***The Official HTC One Thread***

But alas, the a far greater % of people don't crop, and simply upload low-resolution photos to sites like instagram, facebook, flickr and the like.

Hence why it's sensible to tailor features to benefit the most amount of users.

But possibly not sensible to handicap the resolution to the point where many the major review sites criticize it.

And don't forget, as has already been said in this thread, the public don't care for "Ultrapixels", they want good quality at a decent megapixel size, which cameras like the Samsung Galaxy series DO provide.

Trying to re-educate the public in the face of bigger competitors delivering those qualities is a fruitless exercise.
But possibly not sensible to handicap the resolution to the point where many the major review sites criticize it.

And don't forget, as has already been said in this thread, the public don't care for "Ultrapixels", they want good quality at a decent megapixel size, which cameras like the Samsung Galaxy series DO provide.

Trying to re-educate the public in the face of bigger competitors delivering those qualities is a fruitless exercise.

Exactly, this is the crux of it - it's a gamble that hasn't paid off. The low light performance is far from mind-blowing, and in really dark conditions the pictures still don't look great anyway.

The fact of the matter is, the Galaxy S4 camera seems to be a nice upgrade on the S3; it's noticeably better. The HTC One camera seems to be a downgrade from the One X & S. Not good.
If anyone was expecting hTC to release a better camera that lived up to the hype they were indeed kidding themselves. This has been recycled in previous handsets and expectations were never met so there's no reason for this to change because HTC don't really put focus on the camera like they do to the build and design of the phones.

On the flipside Samsung are in the not a single f being given for build materials or design, instead they do improve the hardware on each flagship and the camera always improves.
If anyone was expecting hTC to release a better camera that lived up to the hype they were indeed kidding themselves. This has been recycled in previous handsets and expectations were never met so there's no reason for this to change because HTC don't really put focus on the camera like they do to the build and design of the phones.

While we know your statement to be true now, HTC practically sold the phone on this feature, a significant amount of their marketing budget I'd wager. Sites did whole articles on it. You have to accept that with that kind of publicity, expectations will be high as a result. Ok, I didn't expect a revolution, but I certainly expected it to be better than the tests are showing, especially when they cite that quality as a reason why Megapixels "don't matter".
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This sort of tech. has been used in previous phones before? What ones? Only phones I can think of with similar tech. is the lumia 920 and 808 (and they most certainly turned out superb), no phone has the same pixel size as the one (2)

Also, HTC do improve the hardware each and every time (they are using one of the best, if not the best chipset, one of the best, if not the best screen, the best audio hardware on the one, great battery life etc.), every company does with new phones :p Their cameras have always been pretty crappy but they improved them vastly with the one series i.e. X, S, was in the same league as the GS 3, only the 1080P recording let it down.

As I said before, wait till the "confirmed" issues have been sorted on the htc one and then judge.
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I didn't say the tech had been done before by them (although that was obvious anyway!) - What I got at was the whole marketing and bigging up the amazing hardware and epic image quality of the camera.

Yeah they do improve over the previous model but that just puts into perspective how bad the previous ones were since the new one still comes out poor to the competition.
Ah sorry I skim read your post, the way I read this part:

This has been recycled in previous handsets

It sounded like you meant the tech. :o

My bad :)

Personally I think their one series cameras lived up to the hype. They have never really concentrated on the camera with previous handsets, only in the last year have they focused on it more and I think once the issues for the one are sorted out it will be much better, however, not to the same extent that HTC are making it out to be.
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Guys, the auto ISO setting is bugged and easily confused in bright light hence the low detail grainy shots you are seeing around and about.

The workaround is to set your own ISO in decent light until its fixed and the camera will produce some excellent shots. Auto ISO in poor light indoors is more than fine compared to every other phone I have had.
There's still something about the pictures that seems a little "off" but perhaps I am just being unfair.

I also think the same, the other problem is the sharpness, "0" is too aggressive, need to set -1 or -2



And then something isn't right regarding the lens alignment or something to do with the OIS system, which would explain why some photos are very blurry on the right hand side.
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i get the idea behind the camera and if it was really a great bit of tech/software i could live with it.. but now its not living up to the hype.. sorry its worse than the camera on ONE S ffs.

My view too, I get and like the ultra pixel concept, imo the execution lets it down though and while not wanting to cast aspersions Kodak didn't they just go out of business?

I've cropped so many images I couldn't count and use all sorts of editing so they are rw factors to me, it's like the planning was done in a bar, 90%, made up stat, of photo's are taken in bars by cool 20somethings to be put on fb, er bs, I said before we saw many images that imo 6+mp would have been better and was laughed at earlier in the thread like I was some dick who believed the megapixel hype but it sounds like some are just swallowing htc's counter ultra pixel hype.

I got to feel and look at a real One in p4u yday very impressive, fast, beautiful screen and some nice photo's of the dudes cat and stuff, they were much much better than I expected and he proudly put some Hendrix on to show me the speakers by far and away the best phone speakers yet seen will be epic in games, he showed me some of that real world racing,whatever it's called, fantastic!!!

Imo this year there is thankfully a number of phones that are valid, each to their own, eh.

Edit to add the p4u guy's pics were so good maybe he was doing the manual iso thing.
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It's a shame so many people seem to be put off by the camera on the One as it's a truey brilliant phone - it even makes calls and sends texts perfectly well too!

I can see the arguement though as with more and more people having a phone on them all the time it needs to be capable of giving you good pictures whatever the conditions - I've yet to properly test mine in low light (in the pub for instance) but will report back with my opinions once I have!

I dont mind much about the camera. I feel that Battery life, Screen, build quality and responsiveness are all more important then the camera features
There's still something about the pictures that seems a little "off" but perhaps I am just being unfair.

I'm fairly certain the hardware was designed for webcams and portable action video cameras etc, not point and shoot stills. That's why still images seem a bit off compared to the rest (target resolution is probably 1080p too, not 4MP)
Kodak didn't they just go out of business?

They had to file for bankruptcy in 2012 and got rid of their camera department (nothing to do with the quality of their products but due to some other reason like manufacturing costs out weighing profits, not selling enough units etc.)

Supposedly the court has approved financing in January 2013.

Whose are those?

From XDA.

It is the same for previous HTC phones, however, not as bad. I messed with it the other day on my S and decided -1 was the best.
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