*** The Official iPad (Early 2012) Thread ***

I'm wondering this as well. My iPad 1 is getting annoying for browsing, and is slowing in general. I use it for watching skysports in bed, and don't want a degradation in quality with the iPad three.

Hopefully it'll scale sources well.


Does ipad sky player play videos at a 1:1 pixel ratio? I doubt it... so scaling is already happening.

There's already scaling going on & likelyhood is until improvements are made from Sky's end, it will almost simply be 1 pixel = 4 pixels on the same size screen.

It's just the same as getting something like a 27" 2560x1440 monitor and only being able to play 1280x720 resolution video on it vs playing the same video on a 27" monitor/tv with a native resolution of a true 1280x720.

Chances are, the same video will look slightly worse on the "native" 720p screen as playing the same video on the higher resolution screen will usually not be displayed at a perfect 1:4 pixel ratio... extrapolation will occur in the scaling - depending on how it's handled.

Even if it's not handled well and there is a reduction in image quality from that specific video source... it will be a very minor difference and certainly far outweighed by the other benefits of the increased resolution.
Secure data in the Cloud is a moot point....once that data is up there, they can do whatever they want with it....this is one of the major issues that Legal Dept's in major Corporates have with the whole idea of this.
Think about it terms of sensitive corporate data and intellectual property or industrial espionage, and so on. If my data is on-prem then I ultimately have more control over who accesses it, I'm responsible for securing it, ensuring its available, that theres redundacy, that if i need to invoke DR or my BCP that its where it need to be with no impact to my Business, conforming to regulatory requirements and so on.

Changing from your average techy (or less) home user to corporate secrets is quite a large jump, I'm sorry - but I don't see that as a valid comparison.

Companies with secrets to keep and especially legal department will have already invested in many stages of their own security with multiple security professionals...
I actually pity you as you obviously lack the social skills to engage others in mutualy stimulating social intercourse.

As for your point about home server security versus the cloud. Hmm! difficult one that, big criminal gangs pondering if they should target my home server or something like amazon's huge servers and the space they lease to other well known companies. :rolleyes:

You obviously lack the ability of knowing when to stop typing :rolleyes: However... seeing as you clearly do like the way I project myself, hence your failure to ignore me, I will dignify your post with a response.

Your choice of needlessly overblown phraseology makes you come accross as quite the ponce... this irks me, so it was never a good start... albeit I'm not generally in-articulate.

I have my own home server + dropbox account... I don't keep anything worth stealing on either - that's the most simple, sensible answer to any real concerns.

You are far, far more likely to succome to the likes of a keylogger / virus / etc than having your data stolen from the "cloud". You would be surprised how many criminals are much more likely to target individual home users due to their reduced security, carelessness and quite a few people share your opinion that the cloud is unsafe.

Just because your target is smaller, certainly does not mean you are more secure - quite the opposite, you are significantly more vulnerable.

The only real security is knowing how and where to store your sensitive data.
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You obviously lack the ability of knowing when to stop typing :rolleyes: However... seeing as you clearly do like the way I project myself, hence your failure to ignore me, I will dignify your post with a response.

Your choice of needlessly overblown phraseology makes you come accross as quite the ponce... this irks me, so it was never a good start... albeit I'm not generally in-articulate

I think the above demonstrates the point I make more ably than I, thank you. :p
Changing from your average techy (or less) home user to corporate secrets is quite a large jump, I'm sorry - but I don't see that as a valid comparison.

Companies with secrets to keep and especially legal department will have already invested in many stages of their own security with multiple security professionals...

You're indicating that because its 'in the cloud' its likely to be more secure - I'm trying illustrate that thats not necessarily the case and that there are other things to consider. I'm making no comparisons.
Is this a thread about a possible iPad3, or the possible security flaws of using cloud storage??

Hopefully there won't be to much of a release delay here in Oz as I have put off picking up an iPad2 with all the news of a newer model. Also waiting to buy an iMac but delaying that until news on next model is released :(
Agreed, I just want to know if anybody is aware of pricing yet, is a 32gig 3G model going to be same as current?
If so, then I may chop in my 2 and get a 3, for the screen....I saw some pics of the 3 yesterday and it is noticeably thicker over the 2.....
I have to disagree... there are no viable alternatives for the ipad in the current market. It's a shame... I love competition.

It seems the only people who go for the other tablets are people who generally dislike apple or need android for some reason or another.

Quite simply, there are no tablets (of this form) out there to compete with the ipad on any level (even performance - iOS is coded much better even if the specs of the ipad2 aren't as good as the prime).

There are of course proper pc based tablets out there, but they're not targetted at the same market share, weigh a lot more and cost a lot more.

I am most definitely not an apple fanboy... it's plain and simple fact.

Well you sound like one, the problems with fanboys is they fail or refuse the recognise the advantages of other products.

The ipad 2 is a good tablet and has the fastest GPU currently in a tablet with a great choice of apps and games, many that are not available on competing products, as a gaming device it's fantastic and has allot of potential.

But it doesn’t have the best screen, resolution or ppi, has a weird screen ratio like the iPhones so not great for HD content, it doesn’t have the fastest CPU, it has less memory than competing products, it doesn’t support flash, it doesn’t support as many media formats out of the box either, still no sdcard.

I don't agree that iOS is coded better or that it’s faster either, wasn’t it reported that Apple users experience more crashes than Android users recently largely thanks to the new version of iOS. Its all well and good saying its coded better but there’s not much to support your opinion there.

I'm not saying Android or Windows mobile are coded “better” either, they all crash from time to time and anyone who denies this is either a liar or a fool.
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From personal experience, I have had noticeably fewer crashes/lockups from all iOS devices I've owned combined than from a single android phone. But that's only my experience and I've had a few of each device...

The fluidity and general use of the ipad 2 over competing tablets is not really debatable - it just is quite simply - better... this is coming from someone who has tried quite a few now - if anything else was better, I would own the better device ;)

The ipad 2 is a good tablet and has the fastest GPU currently in a tablet with a great choice of apps and games, many that are not available on competing products, as a gaming device it's fantastic and has allot of potential.
This is the main reason why the ipad stands out as so much better than the competition, the app support. Android still has a very long way to go to catch up... at the current rate, I'm not sure it ever will without the marketing/business model of Apple.

But it doesn’t have the best screen, resolution or ppi,
Which is about to be fixed in the 3...

it doesn’t have the fastest CPU, it has less memory than competing products,
It seems likely that the new ipad 3 cpu will be the new "king"... but we'll have to wait to find that out for certain.

I can't believe I'm even typing this as I like the fastest/most of everything I can get my hands on... but, it's not about the hardware figures in this marketplace - the implementation of the hardware is so much more important for a tablet.

There also seems to be something so simple lacking in other tablets - touch accuracy - I have yet to come across a device that implements touch as well as apple do - there is something in the way they implement it that just works better than competing devices.

it doesn’t support flash, it doesn’t support as many media formats out of the box either, still no sdcard.
Flash is about to die completely, so anything with support for flash is redundant. The implementation on even Tegra 3 based tablets is still poor.

Media formats and sd card are too subjective to what the end user wants... personally - I would prefer they save the cost and give me a device without an sd card slot - I would never use it, it would just be an annoying hole for dust to accumulate in. If you want this functionality, it can be bought for a very cheap price in the form of a 3rd party attachment.

I would be happy to be proved wrong... any improvement over the ipad 2/3 will be most welcome. There just is no competition, yet...
First of all Steve Jobs is dead, let him rest in peace. Don't bring him up to attach emotional weight to your arguments.

You won't need super new battery tech for this, don't be stupid. Battery life is less of an issue on the iPad than iPhone anway since there is room for much bigger batteries. As to your point on tiny UI components, that never stopped Iphone with its piddly 3.5" screen being a roaring success has it?

Steve Jibs is dead? Wow, must have missed that news. He would have mapped out Apples product line before he handed over to Tim Cook as he was a control freak. That's why I mentioned him, nothing to do with adding any "weight" to my argument.

iOS has such good battery life essentially because it treats apps with such strict rules. Killing any processes that could result in a drain on battery life. Hell it's so strict that it kills an App if it hasn't loaded in five seconds.

You're saying that Apple should sacrafice all this strict control over the operating system and apps just so you can stick two or more on the screen. That's not Apple. They focus in end user experience. Higher resolution display with sharper text in one app in what they'll do.

As for UI elements on the iPhone well they're not tiny are they? The only area where things can be small are on web pages and a quick zoom sorts that out. I well designed UX/UI looks fine on a Hugh resolution 3.5 inch screen. Apple don't need to add stupidly large and gimmicky screens to their phone like it seems the trend is in the world of Android. .
I never suggested completely uninhibited multi tasking.

It's badly designed / rogue background processes that kill battery life and that's what Apple wanted to avoid with their take on multi tasking with iOS 4.0. Android allows any app to run whatever background processes it wants. Apple restricted this to only select services through their APIs.

Just as an example, iMessenger is already running as a background process listening in for incoming messages. How much more battery life do you think that would take if you had the full iMessage app open alongside another app?. Insignificant if you ask me.

Initially it could be restricted to in house apps, with iMessenger, video and browser being the ideal candidates, and further along the line they could open up the APIs for third parties.

There is definitely demand for this and iOS is constantly evolving so who knows? My suggestion certainly didn't warrant the sarcastic and dismissive response.

That's not Apple. They focus in end user experience. Higher resolution display with sharper text in one app in what they'll do.

If anyone can pull this off with polish it's Apple. I agree it will complicate things slightly but that is worth it for many due the added utility it will offer. And don't forget it will be entirely optional so those who want to operate their iPad as they do now, can.

Apple don't need to add stupidly large and gimmicky screens to their phone like it seems the trend is in the world of Android

I don't see what's so gimmicky about a larger screen.
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Agreed, I just want to know if anybody is aware of pricing yet, is a 32gig 3G model going to be same as current?
If so, then I may chop in my 2 and get a 3, for the screen....I saw some pics of the 3 yesterday and it is noticeably thicker over the 2.....

Really, seriously? you would swop your iPad2 for then newer iPad3 simply for the screen? :confused:

Perhaps you should have grown up in the days of two channel monochrome TV as I did, 12" screen with a huge magnifier on the front. You just might appreciate the screen on your iPad2 then.

I find the screen more than adequate for browsing and emails etc. For anything else I simply mirror through ATV2 onto our 42" Plasma. I don't use my iPad for anything else.
The fluidity and general use of the ipad 2 over competing tablets is not really debatable - it just is quite simply - better... this is coming from someone who has tried quite a few now - if anything else was better, I would own the better device ;)

Why because you say so? everybody has an opinion, lets not pretend anything we post here is anything more than just that.

I would be happy to be proved wrong... any improvement over the ipad 2/3 will be most welcome. There just is no competition, yet...

Right so you will not even acknowledge that other tablets have any advantages over the ipad 2 even after I've pointed some out and that there is infact competition?

That says allot about you imo.
The issue is that as a complete package, there is no real competition. The iPad is the best device.

As I mentioned earlier, if you're after something specifically for flash content (which would be bizarre considering how poor it is), or after something for watching your illegally downloaded video content (;)), then an Android tablet could quite easily be a better option.

Aside from that, the gulf is so large that I know a lot of Android fans who will readily admit that currently, the iPad is comfortably the best tablet. That says a lot. :)
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