Poll: The official I voted/election results thread

Who did you vote for?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 518 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • Labour

    Votes: 241 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 99 7.5%
  • Didn't vote / spoiled ballot

    Votes: 136 10.4%
  • Other party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 67 5.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 158 12.0%

  • Total voters
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Where I live now is a deprived areas bizarrely enough the majority of cars on the street over night disappear during the daytime and the bus stop across the road looks really busy at 8-9pm

I think they all go to work probably 0 hour contracts with no job security and crap pay

Pretty much everything you post is like this - made up hyperbole. How can you POSSIBLY know that everyone in your area is 'probably' on a zero hour contract? It's just rubbish, made up to suit whatever ridiculous point you've got this week.

I know this might seem like an extreme measure but have you ever considered educating yourself in the subjects you so passionately spout off about?

9 Jun 2011
the reasons why the nhs is not safe now

Mr Hunt, who took over as Health Secretary when Mr Lansley was sacked in September 2012, received more than £20,000 from hedge fund baron Andrew Law, a major investor in health care firms.
Mr Lansleythe chief architect of the Coalition’s NHS reforms, accepted a £21,000 donation in November 2009 from John Nash, the former chairman of Care UK.
William Hague, who accepted £20,000 from MMC Ventures, the part-owner of The Practice plc which runs 60 GP surgeries.
Sajid Javid received £11,000 from Moundsley Healthcare Ltd
david cameron handing a life peerage to nursing and care home tycoon Dolar Popat, who has given the Tories more than £200,000 in donations.
Duncan Smith has share options in hygiene tech firm Byotrol, which sells products to the NHS.
Philip Hammond is named because his former firm Castlemead is a health care and nursing home developer.
Mr Clegg received a £5,000 donation to his constituency office from Alpha Medical Consultancy.
Vince Cable was given £2,000 by Chartwell Care Services, which is owned by Chartwell Health & Care plc.
George Osborne, Chancellor: Received donation through Conservative Campaign HQ from Julian Schild whose family made £184m in 2006 by selling hospital bed-makers Huntleigh Technology
Michael Fallon, Defence Secretary: Former director of Attendo AB, a Swedish private health company
Philip Hammond, Foreign Secretary: Beneficiary of a trust which owns controlling interest in nursing home developer Castlemead Ltd
David Davis, former Shadow Home Secretary: Received £4,250 for a speaking engagement for health insurance company Aviva
Liam Fox, former Defence Secretary: Received £5,000 from iIPGL Ltd, which purchased health care company Cyprotex
John Redwood, former Cabinet Minister: Advised the private equity company which runs Pharmacy2u

this is bit of an list of some of 71 of them who got their hands in the pockets of the nhs you can imagine what they get by selling the nhs to the private sector
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23 Dec 2008
Generally its known for being a "sport" for the middle-upper and predominantly upper classes of society. Anyway that was not the point. The point is obvious. Cameron is a complete and utter ****.

It may not have been the point but you ruined it by saying an incorrect statement in such an over the top way based on an out of date stereotype. It's wrong to generalise hunting as being middle upper and 'looney murderous rich'. I've been riding for over 10 years and met all types of people who go hunting, working class, upper, middle.

As for calling David Cameron names for considering allowing the vote, he's a party leader representing his party, not a dictator. If the MPs who represent the electorate want a vote on the issue I guess he could object but has to listen. At the end of the day if the vote does come up, people have to make their voices heard, and I shall as I did last time the vote came up.

Btw I'm vegetarian, very anti hunting and think anyone who takes enjoyment from the death or suffering of another life is very wrong, oh and definitely not middle class.
17 Oct 2011
Inch is why reducing military spending and adjusting foreign policy accordingly, stand thing the EU ties etc is going to be extremely benefits. Wars are expensive in money and lives, most innocent civilian lives. We should do are best to prevent them occurring.

Wrong. We need to increase military spending and the size of the military in general. I would particularly like to see the RN Surface Fleet increased in size, as well as general Army numbers. A strong, effective and well equipped military deters aggression.

I agree that Foreign Policy has an important part to play though.
17 Oct 2011
It may not have been the point but you ruined it by saying an incorrect statement in such an over the top way based on an out of date stereotype. It's wrong to generalise hunting as being middle upper and 'looney murderous rich'. I've been riding for over 10 years and met all types of people who go hunting, working class, upper, middle.

As for calling David Cameron names for considering allowing the vote, he's a party leader representing his party, not a dictator. If the MPs who represent the electorate want a vote on the issue I guess he could object but has to listen. At the end of the day if the vote does come up, people have to make their voices heard, and I shall as I did last time the vote came up.

Btw I'm vegetarian, very anti hunting and think anyone who takes enjoyment from the death or suffering of another life is very wrong, oh and definitely not middle class.

I don't eat meat, but I have no issue with foxes being hunted. There's more to worry about in life. Humans can't even treat each other properly for goodness sake.
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19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
My mates a farmer. He has lots of other mates who partake in pheasant shooting. They are all certainly not middle upper class. This may not be represantive of the majority of hunters nut just saying.

Also, on the enjoyment thing. Maybe it could be argued that it is wrong to enjoy killing. However, in many instances it is necessary for population control.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
The stupid think with fox hunting is it was 100% a vote on pooing on what people think are toffe. Although most aren't in the slightest.
How do we now that the report looked at several killing methods and several were just as bad if not worse for the fox than hound hunting. And they are still perfectly legal and how, any protests have we seen to ban them?

This is what I hate about politics, once you decide on what's a reasonable humane level, then ban anything which falls bellow that standard. Regardless if it's farming, hunting, research etc.
This is why it should be ran far mire by experts and scientific research with public/mps drawing the line and implementing what the experts say.
18 Aug 2005
I'll oppose fox hunting when foxes start killing humanely.

Careful now, we don't want to upset the bunny and fox huggers ;)

What's your stance on the Badger cull? As a farmer, my Tory vote was mainly based on their continuation of the badger cull to try and rectify the cattle TB situation.
31 May 2009
the reasons why the nhs is not safe now

Mr Hunt, who took over as Health Secretary when Mr Lansley was sacked in September 2012, received more than £20,000 from hedge fund baron Andrew Law, a major investor in health care firms.
Mr Lansleythe chief architect of the Coalition’s NHS reforms, accepted a £21,000 donation in November 2009 from John Nash, the former chairman of Care UK.
William Hague, who accepted £20,000 from MMC Ventures, the part-owner of The Practice plc which runs 60 GP surgeries.
Sajid Javid received £11,000 from Moundsley Healthcare Ltd
david cameron handing a life peerage to nursing and care home tycoon Dolar Popat, who has given the Tories more than £200,000 in donations.
Duncan Smith has share options in hygiene tech firm Byotrol, which sells products to the NHS.
Philip Hammond is named because his former firm Castlemead is a health care and nursing home developer.
Mr Clegg received a £5,000 donation to his constituency office from Alpha Medical Consultancy.
Vince Cable was given £2,000 by Chartwell Care Services, which is owned by Chartwell Health & Care plc.
George Osborne, Chancellor: Received donation through Conservative Campaign HQ from Julian Schild whose family made £184m in 2006 by selling hospital bed-makers Huntleigh Technology
Michael Fallon, Defence Secretary: Former director of Attendo AB, a Swedish private health company
Philip Hammond, Foreign Secretary: Beneficiary of a trust which owns controlling interest in nursing home developer Castlemead Ltd
David Davis, former Shadow Home Secretary: Received £4,250 for a speaking engagement for health insurance company Aviva
Liam Fox, former Defence Secretary: Received £5,000 from iIPGL Ltd, which purchased health care company Cyprotex
John Redwood, former Cabinet Minister: Advised the private equity company which runs Pharmacy2u

this is bit of an list of some of 71 of them who got their hands in the pockets of the nhs you can imagine what they get by selling the nhs to the private sector

No, the reason the NHS isn't safe is that there are too many levels of administration, and the public think they have no role to play in their own health. Every new modern treatment is expected to be provided no matter the cost, and vast amounts are spent inefficiently.
There is no longterm plan to recruit from within, and no educational basis regarding this.
The entire conept of the nhs is a lumbering mess, and needs a full overhaul with a moving towards a systm that doesnt claim to provide everything, as that is unsustainable.
9 Jun 2011
80% of fox hunting is done by the posh elite who are conservative supporters known fact
80% of fox hunters are in the elite rich list known fact
80% this is why the pm going to push it through known fact.
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