Hearthstone is a triumph of branding and hype. It's a pretty average TCG of which there is a ton out there now.
I was pretty excited when I got the beta, dropped £35 on the 40 pack option and had fun opening them. When I got round to playing I wasn't really blown away by the gameplay. It's basically a dumbed down version of Magic the Gathering that piggybacks off Warcraft's lore/brand in order to get an audience. Blizzard know how to market well, so with streamers and beta invites they've had a bunch of people frothing at the mouth to play, but when you strip away all the rubbish it's a pretty average game.
I've got no doubt they'll find some way of resurrecting the old WoW TCG loot cards into Hearthstone which will guarantee its success either way.
As a sidenote, when they wiped everyone's accounts I expected to get the money I spent on all the booster packs refunded to my account. I didn't think I'd get the real money back, but I thought I might at least be able to spend it on something else like WoW subscription fees. Instead I got a bucketload of Hearthstone gold that I'll never spend. It's a really minor point, but I felt a tinsey wincey bit exploited.
Was there nothing in the beta T+Cs that explained what would happen to transactions in-beta?
I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just playing with the starter deck and getting absolute OWNED by 'matched' opponents. Seems so unbalanced atm. Kinda ragey.
Makes me think why they start you with the weakest character, surely everyone just gets kapowned until they get a decent deck?