***The Official HTC One Thread***

Reading people's thoughts over on XDA and other forums plus the comments regarding the gsmarena article and quite a few people also think that gsmarena were rather bias towards the GS 4.

One guy posted something along the same lines as what I did earlier:

I think the GSMArena takes manipulation of the mind to the level an art (like others do too), the way they twist some characterstics to seem like advantages and then go completely the other way around when it comes to others. Even when they give high praise to a phone's characteristic they can make it so that you feel like the other one is even better. It is an art which is played mostly at an subconscious level.
In the end it's not a conspiracy, it is problably just a need for good web traffic=money and they can make it so by praising the dominant company. There are probably dozens of millions of Samsung users and it is better to make them think and be at ease with the Samsung product they have chosen, being gratified with the fact that they are on the best side - its just a mind calming factor + gets your site lots of mouse clicks.
S4 is a beast but for me the qualities i seek in a phone put the HTC One on top and the S4 problably not even second.

and then funnily enough, you go to the galaxy S3 and have a look at all the articles there are for it and then compare to every other phone :p :o

IMO they really have gone downhill in the last year or two, their reviews are still very good and give you a great idea as to what the phone will be like overall but in terms of quality for the written part, it is pretty poor when compared to the likes of anandtech etc.
I was rather taken aback by the GSMarena article as well as they seem to have taken a pro Samsung stance quite recently. I'd take their reviews with a pinch of salt now, the shocking thing about the S4 vs HO article was that they didn't take pictures in all conditions which is a little strange as they would normally be on the ball with these sort of things.
He quite clearly prefers the One so is himself biased :p. To me it looks like he's complaining just because they didn't rate the One as much as he himself does. Reviews are always going to be the opinion of the person writing them, that's why you need strip all that out and focus on aspects of the review that are relevant to you and then make your own decision.

For me they're both great phones and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference because spec wise they are equal; in my opinion anyway :p
For me they're both great phones and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference because spec wise they are equal; in my opinion anyway :p

Yes whatever phone you end up getting you can't really go wrong. It all comes down to taste, design and preference.
Confusion rest of the world, yanks feeling 2nd best because of s600, I bet more so now exynos benches are creeping out and looking amazing.

Ahhh I understand now. Yes it is a gaff but it's at least not as serious as an actual device flaw.

Someone in the S4 thread mentioned temperatures and how the architecture is aimed more at tablets. So this makes me wonder if it could sustain the performance shown by those benchmarks without melting :p

I also wonder why they didn't add full LTE support to Exynos because afaik that's also one of the reasons for having to use the Snapdragon in certain areas.
Indeed stoosh, they have dropped the ball big time now and have lost my internet respect :p

I bet if the GS 4 had some problem with the camera or another area, they would be quick to say "however, this is a prototype unit with early software, therefore the results could improve with the final retail version"

BTW Brian Klugs (Senior Smartphone Editor for @AnandTech and photographer) thoughts so far:

GS 4 or one?


HTC One has better camera and build quality, SGS4 is slightly faster and has removable battery / SD card, so it depends

Regarding camera:


So you can force the HTC One to go just as long, and then there’s no noise, which is amazing

Night mode, manual ISO is broken at present sadly




About the phone itself:


Amazing phone - amazing build quality, camera, and Sense 5 isn’t too intrusive. I want one for AT&T LTE for me to use!

Regarding the supply issue:


supplier downgrade story was bunk, the delay is entirely because the camera module is HTC’s own unique part and needs 2 ramp

About HTC's bold move regarding camera etc.


Exactly, it is a bold risk-taking piece of hardware, and it’s awesome

I think he is nearly done with his review so it will be interesting to see how it does (he has written all the big phone reviews i.e. one S/X, GS 3 etc. and isn't bias at all, he does appreciate a good design and premium materials though)


Whilst I would agree generally if it was only him saying that/a small number of people I would just put it down to him being bias towards the one, but unfortunately, it is a large number of people who think the same and I personally agree with him, gsmarena just never seem "enthusiastic" about anything that isn't Samsung related imo

Also, he doesn't seem to be bothered about the GS 4 winning overall, just the way that gsmarena write about the advantages/disadvantages, which is where I agree with him. I think they got it pretty spot on regarding what wins what, apart from a few areas i.e. the speaker/audio (either they had a faulty one or they really are bias to the gS4 :p as every other review has ranted and raved about how good the one front speakers are), software overall (not saying that either one is better as it comes down to preference but they don't take into account everything and seem to over look areas where sense is better)
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Need to follow that guy on twitter. All this conflicting camera conclusions drives me insane though…

That's fair enough but I still think people need to be wary about jumping on the "that review doesn't say what I want so I hate them" band wagon :p
@Nexus Well thank god for the likes of Brian Klug and Anandtec. Really interesting points of view from Klug, wets my appetite for the HO even further.

Where on earth do you find all these nuggets of info? ;):D

I'll be awaiting Anandtec's review very eagerly :)

Yeah he is superb, reviews are great and certainly knows his stuff especially when it comes to photography/cameras:


Likewise, such a shame about the camera as it does seem to be very good (if it is a good unit) but unfortunately something is messed up and has hurt the "one's" image big time now :( Especially since the camera is one of the main marketing/advertising points, if not, the main point.


I stalk the guy's twitter account ;) :eek: :p :o

Nah, someone made reference to his photos on his twitter account so headed over to see them and came across those tweets.

He also made some recent comments on the 1S ;)

Klug is a funny clued up guy - really like listening to him on Anandtech podcasts.

I love Ananadtech podcasts in general - such quality.

I stalk the guy's twitter account ;) :eek: :p :o

Nah, someone made reference to his photos on his twitter account so headed over to see them and came across those tweets.

He also made some recent comments on the 1S ;)


LOL! Stalking's not very healthy! :eek: :p having said that I've followed him as well now :D

I'm impressed with his comments on the HOS they are spot on. It's a good phone marketed as a "Mid range device" which IMO HTC made a mistake as in many ways it was better than the HOX.

HTC won't be making the same mistake again with the HO, they're already very proactive in terms of marketing and hype and deserve a hit with this device.
. Yes it is a gaff but it's at least not as serious as an actual device flaw..

That actually made me laugh:D

Did you look at the review and bench marks for the i9500 I posted in that thread earlier they got 20 hours on and 4 hours 20 full brightness screen time, very impressive.
That actually made me laugh:D

Did you look at the review and bench marks for the i9500 I posted in that thread earlier they got 20 hours on and 4 hours 20 full brightness screen time, very impressive.

Why? The Snapdragon is more than respectable in terms of performance and battery life. I can't read Russian so I've got no idea what they're saying :p

End of the day the Snapdragon isn't faulty so no it isn't what I'd describe as a device flaw.

Is it a PR gaff? Absolutely, but it won't stop you using the device and all its functionality.

What is the battery life like? is it twice as better then a One X?

i have a One X that only lasts half a day(syncing constant emails from 3 email accounts) answering and making probably an hours worth of phone calls with wifi and 3g on all the time...
Very impressive especially going by the user opinions, people getting 1-3 days with 5-6 hours on screen time (auto brightness generally), some are even reporting 7 hours on screen time. Definitely better than the one s and most definitely better than the X etc.

And according to gsmarena's test:

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