All the Scottish getting high ol'mighty on SNP
Funny how they said no to independence, they would have been stuffed with money if they did, thats all they are still here for, didnt have the balls and knew they would be in trouble if they did
(No offence to Scottish people)
No offence? That's pretty offensive to be fair. It's not ALL about money, some of us have pride in our history as part of the UK too. It's not always a lack of balls.
Thank heavens that Salmond won't be in our face anymore.
Yes he will. You'll see him every week in PM's questions now they have 2 questions...
He'll just be Sturgeon's puppet. Just watch out for the strings moving his lips.
I think it'll be the other way round. Sturgeon will be Salmonds puppet.
Fair play to the SNP though. They mobilised a huge amount of people into politics on the promise of more. Unfounded claims that we would be richer, made many of the poorer classes get some political motivation.
This caused the higher turnout in the GE. Look at Danny Alexanders seat. He had a similar number of votes as he had in 2010, yet wasn't really even close this time round. I would hazard a guess that a large majority of these extra voters are first time voters. And they have mostly voted SNP.
I actually (probably foolishly) believe them (SNP) when they say they are not looking for another referendum in this parliament. That's not to say they wouldn't push for one following a vote to leave the EU or something.
Whilst I am absolutely against further economic power devolved to Hollyrood, part of me would like to see it happen, temporarily at least, to show the SNP up for being the muppets that they actually are.
All I can say is THANK YOU ENGLAND. You have done the right thing. I can't think of anything scarier than that muppet Milliband propped up by Sturgeon, in charge of the UK.