*** The official HTC One S thread ***

Not get it replaced for a new one?

I have no problem with the touch problem as for the wifi drop outs, I have this sometimes, but it is a very rare problem for me, it also only seems to happen after midnight, never during the day, no idea why.......

Its not a faulty phone though its all over the internet about it, the touch thing happens when its searching for a signal and HTC haven't fixed the issue, I just did a google search for the problem and its happening on this phone, never have issues like that on the X.
I honestly have never experienced the touch issue? So far........ What exactly happens and is it only when searching for a 3G/H/G/E mobile data connection or/and wifi signal etc.?

I will try to replicate the problem on my S.


That's not mine just an example of what it does, seems a huge number of people are having this and HTC are aware there is a issue with it.

Try putting your phones on GSM only mode and see if it does it, goes mad on mine when I tried that.

Its all over the place about it.

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Just tried it and I did not experience that problem at all.

I always have "GSM only" mode selected as well, when I don't need a fast H/3G connection as the voice reception is stronger as well as being more consistent and of course better for battery life and have not had that problem, yet......
It really is a shame its doing this as I honestly think its a nicer phone than the One X, can't understand what's going on at HTC.
Not try to get it replaced from where you bought it?

I am sure that if you show them that problem, they will give you a new one, surely they can't just turn you down for a new replacement?

I haven't seen many people complaining about that problem on XDA as opposed to the chipping issue and signal issue.
Never had any touch issues with mine either.

Jabbs are you on the latest version of the software?

Yeah its on the latest version of the software just checked it, was tempted to root and put CWM on and a custom rom but don't want to unlock bootloader yet.

I can't fault the phone though its sweet and it deffo does far better HD recordings than the One X and I not seen sense run so smooth even all the custom roms I tried on the X, maybe the screen size/rez helps that ?
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It really is a shame its doing this as I honestly think its a nicer phone than the One X, can't understand what's going on at HTC.

Not much as far as the One S is concerned. I too have not suffered the the helicopter prob thankfully.

I've acquired a Samsung GS2 second hand off the auction site. Got a bit fed up with poor signal issues and need a phone with a signal. What do I think of the S2? Not right keen after the One S but it does seem to have better mobile signal reception. Can be a bit funny in the house but mostly has 2 out of 4 bars where One S was 1 bar out of 5 and often 0 to disconnected. The Samsung does lose data occasionally in the house but remains connected to the 3 Network.

I've had a yearning for a look at a One X or Samsung GS3 so had a ride to town to look at working examples in the Three shop. Both had nice screens it had to be said, particularly the GS3. What I wasn't so keen on was the size. One S or GS2 are about as large as I really want to go. One S I could live with IF bl***y HTC :mad::mad: would sort the signal issue - not withstanding the miserly fixed 16GB :( In town today the GS2 had no signal probs and even in one of our fave watering holes where the OneS struggles to hang onto reception, the GS2 had no probs. That said we went over to Liverpool last night and took the One S as the GS2 wasn't 'loaded' and had full signal everywhere? Top tip if you live in Liverpool :D

Other area where the GS2 isn't so good is battery - crikey can it munch through the battery! Probably needs tweaking and isn't on ICS yet (though that may not improve things?) so could be improved on. Being s/h the battery could be tired but at least you can change the battery. No storage shortage with the GS2 either unlike the One S where the 16gb total is a mistake I think and does put potential owners off - more so when they twig they only get around 9gb (or is it 10gb) for media etc.

Having got used to ICS on the One S going back to 2.3.6 on the GS2 is a bit of a step back. Touchwizz I don't like after Sense 4 but that is just my preference. I'll look into loading an ICS rom for the GS2

The One S should have been a winner but fear HTC have crippled it :mad: very disappointing but I live in hope :rolleyes: Should there be an update or a fix for the signal issue then the GS2 will be gone in a flash :D Maybe HTC will learn from this and do better next time????
@Richy888 As Nexus18 stated the One XL will not be released in the UK and you will have to import it. It's about to be released in Germany via Vodafone and other carriers in late June / July so I'm sure you'll be able to pick it up from the Rainforest site in Germany.

I'm very interested in the One XL but only if it comes with 32Gb memory not 16Gb as I carry a lot of media with me because of my regular and very long commutes!

I'm keeping an eye on Rainforest Germany, if I see anything soon, I'll let you know.

Pretty much agree with the 32gb, 16 is too low.

If you hear anything then do lets us know?

The news articles about the One XL coming to Europe mention only 16GB - can't be right if based on the One X surely? Still, sounds about right for HTC?
Hmm, thought you would have got much better reception with the GS 2, same level as your defy.

The GS 2 has got ICS, have you checked for the latest via OTA in settings or through samsung kies (awful program though)? If not you can manually flash the stock firmware using odin (very very easy), can get the files from samfirmware, tbh it is better doing it just this way :p

ICS won't improve battery life by much, only idle drain. Best to get the extended battery in order to get roughly the same levels as the S.

What do you think of the screen?

Don't do anything with either of the phones till the new nexus devices are out ;) You will regret it if you do :p

They maybe make phones for monkeys too :D:D

lol :D


Yeah, sorry forgot to mention that it has the same storage and lacks NFC as well. But everything regarding the battery/design and screen is the same as the X.
Sorry for yet another battery post but I just love it :D :D

25% brightness, ~1.5 hour of video, 10-15 pictures the rest browsing with music/online radio. Not sure it's possible to eek too much more out of it from a total usage:screen time standpoint :p

Very nice usage there excluding the mini charge (cheater!!!! :p) :)

You would get a bit more out of it as well, if your wifi signal strength was stronger.

Unfortunately I still can't figure out why "tpd" process is active and using a fair bit of my battery, twitter is completely disabled :confused:
That was when i was trying to put a film on it last night to then watch on the telly :p

The wifi is odd. It constantly shifts between 0, 1 and 2 bars in my room when it's sat on my desk. If i leave my room i get 0, 2 or 3 bars. Never actually cuts out thought so it's not really a problem.
Yeah, my Wifi occasionally spazzes out like that too (3, 2, 1, 2, 3) Similar to the mobile signal dips.
Don't think it happen with my old one, but that had a pure gold colour top antenna with fantastic signal quality, this new one is more silvery and is slightly less effective. New firmware to sort out these bugs.

The news articles about the One XL coming to Europe mention only 16GB - can't be right if based on the One X surely? Still, sounds about right for HTC?

Wait for the XXL or revised One S :)
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