*** The Official iPad (Early 2012) Thread ***

A friend is willing to sell me her iphone 4 for £200 (im currently using a galaxy s (i9000) which ive been offered £110 for).... shall i do it?

Just figure i might as well go full apple now....
Ok gents, DONE. Just got to get it unlocked. Only a 16gb ip4 (not S) but its going to make a great companion for my ipad (new,3, whatever) and my MBP (2011 feb)....

Am i officially CultOfApple?

Thanks for the advice BTW :) - any tips for the unlock?
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You can jailbreak or just pay the network like £15 and I think they do an official unlock. Which network is it locked to and which network are you on?
If it's on three...and if it was on contract (in or out) you can try calling them and get it unlocked for free. Alternatively, find out if you can top up a pay as you go three sim and get it unlocked that way. They'll charge the money from the balance.
You could ask her to unlock it as if she is in a contract they usually do it free of charge. If not need to buy a 3 PAYG sim card, ask 3 how much it would be to unlock and just top your sim up with that much and wait for them to do it.
As I await my new iPad. Should I start wiping my iPad 2? I'm selling it to my sister. I've never done a restore on it. How long does it take? Will I have to redownload IOS5? I bought it on launch day last year at John Lewis on impulse.
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