The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread


what deck are you using? i havent got a warrior deck and wouldnt mind trying something out. last one i made was shocking.


I think there's a slightly better version but I didn't have the cards so modified it slightly

TBH I'd probably be better off getting rid of the questing adventure and adding either a frothing berserker, cairne bloodhoof, harvest golem or maybe another brawl
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hm not entirely sure how much I like that. Only 1 shield slam/armorsmith/frothing seems odd. I'd probably choose an extra one over spellbreaker/senjin/questing. I quite like abom though, works well with most of it.
hm not entirely sure how much I like that. Only 1 shield slam/armorsmith/frothing seems odd. I'd probably choose an extra one over spellbreaker/senjin/questing. I quite like abom though, works well with most of it.
then adjust it to your liking but there are 2 armor smiths, frothing berserkers tend to evaporate or get silenced before they do any damage unless your winning heavily anyway., not sure I really need another shield slam there's a lot of control stuff in there already.

I never said it was the perfect deck there's stuff I would change if I had every card in the game, I did run with 2 berserkers for awhile but didn't feel like I needed both
Here's my stats since I bothered tracking so you can see who it struggles against

Only just recently got brawl though so should hopefully win a few more than I have been.

not really played some classes enough to get a good sample size but lol hunters, mages and rogues

warlocks eat me :(
not the one I just played though :D He surrendered :D
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then adjust it to your liking but there are 2 armor smiths, frothing berserkers tend to evaporate or get silenced before they do any damage unless your winning heavily anyway., not sure I really need another shield slam there's a lot of control stuff in there already.

I never said it was the perfect deck there's stuff I would change if I had every card in the game, I did run with 2 berserkers for awhile but didn't feel like I needed both
Here's my stats since I bothered tracking so you can see who it struggles against

Yeah just saying its not what I would choose, but if it works for you :P And yeah I meant taskmaster not armorsmith. Might test it out though.
I use 1 abom as a "replacement" for Baron Gedon in my control warrior deck. I cannot count the amount of times abom has saved me from a zoo deck before. I think its a fantastic card (unless it gets silenced :( )

I think there's a slightly better version but I didn't have the cards so modified it slightly

TBH I'd probably be better off getting rid of the questing adventure and adding either a frothing berserker, cairne bloodhoof, harvest golem or maybe another brawl

Overall good deck that is weaker than it needs to be IMHO.

Running 2 X Cruel Taskmaster and 2 X Shield Slam is mandatory. Shield slam is amazing for control and is what wins the match up with Handlock and Druid most of the time. Taskmaster has so much synergy... injuring a minion for execute, early one shot removal, using it on your own Acolyte of Pain, removing Divine Shields, etc

Why no Korkron Elites? This is one of warriors best cards and will help you SO much on the ladder. Replace the Questing and Spellbreaker with 2 of these. Those 2 cards are reducing your deck effectiveness.

Fen Creepers are bad and not a good way of spending 5 mana. Use a Cairne, Faceless or something that will help you win the game. If you like having a couple of Taunts as insurance against aggro then a 2nd Senjin would be better. Waiting an extra turn/costing 1 extra mana is not worth the 1 extra health.

Warrior is possibly my fave class to play but he is just too damn slow for laddering and most games go into fatigue.

This is the deck I've used forever (side boarding for the meta as appropriate ofc). Its been effective on the ladder every season and has an avg win rate of about 65% but its just waaay tooo sloooww :o
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I don't have all the cards you do so had to make do.
I find I do fairly well vs most classes just warlocks **** me off.

probably the same for you though.

anyway the point of this deck is to absorb everything the other person throws at it and then either wait for them to surrender or kick there ass.
58% of the time it works, so not much less than you considering you have better cards
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Met a guy using pretty much that warrior build in his deck, he put down two armorsmiths and used them in conjuction with taunt minions and Kor'kons to totally dominate the board, by turn 10 had amassed almost as much armor as he had health, at that point my hand was exhausted so i just /concede.

Does anyone play paladin and have some tips? I quite enjoy using the attack boost combos to create a game ending superminion..!
Does anyone play paladin and have some tips? I quite enjoy using the attack boost combos to create a game ending superminion..!

While boosted superminions are certainly fun, unfortunately they are vulnerable to silence, hex, poly, etc. So you can't really rely on them to win you games very often.

I don't play Paladin, but when I play against them I find the toughest ones are the aggressive ones with the Divine Favor card to restock their hand.
Does anyone play paladin and have some tips? I quite enjoy using the attack boost combos to create a game ending superminion..!
I tried this guys deck for a quest yesterday and won 4 lost 2 in the ranked ladder

it's not a super minion deck though, they all seem pretty pants to me , you either get the cards you need or lose
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okay swapped out those 2 trees for kokron elites and added the second berserker back and it seems to fair a lot better vs warlocks and druids whilst being just as easy vs mages , hunters and rogues.
was only at 35% win vs warlock last time I posted teh stats

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