***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Someone on hotukdeals thread just posted about the 3-5 day delivery

I have just phoned google on 0800 328 6081 and they tell me it will be 5-6 weeks to deliver my 16GB. My email stated 3-5 business days and I placed the order at 5:07. I suggest you all check as this is VERY poor.

Just rang again to actually confirm this, I was told they didnt have an stock yesterday, it was all pre orders. This means it will be 5 weeks till they get stock then you will get it within 3-5 days from thats date....
Someone else posted on hotukdeals afterwards

After reading stories on here about people calling up and being told lengthy weight times, I called up myself just now.

Google confirmed that they I will receive my order within 3-5 working days as stated at the time of ordering, and that the (Google Wallet listed) status will change from pending once the order has been shipped and my card charged. They anticipate this will happen before midnight today.

So, in a nutshell, if it stated 3-5 days when you placed the order, that's when that's when you'll get it. If it stated 1-2 or 4-5 weeks when you placed the order, then that's how long it will be.

Hope this helps clear any confusion (before it gets lost in following posts).

Then theyve updated this with:

Some 4 minutes after my call, I've just received an email with the TNT tracking number. My phone will arrive tomorrow (weather permitting as it's a bit white around here).

..this all looks hopeful

Are there any upgrade deals for the N4 if you are on O2 PAYG? My dad has my old SIM (back from the BT Cellnet days :p), and afaik we have never got any "upgrades" with it.


8GB has sold out - now for the 16GB!

Hope mine comes sooner rather than later, still pending even though that means nothing!

Only just realised that they can be ordered from the site now!!! How long has that been up? i have been following this thread daily and this is the 1st post (I think) that I noticed mentioning it, although I do skim through parts of the thread!

Edit: I have missed a couple of pages from yesterday, gutted :( Placed the order but 5-6 weeks :(

Editted. Yesterday was the one day I didn't check the thread and I didn't get the notification e-mail either.

Very, very annoyed :(


Didn't you get the email from Google? That's how I knew, lucky too, I was going to leave work early, but stuck around to make sure I didn't miss out a second time.
Didn't you get the email from Google? That's how I knew, lucky too, I was going to leave work early, but stuck around to make sure I didn't miss out a second time.
I didn't get an email either. Only found out because I looked at this thread at about 4:30, just in time! :D
Handcent SMS kept device awake for over 2h and used 17% of battery...(2h screen time used 29%)
I think after sending MMS, it never went to sleep...but not sure
Does anyone know the number to ring Google to enquirer about these? Would be interesting to see what they say.
**edit** silly me it was on the same page! - 0800 328 6081
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Blimey, only getting a review unit now :eek: :confused:

Thanks for the heads up :), looking forward to the full review, probably be about a week till they get it done.
Blimey, only getting a review unit now :eek: :confused:

Thanks for the heads up :), looking forward to the full review, probably be about a week till they get it done.

Just goes to show you how difficult it is even for the websites to get hold of the N4.

Way to go Google! :D
Starting to think we need a N4 pre-order thread.

Flashed build 7 of the Franco kernel. Vibrate strength has been increased and now uses the 384MHz slot when listening to music instead of 1026MHz. Giving me a nice saving on battery.
no idea how long mine is meant to take. I managed to order 2 after Halifax fraud kicking in. First one no ETA, 2nd one (about 10 minutes later) 4-5 weeks.
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