Poll: The official I voted/election results thread

Who did you vote for?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 518 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • Labour

    Votes: 241 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 99 7.5%
  • Didn't vote / spoiled ballot

    Votes: 136 10.4%
  • Other party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 67 5.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 158 12.0%

  • Total voters
80% of fox hunting is done by the posh elite who are conservative supporters known fact
80% of fox hunters are in the elite rich list known fact
80% this is why the pm going to push it through known fact.

I couldn't give a monkey's. Are you against all forms of hunting, or just fox hunting? What about fishing? That's a cruel blood sport if ever I saw one.
What's your stance on the Badger cull? As a farmer, my Tory vote was mainly based on their continuation of the badger cull to try and rectify the cattle TB situation.
"In 2010, a scientific report was published in which bTB incidence in cattle was monitored in and around RBCT areas after culling ended. The report showed that the benefits inside culled areas decreased over time and were no longer detectable three years after culling ceased. In areas adjoining those which culled, a trend indicated beneficial effects immediately after the end of culling were insignificant, and had disappeared 18 months after the cull ceased.

The report also stated that the financial costs of culling an idealized 150 km2 area would exceed the savings achieved through reduced bTB by factors of 2 to 3.5. The report concluded "These results, combined with evaluation of alternative culling methods, suggest that badger culling is unlikely to contribute effectively to the control of cattle TB in Britain."

I do find the typical Conservative voters allergy to facts & data amusing.

Why? Fox hunting allows dogs to kill foxes naturally, just as they would if they were together in the wild. Why is it bad for dogs to kill foxes in the same way that foxes kill other animals?
By that logic is dog fighting fine?, it allows dogs to kill dogs naturally right?. How about bear baiting? - it allows dogs to kill dogs naturally. If you are going to present a logical consistency argument then you need to make sure your point is to begin with.

You are missing the part that dogs don't naturally run around the countryside killing foxes.

I'm actually glad that the Conservatives will push through this kind of legislation, without the Liberal Democrats to take the edge off the policies they will alienate the swing vote & liberal Conservatives for the next election. Keep going I say, sleep walk into losing the next election to appease a minority of voters the public are majoritively against.
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Allowing a vote doesn't mean he's in favour of it, or he's going to force it through. If there's a free vote, what's the issue?

The Greens want an EU referendum, but they want to stay in the EU. Being pro a vote doesn't mean you want the change... you can just want to settle the debate, for example.

Having an open vote isn't the same as a referendum. If they had an open vote on the EU for example, there would be zero chance of brexit, and it would settle nothing in the eyes of the sceptics. Open votes can be seen as a copout if the result is a forgone conclusion.

I do find it slightly frustrating that there are a few issue which a few people seem to think it's ok to bitch about endlessly because they don't get their own way. The EU being one of them, and to a lesser extent fox hunting is another.
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Honestly, unless Fox Hunting is causing an ecological disaster in our countryside i don't give a flying monkeys about it, there are far far more important things to deal with.
Why? Fox hunting allows dogs to kill foxes naturally, just as they would if they were together in the wild. Why is it bad for dogs to kill foxes in the same way that foxes kill other animals?

Dogs aren't natural creatures. I don't think a pack of 100 "wolves" would tear up random fox size creatures like that.

100 Dogs don't kill foxes like foxes kill animals - Have you ever seen 100 dogs ripping a fox apart? I dont think ive ever seen 100 foxes kill a single chicken, for example.

There is really nothing natural about anything you have said..

I couldnt give a toss about fox hunting except its a parody of upper middle class Georgian Britain. Its not very efficient if the goal is population control. Its all about class tradition. Guns are faster, cheaper. :p
No, the reason the NHS isn't safe is that there are too many levels of administration, and the public think they have no role to play in their own health. Every new modern treatment is expected to be provided no matter the cost, and vast amounts are spent inefficiently.
There is no longterm plan to recruit from within, and no educational basis regarding this.
The entire conept of the nhs is a lumbering mess, and needs a full overhaul with a moving towards a systm that doesnt claim to provide everything, as that is unsustainable.

levels of administration has been cut down by the con's anyway
There is no longterm plan to recruit from within:this is becoause all new recruits are done from out side private recruiting firms who charges an arm and leg for their services.for an exsample an a+e doctor can earn anything from £50 an hr ,an nurse can earn £38 an hr compared to a normal nhs nuse who earns £10 hr.
this is why the nhs is in an mess
By that logic is dog fighting fine?, it allows dogs to kill dogs naturally right?

Dog fighting involves forcing two dogs to fight in unnatural conditions. Fox hunting involves dogs hunting foxes out in the countryside, which is nice and healthy for all concerned (except occasionally the fox, but that's nature for you).

How about bear baiting?

See above.

You are missing the part that dogs don't naturally run around the countryside killing foxes.

They do when they're not domesticated. Wild dogs in Australia are known to kill foxes regularly.

Dogs aren't natural creatures.

At this point you went off the deep end. After that it was just line after line of pure derp.
What nonsense are you on about now, still holding a bit if rage and derp from yesterday.

Based on 2015 manifestos and pledges


It's a real shame there isn't any economic right and liberal parties in the uk.
Although idealistically I'm about where green party is, but this isn't a perfect and idealistic world we live in.
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What nonsense are you on about now, still holding a bit if rage and derp from yesterday.

No, it's because of people like you who think 'everyones right wing' nonsense. There're plenty of deeply socialists parties you can vote for, it's just they're so small because people have caught on and don't think socialism works in the modern age
I'll just repeat what i said in the Russell Brand thread, The problem is, and this is what most people who vehemently support Labour seem to lose sight of, is that the British Public has no apatite for Socialism any more in the modern world. The only reason Labour was in power for 13 years was because of Tony Blair which turned the Labour party into the conservatives-lite and it was the only way they could get back into power.

As soon as Gordon Brown took over the Labour party were quickly going back to the left and they lost the election, and yesterday we saw what we got with Milliband.

The only way Labour will get power again is to abandon Socialism in it's true sense of the word and return to being conservatives-lite

Even China, who is the most Communist country in the world today, is abandoning it's key principles in favour of capitalism in order to survive in the modern world otherwise it would have lost control by now
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Dog fighting involves forcing two dogs to fight in unnatural conditions. Fox hunting involves dogs hunting foxes out in the countryside, which is nice and healthy for all concerned (except occasionally the fox, but that's nature for you).

See above.

They do when they're not domesticated. Wild dogs in Australia are known to kill foxes regularly.

At this point you went off the deep end. After that it was just line after line of pure derp.

Wild dogs are a sub-species of wolves. Domestic dogs dont go wandering around in packs in the UK killing things; wolves did.

The point of contention is that humans are not observing nature take its course, they are actively encouraging it for amusement.

If you need to control populace, you do it as quickly and as humanely as possible. You dont do it inefficiently (and sometimes ineffectively) whilst taking pleasure in the panic of an animal running for its life.
It's very different now, 3-line whips means that the back benchers are nothing more than robots now. UKIP (and i suspect the greens too) is the only parties that doesn't have the whip system

Party whip for the 1 MP isn't really needed though :p
If you need to control populace, you do it as quickly and as humanely as possible. You dont do it inefficiently (and sometimes ineffectively) whilst taking pleasure in the panic of an animal running for its life.

That doesn't happen, the report identified several other still legal methods that where worse than fox hunting. Yet you arenot up in arms about that.

It was nothing more than a vote against perceived class.
Even though in reality isn't class based in the slightest.
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