***The Official HTC One Thread***


Yet again nice find Nexus!

So in layman's terms the article states that HTC may have botched up the camera?!! :eek:
Ordered two of these on Orange this morning. They sent me an email saying it was now in stock, so I was straight on the phone. Despite their own website saying it was only for pre-order (for who knows when!).

Got a decent deal (TBF, I have been with them for 18 years!!!), and I have two coming tomorrow. As far as I know, this is the first of Orange's stock, so which batch it's from and if it's Orange branded I don't know.

As for the above cam review, it's pretty much how I thouht it would be. The thing is, I think HTC aren't daft, they know people love to take photo's and share them. So, they take a hit on outdoor pics (in MP for sure) and have increased the indoor (low light) performance. That review confirmed it TBH. Now, with people wanting to share everything these days, this makes sense! How often have you been on a night out in a dimly lit place (pub, foody place) and took a photo that ends up rubbish?

I just think they wanted to allow people to show what they are seeing. It's either great outdoors shots with terrible indoor shots, or a comprimise of outdoor, but better indoor.

Which, to me is fine. If I want brilliant pics, I'll take my Bridge. But when I don't have it, I can get good indoor shots as well as decent outdoor shots. At least it covers both bases to a good degree.

If I know I will want to print pictures from a night out or whatever, there's no way in hell I would be using a phone camera! I mean, the camera is probably the least used gadget on my phones! It's about being a phone firstly, with good internet abilities for the most part. I take the occasional shot on the cam... maybe some video...

I just don't get all the fuss people are making?
Fuss? Well 4mp is more than enough for super detailed, sharp pics with low noise. Especially with those large pixels.

For some reason it isn't.

I think the old lens has been designed for 8mp+ sensors and can't resolve these low numbers well enough, unlike the 808 Zeiss lens which is stunning at 3MP zoomed in, so no over sampling and normal 1.4um pixels.
HTC may have botched up the camera?!! :eek:

Yup as expected :D :p

Could still be a problem with the hardware side of things too, if they aren't being able to mass produce them easily/quickly and the other wee things like some photos were you have the right hand side being a blurry mess and the centre being the sharpest i.e. lens alignment issue etc.

Anandtech's mini review

What Brian supposedly thinks of the one camera hardware......

I remember talking to Brian after he first learned about what HTC decided to do with the One’s camera system. I believe he said something like “this is exactly what they should be building”. In the three years I’ve worked with Brian I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say that about any smartphone OEM’s decision with any component/subsystem.

And this guy knows this sort of stuff better than anyone (has done all the main smartphones reviews as well):


So if he is expecting good things as well then surely this just proves even further that HTC must have messed up something regarding software or/and QC issues???

[SKR]Phoenix;23983745 said:
I just don't get all the fuss people are making?

I mostly agree, however, camera is one of the most important factors for me for these reasons:

- proper camera equipment is a pretty expensive hobby
- rather not have to carry a proper camera around

So naturally I would want the best quality as possible for a smartphone camera.

However, as you have said, whilst it appears that the bright conditions/outdoor shots haven't got as much detail/sharpness (although this isn't anything to do with hardware/lack of MP, yes there will be finer detail on the higher MP cameras but not as much difference as what we are seeing in some shots, just have to wait till the issues are sorted but I don't think that we are going to see a "huge" difference once they are sorted), they make up for it with low lit/night conditions as well as other things like:

- editing effects/zoe
- superb audio recording
- great camera UI and the way it works is implemented nicely
- smooth video recording
- faster focus/zero shutter lag


Essentially the only weak areas will be when:

- you zoom/crop due to lack of MP
- print a photo out on a large piece of paper
- have a monitor with a res. greater than 2688x1520 so in other words a 30"+ monitor or some fancy apple display/product
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Just like [SKR]Phoenix I had an email from Orange yesterday and phoned them up and put my order in, should have before 31st of March. I'm upgrading from a HTC Desire, still a good phone but I want something bigger and faster.
Yup as expected :D :p

Could still be a problem with the hardware side of things too, if they aren't being able to mass produce them easily/quickly and the other wee things like some photos were you have the right hand side being a blurry mess and the centre being the sharpest i.e. lens alignment issue etc.

Oh great! Think I'll probably cancel my exchange then and ask for a refund. Another phone bites the dust and the list is getting smaller. I really don't want to buy a S4 but I'm getting pushed in that direction. Why HTC did you have to mess things up??? :eek:
Fuss? Well 4mp is more than enough for super detailed, sharp pics with low noise. Especially with those large pixels.

For some reason it isn't.

I think the old lens has been designed for 8mp+ sensors and can't resolve these low numbers well enough, unlike the 808 Zeiss lens which is stunning at 3MP zoomed in, so no over sampling and normal 1.4um pixels.

Camera is fine.

Oh great! Think I'll probably cancel my exchange then and ask for a refund. Another phone bites the dust and the list is getting smaller. I really don't want to buy a S4 but I'm getting pushed in that direction. Why HTC did you have to mess things up??? :eek:

Nexus is guessing..... The camera is fine. The S4 sensor kicks out some poor shots under certain conditions. Do you only take pictures of bright sunny days?
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I wouldn't let that put you of, I 'think' there could be a hardware issue given the circumstances but that might not be right at all, it could just be a software problem and if that is the case then it is easy to fix, will be the exact same situation as the lumia 920 then and now look at it, regarded as the best camera phone ;)

If the camera isn't 'that' important to you anyway, I certainly wouldn't let it put you of what is a superb phone in pretty much every other area and besides it's not like the camera is a complete disaster in the first place anyway :p It certainly has the potential to be a lot better though as we have seen from a few photos/comparisons!
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I think people get obsessed over cameras in all honesty how much do they get used once the novelty of a new phone has wore off, I had the lumia 920 and once I got bored of the camera the short fallings of the phone came through ie WP8.

Same happened when I got the optimus 3d once the 3d side faze had gone I realised it was a crap phone. If you are really that much into taking photos you would have a proper camera,.

Phone cams are really just for quick snaps here and there or video, I bet I only got 10 pics on my DNA , never use the camera now and it would be the same on the One.
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HTC will probably tweak it slow the shutter down a fraction and it will sort the the small bits of noise its picking up under a few certain lighting conditions.

With the big pixels they've probably gone a bit too aggressive on shutter speed thats all.
I personally don't see what is wrong if people want as good of a camera as possible, as I stated above, I personally rather use a phone camera due to those reasons and plus you always have your phone with you unlike a proper camera + equipment and when phone cameras can produce pretty damn good photos, I don't see the need to go out and spend £400+ on just a camera


In total I have nearly 2000 videos/photos just from my one S in under 1 year of ownership.

I would never buy a phone for just the one good feature though, it has to be good in the majority of areas, especially the OS, as good as the lumia 920 is overall on the hardware side of things, windows 8 is not my cup of tea so it would always be a no go even if the camera was as good as a DSLR :p

Once htc fixes the ISO problem & other software related problems as well as any hardware issues (if there are any........), people will quickly change their opinion on the camera :p

There was a site that updated their review saying they received another htc one and it produced much better photos than their previous model, trying to find link again.


not a "great" site but either way, clearly there is something wrong, unfortunately most likely to do with the hardware side of things though :( (assuming both were running the same software.......)


We received our new model this weekend and put it through the same tests as last week. The results are undeniably better and the HTC One compares better to the competition than we initially believed. If you look at the photos in the Face-Off, the images are sharper, the white balance is more neutral and the pictures are generally brighter and better-looking than the ones we took last week. That said, it's still 4 Mpx, so any photos taken on the HTC One still lack detail compared to its biggest competitors, and always will.
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It went together, it'll come apart!

yeah by sending it back to htc for repair/replacement or getting a new phone :) if you something inside.. like i seem to do with my micro usb port on my s2.. thank god it has philips screws and its easy to disassemble :o
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