*** The official HTC One S thread ***

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Amazon warehouse deals are great!

All of those £216 phones will just have the usual and impossible to avoid HOS scuff marks. Defiantly worth a punt unless your one of those fussy types, in which case a black HOS isn't for you :p

Nexus18 said:

Ah, I've always assumed that was the home button. :o

Cheers! :D
Maybe so matey, but I'd far rather put the marks there myself!

Nexus how is your battery life now? Will the JB update kill it if I get one?
My battery life has been good ever since turning of location reporting in google maps. Mostly getting 4+ hours on screen time spread across a day and a bit again, depending on usage.

My last charge there I got more or less 2 days out of one charge with around 3 hours 20 minutes on screen time (auto brightness) with medium usage, about 25 minutes browsing, camera usage, messaging and phone calls (about 5-10 minutes) etc.


BTW there is a stock ICS/holo sense theme for the one S:


Doesn't work with JB yet..........the HD version was updated a day or two ago so hopefully not long till this one gets updated. Looks good! Shame it doesn't do the entire holo theme :p
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I've just turned off location reporting in maps for a test. What will it affect? Will it know where I am when I load Google maps or will I have to go in and turn it back on? What about other apps?
I think it just "reports" your location to google servers so keeps a history of where you have gone, what time etc. which you can then look back on google maps or something along those lines iirc.

No it won't affect any others app that need GPS/location and GPS maps when launched will still auto detect your location.
Cool. Will see what happens then! I dont have gps on anyway.. Network location is generally good enough..
Blasted battery drain is back again today. Rather randomly, battery use reports that HD Widgets is the culprit at 25%! I only use it for a clock and date and don't use the weather side of it.

I'm beginning to think that this 4.1.1 update is a bit of a mess.

Anyway, I've emailed the devs of HD Widgets and I'm not the only one who's mentioned it, and they're looking into it.
i mentioned it before in this thread, but constantly whilst playing music i get little clicks/hitches, which i can only attribute to switching on/off of 3g/hsdpa, which is really ****ing me off as i use my phone as an mp3 player almost constantly

Yes i have this, stutters a bit and stuff, i was using Poweramp (switching Beats off stopped it slightly but it did come back) but since switching back to Winamp it seems ok with Beats on.

What mp3 player are you using?
Aaand battery is now back to normal. Most odd. A soft reset (hold power for 10 seconds) and uninstalling and reinstalling HD Widgets seems to have resolved it (for now).
Yes i have this, stutters a bit and stuff, i was using Poweramp (switching Beats off stopped it slightly but it did come back) but since switching back to Winamp it seems ok with Beats on.

What mp3 player are you using?

poweramp also. i'll put up with it for now as it's not the worst thing ever, really can't be arsed to get winamp :p
No more hiccups with the battery so I'm going to stick my neck on the line and says that everything is back to normal, and if anything the battery is better than when on ICS.

Is that with location reporting turned of in google maps? Have you done anything else like the power saver for screen brightness?

Good news hopefully (regarding the 2040mAh battery)! :D


6+ hours on screen time here I come! :cool:

Wonder how much it will cost?


Didn't someone here get a rock quicksand case for their one S? If yes, could you please post some pics and post your thoughts on it. How does it compare to the MAO finish in terms of "feel"?
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Is that with location reporting turned of in google maps? Have you done anything else like the power saver for screen brightness?

No, the only thing I did really was turn off Google Now, and make sure stuff like HD Widgets isn't refreshing the weather too often.

I've always kept location reporting on for weather widgets etc.
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