***The Official HTC One Thread***

I don't think it would really have much, if any of an impact....as long as the voltage doesn't increase!

I think 1A is the standard for all phones from last year.....

Reason the charging is so slow as well is because HTC disabled qualcomms quick charge:


The HTC One definitely takes a while to charge. What’s interesting however is that the charge curve gets the One to 85–90 percent under the normal 3 or so hours, it’s that last ten percent that takes forever. I also have confirmed that Qualcomm’s Quick Charge is not being used on the HTC One, for whatever reason, possibly to maximize compatibility with the portable USB battery chargers that are now proliferating.

Supposedly this accessory charges the one much quicker too:


All in all, the battery should be more than fine in terms of not breaking/wearing out for the above reasons and:

- li poly, less chance of it ageing compared to li-lion (in theory)
- sealed in thus less likely to break compared to removable batteries since moisture, dust etc. can't get in as easily
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Got this email today:

'We are pleased to inform you that your order with www.affordablemobiles.co.uk has now been despatched from our Distribution Centre via our next day delivery service.'

Ordered the Black HTC One which I just think looks the business. Can't wait to finally try it out. £30 handset (£40 quidco cashback) and £26 per month for unlimited texts, unlimited internet and 500 mins on T-Mobile.

Any chance it will arrive tomorrow with it being Bank Hol?
Got this email today:

'We are pleased to inform you that your order with www.affordablemobiles.co.uk has now been despatched from our Distribution Centre via our next day delivery service.'

Ordered the Black HTC One which I just think looks the business. Can't wait to finally try it out. £30 handset (£40 quidco cashback) and £26 per month for unlimited texts, unlimited internet and 500 mins on T-Mobile.

Any chance it will arrive tomorrow with it being Bank Hol?

No, you'll probably get it on Wednesday.

The CM founder quite aptly described Touchwiz, I couldn't stand the look of it when I had the S3 and I had to theme it to Holo asap!

Yep the Note 3 will be more or less what you said, it's Samsung's way, they won't take the design backlash to heart until next year and that's probably when you will see a change.

I think that the websites aren't jumping on the build quality side of things because they're probably not sure if the "supposed" defects are actually defects. The gaps at the top and bottom are probably there as they're not part of the unibody design.

I was watching a drop test on youtube I think it was the pocketnow droptest, IP5 vs HO and when the HO was dropped the first thing that fell off was the bottom speaker which was glued on. It certainly isn't part of the unibody shell, hence why you're going to get gaps, sure some are going to be wider than others but they're always going to be there.

The camera lens cracking, mmmm I'm not to sure about that one to be honest, searching through all the other forums and Google, the only site that comes up with a result is over at XDA and I would take it with a pinch of salt.

I can't believe that publishers have taken to false advertising to sell their games, I didn't think such a thing would happen, but then again I'm probably being naive. Shame on the publishers of Aliens Colonial Marines game, serves them right if they used dirty tactics to sell their title!

I'm not using the HO much and the N4 is my daily driver, am seriously considering returning the HO and keeping the money or probably spending it on the Find 5 :eek:
Just messing around at home and in the garden and took some random shots with the HO




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Yup as I said many times, I personally don't consider those gaps at the top and/or bottom to be defects at all since they aren't anything to do with the "zero gap" main body, my one S has gaps around where the plastic parts are and a few other areas, it is more noticeable than what I have seen in the photos of the one and even more for most phones out there.

Instead of gluing them on, HTC probably should have had them "clip" on.

Yup, still not buying the one camera lens cracking (at least not the way people are saying that it just "happened" by itself), if it was weak/brittle then surely in all the drop tests, it should be cracking/breaking with ease??? Where as in a couple of drop tests, the GS 4 camera lens has cracked.

Unfortunately it seems to be a common thing these days for everything :( A bit like when it comes to the storage, advertised as 16GB, but you actually only have around 10GB which is usable......

A bit like my 2TB etc. drives too, only 1.81TB usable!!! :mad: :p

Still can't believe you aren't using the one much! The oppo 5 is looking like a superb phone, getting great support, not just officially but at XDA too, I am pretty tempted by it as well, underdog phone of the year!

Excellent macro shots there stoosh. What was the indoor lighting like? That and capturing fast movement/motion scenarios with ease i.e. no blurriness etc. plus low light/dark conditions are the three strongest points of the one's camera.


Nice photo there too, yellow is a bit over exposed, is that using the depth of field filter/effect??
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Does anyone know what this "OS Services" is?

I have a Download manager installed on my phone and it seems that is the main culprit for eating all my data. Today alone it has eaten through 27mb! & that's beyond a joke if you ask me. Especially when I'm only on a 1GB tariff. Anyone else having this issue
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@Nexus You're spot on, I have come around to your mindset the speakers aren't part of the uni body design, this was reinforced when I saw the drop test on Youtube.

As we've mentioned before, reading things over at XDA can be extremely bad for your health especially if you suffer from OCD! LOL :p

I didn't know that your HOS had some gaps here and there, yet you kept quiet about them, much respect to you! :)

Once again you're right, HTC should've clipped the speakers on that way they would've avoided the screen from being misaligned :o

Yes if the lens was weak or brittle then the first thing to go would be the lens itself, but those videoing the drop tests and people who have owned the HO since its release date haven't reported any such issue and it really does make me wonder :rolleyes:

That really is poor, why can't manufacturers advertise correctly how their product should be? It's not hard is it? :confused:

Like the S4 that only comes with around 9Gb free, I would be extremely annoyed, it's not the S4 16Gb, it's a S4 9Gb odd! :eek:

What makes me laugh is Samsung's response to everyone who is complaining...are they deliberately trying to put consumers off their products and annoy them? Yes the SD card will somewhat remedy the problem but you can't move apps to SD unless you root and use a custom ROM so it kind of defeats the purpose! :p

There's something about the N4 that keeps drawing me back to it, I don't know what it is. I've had every Nexus device released (not really a surprise eh? :p) and I've never enjoyed using any of them as much as I've had a blast using the N4. If only the camera was of decent quality, I wouldn't consider using anything else.

Yes the Find 5 is awesome phone, now that the black version has been released it's even more tempting and to get a high specced phone close for £390 ish, makes it even more tempting. I've been watching the thread over at XDA and the Oppo firmware thread with extreme interest :D

Thanks Mate, I'm quite happy with the results of the pictures, since the firmware update HTC have done really well refining the camera. It'll work for me, as I don't print massive photos anyway, hell I don't really take much photos as it is! :o

With regards to indoor pictures, it wasn't really dark in the room, the sun was setting, there's more light in the back of the house as opposed to the front (where the picture was taken), it wasn't dark enough to put the light on in the room. Still as you say the HO's strength is capturing pictures in low light, still can't believe how fast the camera is on the HO! :cool:
I got mine on Friday (coming from a Note 2) and I am loving it. It's nice to have something with a more sensible size again although I will miss certain aspects of the big beasty.

I have had one problem with my One in that I literally had the phone 5minutes (and I mean literally) and the beats logo on the back had already came off the back of it. Not a biggie but still a bit disappointing but I got it swapped around straight away.
Every one S has those gaps, although they probably vary! :p You notice them but it isn't something where you think "oh gosh, those are awful and shouldn't be visible" etc. as long as it doesn't feel loose then it is fine afaiac :p I also posted some photos further back in this thread where the GS 4 has quite a few uneven similar gaps around the body too but no one on XDA etc. seems to be bringing those up...... :p

haha yeah, couldn't help but feel that the response was a bit of, the annoying thing is (like HTC), they have other versions with more storage, however, the chances of us actually being able to buy them here let alone for a sensible price is slim to none. I can't say that only having around 10GB of storage is a problem for me, so it wouldn't really stop me from getting said phone. You just can't please everyone though, people cry for a SD slot and then they get a phone that has it but then cry about low internal storage :p :o How much storage do people need these days?! :confused: Unless people are installing those big games, then apps don't take much space up, I have had over 120 apps on my S at some point but still hadn't more than enough space left.

Same with me, there is just something about it that makes me want it badly :confused: If the camera was as good as the S overall, I would swap for one in a heartbeat (would miss sense and the camera stuff etc. but at least I could get 3rd party apps to help improve that area)

The black version looks soooooo much nicer than the white version :cool:


I think Brian Klug summed the one's camera up perfectly, for every day usage, the one is probably the best.
I certainly didn't notice the imperfections when I had my HOS! It just goes to show that you really have to look for these gaps, I'll have to go look for the photo that you posted earlier just to satisfy my curiosity :p

Well the less said about the S4 the better :p I'm surprised that no one over at XDA has brought up the imperfections though - they're pretty damn quick to pick up on any build quality issues.

It seems that Samsung have become arrogant and IMO they can get away with anything, but that kind of attitude will eventually come back to bite them in the bum and they will have to eat humble pie. I certainly hope that with the HO on the scene Samsung have already started tucking into that pie, as I'm positive that they thought that the S4 was another slam dunk in 2013.

My guess is that the 32Gb version will be a network exclusive, probably Vodafone as they've stocked 32Gb versions of the S3 and Note 2, the 64Gb version will probably get cancelled as time goes on.

I hate to imagine how much the bigger capacity versions of the S4 will cost considering the S4 16Gb is over £570! :eek:

That is extortionate...considering a 32Gb Iphone 5 costs £599 which is better built and is not plastic and is actually premium and to the consumer spending said £600 will feel right as opposed to paying £570 for a plastic phone which doesn't feel substantial enough. It doesn't sit right :confused:

Oh yes the black version of the Oppo Find 5 is most classy and looks awesome :D - even more tempting that it costs $569 for the 32Gb version which equates to £390 but then you have to factor in import tax which could be around £50 - totaling £450 for a high end Android phone which isn't bad at all. Think I might go for one of these in a couple of months after seeing what transpires at Google I/O.


The smount of features that HTC have crammed into the HO is mouth watering and yes for sure the Klugster definitely knows what he's talking about! :cool:
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To save you from going through all my posts in this thread :o, here you go!


In some recent videos/photos, it is even more noticeable i.e. uneven on MKHDB's GS 4 review

but just like the one, it is barely noticeable unless looking "for it"

The main reason everyone picked up about the gaps for the one is purely due to the zero gap term and thus word spread around the forums about the HTC one not having "zero gaps" and most people think that they have a faulty device then.

Indeed! Another area where Samsung are turning into apple! :p :o If they achieve their estimation for sales this year, you can expect them to put the price even further up! Saying that, all phones are a rip of, the nexus 4 is pretty much the price that we should be paying for a top end phone, iirc the iphone 5 only costs about £100-130 to make :eek: :o (and apple don't exactly use cheap parts either)

Considering the specs. etc of it (same screen as one, same camera sensor as the Z and GS 4, amazing loudspeaker performance etc.) and build/perceived quality that exceeds even the htc one, that is pretty damn good! TBH it is very tempting when I think about it :p

Indeed, can't wait for sense V5, really hope the S gets it next month, but chances are it won't be till July at the earliest :(

You should have a listen to the GS 4/anandtech podcast!

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Cheers Nexus - you saved me at least a hour of my time! :p:D

Looking at the pictures I didn't think they were that bad because Samsung hasn't advertised the S4 being a gapless device, but then you look at the last two pictures and it only then becomes apparent that the back cover doesn't sit flush with the device especially near the top and bottom of the device.

I don't remember my S3 suffering from the same problem and if it did it wasn't very noticeable.

As we've discussed before HTC made a mistake labelling the HO as a gapless device and it worked against them and people immediately came to a conclusion that the gap was manufacturing defect when it wasn't (including me), it's unfortunate. HTC should be more clear and state that the HO has a gapless back and not a gapless unibody which covers the whole phone.

Samsung have really taken the role of Apple really seriously, it's truly astounding but money talks and nothing will stop the Samsung money train from running away with it all. They will become very clear leaders of the mobile market, not to mention all the other products that they sell (which Apple doesn't) the revenue that they generate from these sales will make Samsung unstoppable and that's a scary thought. :eek:

That's where Google shook up the market to bring out such a decent phone for a very reasonable price was a brave move on their behalf. No wonder it sold like crazy when it first hit the Play Store but Google needs to sort out their way of selling hardware on the Play store because it is atrocious.

How many peeps here fell victim to the crazy, chaotic ordering process when trying to secure a N4? Literally everyone, and Google's method of shipping out orders had a random element to it and was not sent out when orders were made. That's where Google need to learn from Apple - and that includes Samsung.

As much as I don't like Apple as a company I admire them for their customer service protocols and how they deal with new releases. It's announced, made available on their web store almost immediately and shipped without delay when stock is made available.

Samsung cited world wide delays for the S4 - which annoyed many members here and on other forums, didn't they say they went with plastic because it's easy to manufacture and impervious to delays? - Doesn't make sense does it?

The Find 5 is the surprise hit of the year. I'd even put it before a S4 purchase, in fact I'm totally discounting the S4 now and if I have spare cash I'll probably go for the Find 5 instead. :cool:

So Sense 5 is definitely coming to the HOS? Wow! Well done to HTC to bring Sense 5 to its older devices. Well done HTC! :cool:

I'll have a listen to the podcast, I'm sure it's informative and will provide a chuckle or two! :D

Thanks Dude! :)
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Yup and also quite a bit of a gap around the camera lens area, you could fit a piece of paper in there! :eek: :p

Once the back part was fitted onto the GS 3, it was pretty flush but you could still see the normal gap :p



Again, it probably varies :p

Indeed, they were better of just leaving the gap-less/zero gap term out completely and just stick with uni-body.

Yup, they make a stupid amount of money, it is a shame that they throw sooooooooooooooooooooo much at the marketing area though, could be put to better uses........

haha, lets hope that if/when the X phone is sold on the play store, the whole process will be far better handled :o :p And if the price is stupidly low...... limit it to 2 devices per customer/order!!! :mad:

Yup, it is rather ironic isn't it? Although tbf to them, they are most likely shifting a HUGE amount world wide where as HTC have only sold 1 million in the first month or two??? If they did have the same metal body as the one, the delay would have been even worse, especially since Samsung don't have as much experience in this area as HTC.

Well that is what they "say" anyway, god knows if they will keep to it :p


Good news as well is that it is supposedly with android V4.2.2 base!

It most certainly is and it most certainly does provide a few good laughs! :D
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