*** The Official iPad (Early 2012) Thread ***

Of course it matters. All of your posts in this forum have been moaning about Apple.

You're either trying to wind people up, or you have some kind of strange obsession with posting about things you have no interest in.

You obviously don't want an iPad 3, so why are you sat in here complaining about it constantly? :confused:

Very well put (as always).

Maybe I'm interested in mobile devices and hardware and just like discussing them? Did you ever think of that?

I tend to make sure I have a good understanding of the products available, that includes Apple, Android and Windows Mobile so I do get around. :)
Maybe I'm interested in mobile devices and hardware and just like discussing them? Did you ever think of that?

I tend to make sure I have a good understanding of the products available, that includes Apple, Android and Windows Mobile so I do get around. :)

I know you have an interest in these things, but you seem to focus your attention on moaning about Apple products more than anything else.

Why is that? Do you desperately want one and can't bring yourself to buy it unless it has an SD card slot? ;) :p
I know you have an interest in these things, but you seem to focus your attention on moaning about Apple products more than anything else.

Why is that? Do you desperately want one and can't bring yourself to buy it unless it has an SD card slot? ;) :p

It would need allot more than just an SD Card slot to get me interested in buying one.

I guess it's because I'm trying to understand other users point of views or the mindset of the Apple user. ;)
But your problem there is the (probably apocryphal) Henry Ford quote - if he'd asked his customers want they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse...

Apple are in many ways not a technology company - product design for them is 'what should it do' and 'how should it look', once they've figured those two out it's a matter of what technology they need to achieve it. Personally I think that's beautiful. Technology is not an end game, it enables things.

Far too many companies have never understood that technology for it's own sake doesn't have a big market. While I understand the technology better than most, I also don't care about it with Apple devices, the iPad does lots of things well out of the box and with little effort, who cares what processor, memory it uses to do it? Well some people do but I don't and I can't claim to understand why people do (do you want to play top trumps with it or actually use it?).

Most of this also falls into the comically simplistic and stupid right/wrong mindset. There are arguments for and against having an SD card slot. There is no *right* answer or magic formula to say whether it should or not. It's a judgement call. Either it's obvious and largely everybody agrees or it's not and about half of people do. That's life, why would Apple's design choices be any different?

Well reasoned argument, we don't seem to get many of those.
I grew up with an Apple // and a green mono screen....I'm a tad older than you maybe give me credit for :)

But yes, a better screen would be the thing that makes me move up, not maybe right now, that depends on pricing and residual value of my ipad 2, but eventually...I think the retina display on the iPhone is wonderful and that's what I'd most like to see on the iPad....

Ah, perhaps that's where I'm going wrong then. As much as I like my computers and other tech, mobile phones leave me cold. You will be horrified to learn I haven't moved on from my trusty Nokia 3310. My daughter has even offered me her old HTC but I've just no desire to own a so called smartphone.
Any news on pricing? :)

I would be shocked if they changed it from the current pricing. It would keep with past trends, and Apple can afford to do it. This will easily be the best selling iPad yet.

Also, iFixit have also had a look at the screen, but there's not much new info, other than confirming it's double the res of the 2:

I certainly hope as well as a resolution increase, the touch precision can be refined further, as I would love for stylus control to be as precise as a Wacom for things like Sketchbook Pro or any of the other drawing/painting programs. I've seen some fairly impressive results with iPad 2, but there's a lot of room for improvement.
It would need allot more than just an SD Card slot to get me interested in buying one.

I guess it's because I'm trying to understand other users point of views or the mindset of the Apple user. ;)

Is there a typical apple user? Is there an Apple mindset? I own and like Apple products. For me, I like the closed ecosystem - it generally means that products do what they are supposed to. I like the fact my wife can pick up an apple product and use it, which to me is important. I have had all sorts of technology and am happy to tinker, but it drives my wife insane, so now I buy things that do what they say they are supposed to and that includes Apple. I havent bought an ipad up until now, as I have an iphone, kindle and macbook pro. But as my mac gets older, I cannot justify spending £1000 on a new macbook, as my existing one still does what I need it to. For me and my current needs, an ipad now fulfills my requirements for an internet connect media consumption device. I have looked at lots of other tablets, but value for money wise little comes close to an ipad, plus it will integrate with my other apple hardware, such as my appletv, mac server and airport express / extreme. So there you are, a little peek into the mindset of an apple user.
Again with the specs. Apple have never been about specs, and they never will be. They will take the most appropriate technology available at the time and use it in their products.

:confused: The ipad 2 has the fastest gpu out there (still) and the ipad 3 will have something faster still, and it'll the highest resolution display ever on a 10" tablet. Well, any tablet and by quite a way too. I'd say they are very much about specs, even if they don't directly advertise it.
:confused: The ipad 2 has the fastest gpu out there (still) and the ipad 3 will have something faster still, and it'll the highest resolution display ever on a 10" tablet. Well, any tablet and by quite a way too. I'd say they are very much about specs, even if they don't directly advertise it.

Yes, they are about specs in some ways but they won't pack in a load of useless features for the sake of it.
Is there a typical apple user? Is there an Apple mindset? I own and like Apple products. For me, I like the closed ecosystem - it generally means that products do what they are supposed to. I like the fact my wife can pick up an apple product and use it, which to me is important. I have had all sorts of technology and am happy to tinker, but it drives my wife insane, so now I buy things that do what they say they are supposed to and that includes Apple. I havent bought an ipad up until now, as I have an iphone, kindle and macbook pro. But as my mac gets older, I cannot justify spending £1000 on a new macbook, as my existing one still does what I need it to. For me and my current needs, an ipad now fulfills my requirements for an internet connect media consumption device. I have looked at lots of other tablets, but value for money wise little comes close to an ipad, plus it will integrate with my other apple hardware, such as my appletv, mac server and airport express / extreme. So there you are, a little peek into the mindset of an apple user.

Yes I too bought an iPad thinking my wife would love it and happily use it. Well that little plan blew up in my face big time as I now can't get near my iMac as the wife is always using it and I am reduced to one finger typing on the iPad. :eek:
It might be adequate... but better is better :confused: If everyone had that opinion, technology would stagnate... you're a strange strange old fart :p

To be honest I genuinely cannot see any fault whatsoever with the iPad2 screen. Where is the pixelation or grain? All I can see is stunning clarity. Perhaps age has its rewards after all? :eek:
From personal experience, I have had noticeably fewer crashes/lockups from all iOS devices I've owned combined than from a single android phone. But that's only my experience and I've had a few of each device

Ive owned a 3GS for quite some time and also a works iphone 4, I now have a Samsung Galaxy S2, the apple products suffer more crashes...

The fluidity and general use of the ipad 2 over competing tablets is not really debatable - it just is quite simply - better... this is coming from someone who has tried quite a few now - if anything else was better, I would own the better device ;)

Its another hard one to answer properly, you have only 1 ipad 2, there are many android tables, and IOS isnt as good an OS as Android on Tables, IOS5 was never designed for it where as android is (its the other way round for the phones though).

This is the main reason why the ipad stands out as so much better than the competition, the app support. Android still has a very long way to go to catch up... at the current rate, I'm not sure it ever will without the marketing/business model of Apple

Have to agree with you here, the App store from Apple is better than Androids, give it 2 years though and if Google sort their act out and provide a good security screening before releasing the apps, Apple will be in trouble.

Which is about to be fixed in the 3...

You understand that the latest screens that Apple have "purchased" for the Ipad 3 came from Samsung, who have already superceeded "that" screen with a better one (it should be available on the new Galaxy tab which should be seen at mwc, that will be game on ;)

It seems likely that the new ipad 3 cpu will be the new "king"... but we'll have to wait to find that out for certain.

To be seen but more android tabs will be taking chunks out of apple.

I can't believe I'm even typing this as I like the fastest/most of everything I can get my hands on... but, it's not about the hardware figures in this marketplace - the implementation of the hardware is so much more important for a tablet.

Well it will be very close between the Samsung Galaxy tab and the Ipad, even with the current offerings, the 10.1 runs the ipad 2 very close if not beating it in quite a few areas.
Next month will be interesting :D

There also seems to be something so simple lacking in other tablets - touch accuracy - I have yet to come across a device that implements touch as well as apple do - there is something in the way they implement it that just works better than competing devices

Top end v top end tabs at the moment, nothing in it, find both apple and samsung very responsive to touch.

Flash is about to die completely, so anything with support for flash is redundant. The implementation on even Tegra 3 based tablets is still poor.

Apple have been trying to kill flash off for years, its a pain but its still out there, most things still use it, was always a self hit for apple imho, it will go but not just yet.

Media formats and sd card are too subjective to what the end user wants... personally - I would prefer they save the cost and give me a device without an sd card slot - I would never use it, it would just be an annoying hole for dust to accumulate in. If you want this functionality, it can be bought for a very cheap price in the form of a 3rd party attachment

True, but some slots should now be meeting an industry standard, lets hope Apple listen to that.

I would be happy to be proved wrong... any improvement over the ipad 2/3 will be most welcome. There just is no competition, yet...

I wont call you a fanboi but there is and has been some decent competition for a good year in the tablet market, ICS (from what we have seen) mops ios5 up, Apple need to take some notes from Carlsberg, IOS5 sucks on the ipad :(


PS, having played with an Ipad 2 and a Galaxy 10.1 together, the Galaxy 10.1 was the better of the 2 devices, its just that Apple's fan base means that people have that brand loyalty and buy Apple, simple as.
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Ive owned a 3GS for quite some time and also a works iphone 4, I now have a Samsung Galaxy S2, the apple products suffer more crashes...

While there are occasional crashes on iOS, they are extremely rare compared to Android. Perhaps your iPhone is faulty.

Its another hard one to answer properly, you have only 1 ipad 2, there are many android tables, and IOS isnt as good an OS as Android on Tables, IOS5 was never designed for it where as android is (its the other way round for the phones though).

iOS 5 was designed with tablets in mind, and that is largely the reason why it gets unanimous praise from pretty much any media publication. It isn't all that different to iOS on a phone, but then ICS is very similar on tablet and phone alike.

It seems another obvious case of you preferring Android and therefore claiming iOS isn't designed for tablets. Of course it is.

Have to agree with you here, the App store from Apple is better than Androids, give it 2 years though and if Google sort their act out and provide a good security screening before releasing the apps, Apple will be in trouble.

I was saying that 2 years ago and the gap is still there, it's smaller but very noticeable.

You understand that the latest screens that Apple have "purchased" for the Ipad 3 came from Samsung, who have already superceeded "that" screen with a better one (it should be available on the new Galaxy tab which should be seen at mwc, that will be game on ;)

It will take significantly more than a slightly better screen to make Android tablets appealing to the mass market. A lot more.

To be seen but more android tabs will be taking chunks out of apple.

So far they seem to be very small chunks.

Apple have been trying to kill flash off for years, its a pain but its still out there, most things still use it, was always a self hit for apple imho, it will go but not just yet.

Some things still use it. Most things don't.

It's poor on Android and a touch interface, I think it should be an option but it is by no means a deal breaker for most people. Especially when the majority of online flash services have a superior application on iOS.

I wont call you a fanboi but there is and has been some decent competition for a good year in the tablet market, ICS (from what we have seen) mops ios5 up, Apple need to take some notes from Carlsberg, IOS5 sucks on the ipad :(

PS, having played with an Ipad 2 and a Galaxy 10.1 together, the Galaxy 10.1 was the better of the 2 devices, its just that Apple's fan base means that people have that brand loyalty and buy Apple, simple as.

You do realise that you sound like a huge 'fanboi' yourself, right? :confused:

'ICS mops iOS 5 up' - really, how so? Surely they still both come down to preference.

'iOS 5 sucks on the iPad' - really, why is that? What utter nonsense.

As for your 'PS' comment, see my earlier remark about being a 'fanboi'. The iPad is recognised as a class leader by almost everywhere - even Android websites tend to admit it's the best experience available on a tablet.

'Simple as'.
So back to the iPad 3, anyone considered that the 'processor name' being what it is, and considering its likely to mean a revision of the current processor, might contain (along with the speed bump) ARM's big-little CPU tech? which should decrease power drain and increase battery life more. Which is great imo, the iPad last ages anyway but imagine if it could go nearly all week of moderate use without a charge :)
To be honest I genuinely cannot see any fault whatsoever with the iPad2 screen. Where is the pixelation or grain? All I can see is stunning clarity. Perhaps age has its rewards after all? :eek:

I've never said there was a "fault" or "issue" with it... in fact, I've said exactly the opposite.

But a 4x increase in pixel density will be wonderful. It's an improvement and an improvement that was supposed to be coming in the 2... so it's long overdue in my opinion.

The general push to improved screen resolutions lately is brilliant - resolutions have been reasonably stagnant for quite a few years now.

Also... the main computer I use is my work laptop which has a 15.4" screen with a 1920x1080 resolution... a noticeably smaller pixel size than the likes of the ipad2 and something I've become accustomed to. I would even prefer a resolution higher than that on the same size screen.

So yes - the ipad2 screen resolution feels behind the times to me.

Other than that - there's always room for improvement.
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