pff so why go for HTC when the phone has poor IQ? or are you over exaggerating it?
Not over exaggerating anything, if BBC have reported HTC's poor customer service, how's that an exaggeration? It's hit the mainstream press a couple of years ago and it seems that nothing has changed. I'm just pointing things out, why remain ignorant about things?
At the risk of sounding arrogant I usually buy most flagship phones that come out and at this moment in time the HO is simply the best out there. No doubt in a couple of months time I'll have a different phone.
@Nexus HTC should've followed Samsung in that respect and we should've been given the option of changing the settings menu to black if we wanted to. I don't like white backgrounds.
The look of Touchwiz sucks and it's still looks like it's stuck in Gingerbread, Samsung really need to overhaul their UI and make it fresh like HTC have done over the past few years and developed it further.
I think future updates will make the S4 better, already the latest update for the HO has taken the phone to another level and when the next update arrives it will make it even better!
I can't see games being worse than phones? Surely not?! Unless they've been programmed really badly that it will take a major patch to fix things up!
If the issue comes up on this thread then we'll know for sure. It took a little while for the sd problem to trickle down to OCUK when there were already masses of people over at XDA that had reported the problem.
Let's hope that it isn't the case this time around.
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