***The Official HTC One Thread***

Fact..refer back to XDA and you will see that from the 15th March up until only recently only P4U had stock and stuck to the original release date.

Who gives a monkeys where people are getting their phone from?

You really need to chill out and get off your high horse.

And for your info its EE NOT Orange...so get your facts straight!!!

When EE get their act together, I will stop saying I am with Orange... However, my bill says Orange, I connect to the Orange network, my micro sim card is Orange branded, My PAC code when I requested it started with ORG.... (not related to this BTW). Oh and they had two Orange shops in town, one changed to an EE shop, and within a couple of months it closed down, leaving only the Orange shop, who can set you up on an EE contract for 4G. I'm sorry, but this EE rubbish is a con, it's a way of getting you to go for 4G and that's it!
Orange and T-Mobile are being phased out... this is pretty much a fact. It's not just about 4G. :p

Soon they'll be gone and we'll be left with EE.
Oh well when Three UK introduce their 4G service this Summer I and many others will be enjoying a service without being held to ransom with ridiculously high monthly charges AND unlimited data :D (What's more is that I didn't even look or ask to go on a 4G tariff) :D

EE who? :p
This is annoying, as of this morning the messaging app no longer shows pictures for any of my contacts. The people app however, shows them fine.
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Thanks :). JB isn't too far off for my 'Sony's unwanted child' :p:o Xperia S which can breathe some new life for a couple more months. Though if I do that, more news might start to leak about the X phone.......:p

Just think what it would be like to get stuck for another 2 odd years with another inadequate phone at give or take £500, less haste more research and you get the right phone for you for 2 years, rather than being in the grumbling thread lying and justifying ones choices.

I can't see myself buying till June because all of the existing or soon to come releases have merits and flaws or in the case of the S4 and Sammies brilliant er communications skill, imponderables.

In short this year is not the one to get caught up in the hype.
I think the conclusion is spot on.

You're going to pick one or the other based on your personality type and divergent priorities rather than one or the other clearly 'winning'. Of course I'm talking about an un-marketing driven objective(ish) decision making process.
I think the conclusion is spot on.

You're going to pick one or the other based on your personality type and divergent priorities rather than one or the other clearly 'winning'. Of course I'm talking about an un-marketing driven objective(ish) decision making process.

Agreed tho don't be blaming it all on marketing, it denigrates your fellow citizens, it's brand loyalty and expectation that will cause the sales imbalance if the One is as good as we hope next year the Two will have that kind of loyalty and expectation to ride on, success breeds success, till the execs screw it all up.
That is a terribly written article.

I wouldn't say it was terribly written, but it isn't gsmarena's best (saying that, they have gone down hill in the last year or two really, if their reviews weren't as in depth, I wouldn't be bothering with them any more), I think they got most things pretty spot on, however, as said in the other thread:

I wouldn't put higher clock speed down as an advantage (since there is likely to be very little, if any difference between the two in real world usage) and multi-window view would surely go under exclusive software features....

Personally disagree with them on a few things, main thing being the software, I wouldn't say that touchwiz was any closer, if at all to stock android compared to sense V5, would say that was the case with the last touchwiz and sense V4+ but not now. Also, am I the only one that seems to like how the software looks/feels and like having a unified feel throughout? Hardly any sites seem to cover this when reviewing software, only phonearena have.

They also mention that launchers etc. are easy to change, yet don't seem to realise that you can get apps for toggles in the notification bar as well as other apps that can achieve what some of Samsung's "exclusive" features do, same goes for sense, although less so.

Pretty sure gsmarena have a faulty htc one though regarding the speakers as every other review comparing the one and gs 4 have said that the one is much louder and better depth levels etc.

I just always get the feeling that they seem to nit pick with htc phones etc. and never seem "excited" about anything other than Samsung phones i.e. any negatives with Samsung phones they always seem to not write about as badly as a negative point for a sony, htc phone, essentially almost like they are over looking it.
is the black One likely to chip round the edges like the iPhone5?
Think i'm pretty much set on getting the One.
i just need to decide on colour. and having seen black iPhones that look like they are trying really hard to become silver, i'm thinking the silver One would be the better option.
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