The Official "How Much I Earn/What Job I Do" Information Thread

What's the point of university if you're able to achieve something like that :mad:!!! What was the 60k job (if you don't mind me asking)?

What is the point of university exactly?

I used to be a Project Manager and I hated working for other people and the grind of 9-5, I stopped getting angry, stopped complaining and did something about it.

It was over two years in the planning, in my spare time, aside from a select few 'lucky' people money very rarely comes without considerable effort. I put the effort in and, for now, I reap the rewards.
At the moment: 22-25, <£10000, Other (student), Level 6, 41-50 Hours (although quite often more)

Hopefully in 9 months time: 22-25, £30001-£40000, Office Based, Level 7, 31-40 Hours.

I look forward to more money and more time off, just not the boring people I'll probably work with.:p
Age: 22-25
Salary: £25001-£30000
Sector: Blue Light, Ambulance Dispatcher
Education: Level 3
Hours Worked P/W - 41-50
I was in the same halls as liv boeree I'm first year of uni, you can google if you wish but shes won an awful lot through poker


If you can do that while at uni then lucky her. Can sit in bed doing this and gambling winnings are tax free aren't they? Or are they only tax free if working?
Why wouldnt you? Sharing a little information about your self isnt going to do any harm is it?

Maybe not but there does seem to be a marked tendency these days to put out a lot of what was previously private information (or at least known to relatively few close contacts) and I'm not certain of the benefits to most of them in doing so. Companies used to pay good money for private information although what they'd do with what's in here is another matter. However if people are happy with it then have at it.

Interesting that some of the higher earners have lower educational levels. Does that indicate something perhaps?

That they're more likely to be self employed as the path to higher wages within many companies does seem to depend to a certain extent on the academic qualifications you can produce? For many there will be at least a partial trade-off between security and earning potential by being employed rather than self-employed.

That's one possible explanation, alternatively it may show absolutely nothing because our sample size and sample set is too small and skewed according to where it is obtained from - while OcUK has a spread of people they may well be predominantly of the same type. Additionally if you're asking them to voluntarily report then you're relying on honesty and that they will wish to do so, they may be either unwilling to do so or simply not to be aware of the thread.

If you're boasting or even just posting about what you earn some people still think it crass.
One of the things I never mind sharing about my job is that my wage is actually low for the sector I'm in, at 26 with 4yrs experience I could quite easily jump to a contract based role which is a lot better paid but the company I am with at the moment are happy to pay for my chartership and other benefits which is why I'm staying for the moment :)

Also I do think this place will be highly skewed with regards to the results.

31-35, Net +/- £5 000pm over the past year (so I guess that makes £85 000 per year?), IT self employed, Level 3 or 4, 9-5 grind
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looks like i went into the wrong career - there looks to be lots of money in lying!

not sure i have the appropriate qualifications though, and length = 0.0!!
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