I really can't decide between this and the S4. The One is certainly the better looking phone but it is important how easy it is to root the device and whether it will eventually be updated to Key Lime Pie.
After much thought over the past few weeks I have decided to keep my DNA and see what comes later.
Good general review there
I would also be more than happy with those photos!
Been having a look through XDA (not looked for quite a while) and quite a few people have the phone now and have posted their impressions, the battery life sounds insane!
Some camera samples (taken from review sites etc. combined in one post, some look utterly fantastic and others have the same blurry/soft effect):
Reading through impressions, it sounds/looks like there has been a lot of improvements in other areas:
Extremely tempting again.........Personally preferring this more to the GS 4 overall.
Ok, the One's camera is looking to be a serious bit of kit, contrary to some of the reviews. You can even reduce the sharpening filter in settings which removes a lot of the over processing. A lot of the rushed early reviews appear to have missed this.
Battery life looks to be better than the DNA
Reading more about the 3 dot menu button and apparently in the latest 1.28 firmware, there is no tweak, some are saying that it is down to google, not sure why on earth that would be?
Wonder how many will still go on about it not having more than 4MP and as a result being the reason for poor photos![]()
In some ways I am a bit disappointed that HTC couldn't have done what Samsung did with the gs 4 i.e. bring 5" screen whilst making the phone itself smaller but then the speaker part takes up a lot of the height on the one, but still, it would have been nice if they could have fitted a 5" screen whilst keeping the current size. Those gizmodo photos makes the phone look gorgeous (bar the stupid button/logo setup!)
Less bezel? Maybe but keep the drilled front speakers, that's the best part!
It's only the wonky buttons and logo that ruin the look (I would've kept the art deco/streamline moderne HOS curves too)
Shame HTC messed up again and rushed it out, quite a few of those review units are broken.
Can't deny it's a sexy looking thing though...
Battery life looks to be better than the DNA
Reading more about the 3 dot menu button and apparently in the latest 1.28 firmware, there is no tweak, some are saying that it is down to google, not sure why on earth that would be?
Wonder how many will still go on about it not having more than 4MP and as a result being the reason for poor photos![]()
In some ways I am a bit disappointed that HTC couldn't have done what Samsung did with the gs 4 i.e. bring 5" screen whilst making the phone itself smaller but then the speaker part takes up a lot of the height on the one, but still, it would have been nice if they could have fitted a 5" screen whilst keeping the current size. Those gizmodo photos makes the phone look gorgeous (bar the stupid button/logo setup!)
Edited pic (might need to refresh browser) with only two layers of drilled speaker holes, like the HOS.
The buttons are on screen and the browser has an option to go full screen, exit full screen with a gesture![]()