***The Official HTC One Thread***

Hmm, can't say that I have read about that issue on xda yet...

Hopefully the next one won't have any problems!

Yeah but there's a thread on all sorts of other manufacturing issues, reading it makes me so paranoid. So not fun :eek:

It doesn't put me in a positive mood for the replacement either.

One member on there stated that he spoke to a P4U staff member in a store who "claims" that HTC will issue a recall for all the HTC Ones that have been sold via P4U as they're apparently defective, surprisingly enough he didn't expand on why the devices were defective. Sounds like scaremongering and pure bull to me.
Hmm hard to say what is going on, I think that since HTC are no longer considered as a "top class" company and having problems getting stock on the parts they need as well as trying to beat the GS 4 before it hits the shelves it could be very possible that there might be problems.

Who knows, can never trust what network/phone shops say :rolleyes: Let alone what some internet stranger says especially when it is posted on xda :p

At the end of the day though, there will always be some problem with brand new devices and unfortunately that is the price you have to pay if you want to be an early adopter :( Shame that companies can't just get something "right" first time round.
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^So true....always happens to mobile phones though eh? I've never bought a TV or home appliance when it comes out (touch wood) only for it to develop a fault of some kind.
^So true....always happens to mobile phones though eh? I've never bought a TV or home appliance when it comes out (touch wood) only for it to develop a fault of some kind.

I have, it was a Pixel Plus TV from Philips. Nasty thing. Kept throwing up a black box in the middle of the screen. I ended up having 3 before I got one that worked correctly. :mad:
Potentially looking to pick one of these up in the next few days. Can anyone tell me if it has induction charging abilities?

Also how frustrating is it to google and be shown millions of results for the one X or one V instead.
It's the fight for first release that's dragging HTC down.

If they'd just waited until June or July and added a little bit more... something. Special sauce, slightly faster chip etc. Would they then not be in a better position to 'disrupt' the SG4? I think they would, and because of the inherent differentiaton in the design the 'little something extra' to what the current One has, wouldn't need to be that substantial.

I guess they have their reasons but I really think given HTC's market position and the types of tricks they're using to try and turn the ship around, premium build, innovative camera etc. Some, if not all of which require greater software optimisation than they've currently had time to refine; then it seems like actually waiting for a few months might have been a good idea.

Some of you might well opine that this would lead the hypothetical 'One+' that I'm suggesting to clash with the iPhone 5s - I actually think that again would work in HTC's favor, as all the tech press would be falling over themselves to compare the 'One+' (at that point the latest and greatest android competitor) to the new iPhone, as it would be the new flagship and premium build Android flag bearer, and, since we know that these days not many people are changing OS so it probably wouldn't matter that much.

Basically I just think HTC could have made a more refined product and put it in a much better launch window for success rather than coming up with the One just before the S4, which even I as someone who wanted the One from the get go wanted to at least see before pulling the trigger.

Potentially looking to pick one of these up in the next few days. Can anyone tell me if it has induction charging abilities?

It doesn't unfortunately.
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^So true....always happens to mobile phones though eh? I've never bought a TV or home appliance when it comes out (touch wood) only for it to develop a fault of some kind.

Unfortunately so :(

Although I was quite an early adopter of the one S and didn't have any problems and still don't so you can be lucky! :D

The first batches of new displays can be pretty damn bad! Always wait for a good month or two before buying one.

Also how frustrating is it to google and be shown millions of results for the one X or one V instead.

haha as soon as we found out that was the name, I knew that would be a problem straight away :D :o


Yup I agree with most of that, although not about using a faster chip, sense V5 is already very well optimised "overall" (whether that is the problem of the camera is yet to be discovered), all they needed to do was:

- bigger battery
- ensure they had plenty of stock and that it was ready to buy within a week or so of announcing
- SD slot or have the 64GB available to buy here
- less bezel/more screen and less speaker area height
- sort the camera issues out be it software and/or hardware
- market a **** load more, build the hype up
- wait for the gs 4 to be announced and then after a few days when all the articles had been written up for the gs 4 announce their phone and steal the lime-light away from Samsung/GS 4
- sort the button/logo arrangement out (although I don't think the majority of average joes would care about this too much)
- better name
- sell for no more than £450 sim free and no more than £30 a month on a 18/24 month contract with no up front cost (for a good deal)

As it stands currently, the htc one is doing very well in the reviews overall so far, the only "main" complaint is the camera and that could very well improve with either a software update or/and fixed hardware/new batches.
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Unfortunately so :(


Yup I agree with most of that, although not about using a faster chip, all they needed to do was:

- bigger battery
- ensure they had plenty of stock and that it was ready to buy within a week or so of announcing
- SD slot or have the 64GB available to buy here
- less bezel/more screen and less speaker area height
- sort the camera issues out be it software and/or hardware
- market a **** load more, build the hype up
- wait for the gs 4 to be announced and then after a few days when all the articles had been written up for the gs 4 announce their phone and steal the lime-light away from Samsung/GS 4
- sort the button/logo arrangement out (although I don't think the majority of average joes would care about this too much)
- better name

Yeah, faster chip was the first thing that came to mind... must stem from the subconsciousness of the forum we're all using! I agree though - not required.

- Battery - yes, always.
- Stock - we can dream! :D
- Memory yes, I'm not a hound for expandable storage these days though, I never bother to change or even look at the SD card in my SGII but I get it's a thing for some people. As many, MANY people have pointed out; 64gb really isn't that hard or expensive to do so that alone as an option at a sensible price would have been a HUGE boon over the S4 and Apple.
- Bezel, size etc. I literally can't fault the look of this thing. It was love at first sight, the bezel size doesn't make a lick of difference to me - in fact less bezel could mean more accidental inputs.
- Yeah, better QC all round, especially on the element you're mostly marketing (camera!)
- Indeed any time for the announcement save a month before your overwhelmingly hyped and popular competition!!
- Button=logo=easy win
- It's a decent name but they should have differentiated it from last years model. They've innovated just about everywhere else but the name is an almost regressive step. Especially in the age of search and page ranking.
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Yeah but there's a thread on all sorts of other manufacturing issues, reading it makes me so paranoid. So not fun :eek:

It doesn't put me in a positive mood for the replacement either.

One member on there stated that he spoke to a P4U staff member in a store who "claims" that HTC will issue a recall for all the HTC Ones that have been sold via P4U as they're apparently defective, surprisingly enough he didn't expand on why the devices were defective. Sounds like scaremongering and pure bull to me.

A sales rep filling a customer full of bull so he can sell a phone? Never!

Mine is very good so far.

The default browser is the best I have used by a long shot. Flash that works, desktop user agent, very smooth and pie controls.

Battery is night and day compared to my Nexus 4.
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Besides they don't have much choice anyway as iirc the snapdragon 800 isn't ready yet and plus iirc it will only be for tablets (at least for the time being) and if they increase the clock speed then that means more battery consumption as well as generating more heat.

Likewise, even 16GB internal storage is enough for me :D but as you said there they need to cater for the people that do want it especially when on the likes of XDA, the storage department seems to be the main deal breaker for the majority of people :(

I don't really mean the side bezel, more the top part and speaker grill area i.e.

I made the side bezel a bit thinner there though :p (the capacitive buttons would go where the on screen buttons are)

Yup and not just for the sake of this device with regards to sales/popularity but for their future devices i.e. they will probably name next years flagship something completely different and the average joes wouldn't have a clue that it was the successor to the "one" :o :p
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A sales rep filling a customer full of bull so he can sell a phone? Never!

Mine is very good so far.

The default browser is the best I have used by a long shot. Flash that works, desktop user agent, very smooth and pie controls.

Battery is night and day compared to my Nexus 4.

You're lucky that your phone is working well. From the very limited time that I had the phone the browser was exceptional, something that HTC have done well and not used Chrome as default.
Just pre-ordered mine from P4U as well, the website states that they should be able to deliver on the 2nd April but various members from the HTC One Black thread over on XDA have confirmed that they have taken delivery of there's from P4U already so hopefully I will get mine before the 2nd :)

I ordered mine from dialaphone (iinm, owned by P4U) and was initially told delivery on the 2nd April but I've just checked my order status and it says it's been dispatched and should be with me tomorrow :D
I'm happy to report that Bluetooth performance is perfect too.... This phone has REALLY impressed me. By contrast I spent my first few days with the S3 feeling more and more disappointed.

What is the outcome?

Are average values ​​at low ISO speeds, with low ISO settings for daylight available. Interestingly, changing the measurement results and thus the image quality at high ISO settings, which are not used in low light. The Ultra-pixel camera that is as good a night as photos in the sunshine? That would be fantastic!

Unfortunately, not quite. Instead, a bug in the camera is responsible for the results. Who the ISO speed manually adjusts up here, forcing the camera app does not - as it would be for all other smart phones and digital cameras - to precisely use this sensitivity. Instead, the user shall indicate here the maximum allowed ISO sensitivity is allowed to use the clippers. Who snaps here at ISO 800 receives, in good light so still images shot at ISO 100. Funnily enough, the Camera app to write to the EXIF ​​data of JPEG photos now not be using the sensitivity, but the maximum allowable ISO value. If you shoot at the same brightness with different ISO settings recognizes that easy: The exposure time is the same no matter what the sensitivity is set.

It's just obviously been noticed anyone. HTC says that we are together with our colleagues at heise photo world the only ones who have noticed this error. And unfortunately, this error makes sure that all previous laboratory measurements and systematic testing is flawed because it is not known by what ISO speeds, the one camera has really photographed. But which in turn is essential for the very same evaluation tests.

Accidental drop test :( Starting to think black might be the way to go, black sharpie worked wonders with my damaged black 1s :D :p


good wee tip taken from xda for when searching on ebay, amazon etc. for accessories:

Search for this instead

"HTC One" -x -s -xl -v -x+ -xv -sv
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