd keep pagle, leeroy and probably old murk.

The rest wouldn't be any use for any of my builds but its up to you. 400 dust isn't a lot and its nice to have a few legendaries in the collection.
My favourites:
Cairne Bloodhoof
Sylvanas Windrunner
The Black Knight
Tirion Fordring

I have a few others i dont use but dont feel the need to scrap them.

Leeroy can be a decent finisher, Tinkmaster is now useless after the nerf and although Pagle can still be useful he is also weaker, does make the opposition use cards early on to remove him though.
I'd DE Cho, Mukla, Tinkmaster and Leeroy to give enough dust to make Ragnaros or Ysera etc (forgot the other couple top legendarys off the top off my head).

No way would I DE Leeroy, use him in all my decks and he's awesome finisher. I find Pagle is just a 2 mana 4 health fodder and rarely play him.

My favourites:
Cairne Bloodhoof
Sylvanas Windrunner
The Black Knight
Tirion Fordring

These are pretty much top of my list too minus Tirion & add Alexstrasza. The golden death wing is a straight swap for another regular legendary.

I mostly play Rogue > Hunter > Priest
Shaman are dangerous like that. I made similar mistake against one (I was just coasting at 28HP with him at 2HP, so l arrogantly left his Fire elemental alone for a turn, feeling smug about fatal next turn.

Well he 28-0'd me with wtfwindfury/rockbiter/rockbiter/lust.

Only time I made that mistake!!

I have to say that's the one reason I really like playing shammy too. That SURPRISE !!!! Combos they have are mental at times. Love it when people don't kill off flametounge totem, slap an Alakir down rock biter x2 instant 22 dmg to the face lol.

I never understand why some people just ignore flametounge or SP totems. They can be lethal if you're up against a shammy. A lot of the time I try to prioritise getting them down if I'm playing against a shammy.

For me Warrior and shammy are my two fav classes to play.
I've picked up a few legendarys from playing arena and getting packs etc. But I only ever play Leeroy.

Are any of these worth keeping or should I disenchant them and craft some other legendaries (also have Cenaruis (Druid))?

I would DE Deathwing, Tinkmaster, Cho, Mukla, Gruul for 3200 dust and craft 2 great ones. Ragnaros, Ysera and/or Alexstraza.
I DE'd a few and picked up Ragnaros and Bloodknight and have enough dust for one more but haven't decided which to go for.

In other news I had a Juggler down when opponent summons a Leeroy, as it summons two whelps my Juggler kills his Leeroy before he can attack leaving me with the free whelps :D
I've picked up a few legendarys from playing arena and getting packs etc. But I only ever play Leeroy.

Are any of these worth keeping or should I disenchant them and craft some other legendaries (also have Cenaruis (Druid))?


i think atm if you de pagle and tinkmaster you are getting the full 1600 dust as the cards were changed recently, i de'd both last week and got full value for them so you might want to check if its still going.

you cant de old murk eye as you got him for unlocking all the murlocs.
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