I am a bit annoyed that box doesnt sync to the touchpad, you have to manually download every file, so what if i want to download a series of videos for a presentation, i have to do it manually, seems a little backward.
I think is normal for mobile versions of such service. I know Dropbox on my Android is like this.
If the box.net account synced to your Touchpad (which in 99% of cases have 12 or 28 GB of usable space) would there not instantly be a space issue (assuming the accounts support 50GB ? Granted most people will not use all that space.
The extra units they manufacture will only be for the USA Home and Office store (on HP.com) and (I think) they will only notify the people who signed up for e-mail alerts when they are available (I don't think anyone new can sign up for the e-mail alerts from HP.com).If you add your Box account in to the accounts section in settings does it not sync up then?
Also why would they manufacture more? It won't sell at full price.
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