The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

okay swapped out those 2 trees for kokron elites and added the second berserker back and it seems to fair a lot better vs warlocks and druids whilst being just as easy vs mages , hunters and rogues.
was only at 35% win vs warlock last time I posted teh stats

Nice. That deck looks solid. Keep us updated on the stats. I've just started tracking mine in the last couple of days and am going to record the whole of July. So far I'm finding it quite useful.
Nice. That deck looks solid. Keep us updated on the stats. I've just started tracking mine in the last couple of days and am going to record the whole of July. So far I'm finding it quite useful.

keep checking the games tab in teh tracker sometimes it's stupid and lists the same game twice so you need to delete the duplicates if you want accurate stats

only 300 more ranked wins for golden warrior lol...
3 legendaries this month, Illidan, Grom (duplicate) Nat Paggle (duplicate) i have no luck in this game when it comes to legendaries. Not only do i never get them but when i do happen to find one in a pack it's either **** or a duplicate.....
Bought 15 cards then got crap cards so thought **** it and finally got a few epics and legendaries in the second lot of 15

I got

shield slam
gorehowl (again grr and it dusted to bugger all)
Faceless manipulator
Big game hunter
murloc warleader
molten giant


Illidan Stormrage
Sylvanas Windrunner
King Krush

Not to shabby I guess...

got about 1200 dust from the 30 packs due to duplicates and then about another 600 from dusting golden cards I'll never use because I have the normal versions anyway.

so crafted alexstrasza as I figured she would be extremely helpful on my wardeck but also useful in almost any other deck.
my new war deck is

with 2 executes at the top but I had to scroll down so they are off screen.
my new war deck is

Really good deck you've got there. Let me know if you want some games ;)

Opened a Millhouse last night which brings me 16 cards short of the collection (382 I think). I have 1700 dust so can crafty another just don't know which one. Harrison Jones is tempting but with 4 health is a bit weak and rarely draws more than 1 card. Al'Akir, Velen or Onyxia could maybe end up being viable after Naxx. Anyone think there's one card in this list that I should have?

The Beast
Captain Greenskin
Elite Tauren Chieftain
Harrison Jones
Hogger (have owned but DE'd)
Illidan Stormrage
King Mukla (have owned but DE'd)
Nat Pagle (have owned but DE'd)

Al'Akir the Windlord (Shaman)
King Krush (Hunter)
Prophet Velen (Priest)
lol :O
was down to 2hp with 2 ragnaros out at one point but then alexstrasza came into my hand to save my ass with the change hero's health to 15 :D (my own health obviously)
Anyone think there's one card in this list that I should have?

Of those HJ by far. I swap him in and out of a few decks depending on what I'm facing as he's great against rogue, hunter, paladin, warrior etc.

Last season playing druid against control paladin we're trading creatures for control. Hit turn 10 he plays Tirion, I Black Knight then innervate & Harrison Jones. He concedes :)
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I'm unsure which legendary to craft next. I've already got Ragnaros after disenchanting a naff legendary that got a stat change and recently acquired Cairne Bloodhoof from a pack. I like mage, paladin, priest, and rogue the most. I guess it's between Ysera and Windrunner?
Of those HJ by far. I swap him in and out of a few decks depending on what I'm facing as he's great against rogue, hunter, paladin, warrior etc.

If none of the others become good after Naxx then I think it will be him.

I'm unsure which legendary to craft next. I've already got Ragnaros after disenchanting a naff legendary that got a stat change and recently acquired Cairne Bloodhoof from a pack. I like mage, paladin, priest, and rogue the most. I guess it's between Ysera and Windrunner?

I would choose Ysera but that's me. Slow but awesome.
I'm unsure which legendary to craft next. I've already got Ragnaros after disenchanting a naff legendary that got a stat change and recently acquired Cairne Bloodhoof from a pack. I like mage, paladin, priest, and rogue the most. I guess it's between Ysera and Windrunner?

Thalnos or Leeroy.
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65% winrate so far on my war 11/6 since I changed it

I'm only at rank 15 though lost loads of ranked games doing other classes for quests.

Thought I might as well just do them in ranked since they count towards the 500 wins for the golden hero version and it's not like rank means anything anyway
I was already naked :cool: :eek:

Yeah trying no wild growths, loot hoarders & argent squires give you early board presence which helps against aggro decks and also help card cycle. Not sure if it's an improvement over WGs though. But I rarely use more than 1 WG in a game for ramping and the other is often a dead card until turn 10 when you can cycle it.
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amazingly I'm up to 72% winrate

only rank 13 and 3 star though so might go on a losing streak soon, I can't believe how useful faceless manipulator is I've ended up with 2 ragnaros and no enemy minions down loads of times after using alexstraza first :D

the last rogue game was a bit close though decided to not put any minions down and just built armour until we both had 5 mana and he finally put a minion down but he wasted his deal 1 dmg to all enemy characters draw a card spells :D

guess he wanted me to put stuff down so he could get card draws but gave up lol.
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amazingly I'm up to 72% winrate
but he wasted his deal 1 dmg to all enemy characters draw a card spells :D

guess he wanted me to put stuff down so he could get card draws but gave up lol.

Its not too unusual for Miracle Rogues to just burn fan of knives for card draw if they are fishing for an Auctioneer... That said I don't think Miracle can do much against control warrior either way because of all the armour.
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