***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

I have just had sudden death of my S3 so will have to pay CPW prices tomorrow :(

FFS Can't wait to the S3 to be repaired so will just sell it when its fixed! :mad:
I've had my N4 for over 24 hours and my initial impressions coming from a S3:

The screen looked extremely washed out at first but using it more my eyes adjusted. Going back to my S3 showed how over saturated the AMOLED display was, so much so I had to adjust the settings on my S3. But there is no delaying the N4 needs some gamma adjustment. Compared to the iPad or HOX the colours on the N4 looks flat.

The N4 is is thicker and heavier than the S3. But I don't mind that as it gives a more premium feel. Having glass on both sides is nice but my N4 will be homebound until my screen protector and bumper arrives.

The first thing I did was root and install the PA rom and matrix kernel. After my first full charge I managed over 5 hours screen time, which is on par with the S3.

There's still quite a few features I miss from my custom S3. But as the Rom matures I hope to see some interesting stuff.

Oh god. Don't wreck a great screen with a protector. Its pretty damn tough to scratch.

coming from the Gnex, the screen is very washed out, but also viewing angles seem TN level poor. Should i do a swap?

Give it 7 days and when u go back to the gnex u will see how I did. The n4 is so much better screen wise
I should be getting my HOX back from HTC after repair soonish, once I do I can do a direct comparison between the screen/camera etc.

And yeah, the screen is much better to the eye; sharper and clearer.
Oh god. Don't wreck a great screen with a protector. Its pretty damn tough to scratch.

Give it 7 days and when u go back to the gnex u will see how I did. The n4 is so much better screen wise

even the screen angles?

i miss the fact that the screen looked like it melded into the bezel.
Just got myself one of these. Not gonna take it out the house until my case turns up as I'm terrified of breaking it.

This is my first smartphone. Have had a Nokia C3 for the last few years.

Liking it so far. What's the first thing I should really do with it?
Just got myself one of these. Not gonna take it out the house until my case turns up as I'm terrified of breaking it.

This is my first smartphone. Have had a Nokia C3 for the last few years.

Liking it so far. What's the first thing I should really do with it?

Take it out of the house :p
I would want to get a protector for the back, its what I did for the iPhone 4s (few friends copied me afterwards). Just gave me the piece of mind that it had some sort of protection.

fair enough, a good slip case and insurance is all i have.

screen protectors are my pet hate...

after all you don't walk around with a condom on all the time do you :D

its a like a massive insult to the phone,
coming from the Gnex, the screen is very washed out, but also viewing angles seem TN level poor. Should i do a swap?

From the left I get a lovely yellow tint, so it's not just you. I'm also very disappointed with the viewing angles on this phone.
It's a phone ffs. Not an ill child. Get it used. It breaks? So what! Everyone lives you know :D

I don't like children, I would not be as careful with them as I am my shiny new phone :p I've never owned anything this expensive before. And I know somebody would break it at work! They are that clumsy.

Got a £2 Amazon music gift voucher. Bought a few songs. The sound quality is very good compared to most of the phones I've heard.
fair enough, a good slip case and insurance is all i have.

screen protectors are my pet hate...

after all you don't walk around with a condom on all the time do you :D

its a like a massive insult to the phone,

Haha I know, but having such a nice phone wouldn't want it in some ugly case, the slip cases are nice and I tend to use a Mofi pouch (so soft :D) for my phone a lot.
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