***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

there was only about 10 minutes gap between first and 2nd order. I didnt know they were going on sale until gone 6.30.

I cancelled my 2nd one about 30 minutes after noticing i had 2 in pending.
I ordered a 16GB at 19:30 yesterday (when it said 4-5 week wait) and it just shipped. Nice surprise.

People in the US have had shipping statuses for weeks, apparently they are printing them, which generates the email people are receiving.
I hope not, because my Google Play account says:

Google Commerce Ltd charged your VISA xxx-xxxx for £288.99. "GOOGLE *Google Play" will appear on your billing statement.
Taking £290 with no guaranteed dispatch date would be a bit cheeky.
Ordered at 17:05.30 and got 1-2 week estimate, colleague ordered at 17:06.43 and got 3-5day estimate. Neither of us had a shipping notification yet. How are they making this so complicated...?
Screw this, if I'm pushed to preorder batch then I'm not gonna buy. My 13 month old Galaxy Nexus will suffice for another year. I got that less than a week after release, well managed launch by Samsung.
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Ordered a 16Gb at 20:31 - 04/12/12 and have just had a shipping confirmation email with TNT consignment number so fingers crossed it will be here by the weekend :)

Grr, seems the people that ordered later than 5pm and had a 4-5week turnaround are getting it quicker?

Whatever happened to first come first serve o.O

My friend on FB said hes has dispatched and it said 4-5 weeks.
16GB. On my receipt, the estimated ship was 4-5 weeks, paid for it at 7.36pm.
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If the tracking number isn't working by tomorrow morning, I'll assume it's a massive screw-up of some sort, but the optimist in me hopes that it really is luck of the draw and Google's incompetence at selling hardware has finally paid off for me.
lolGoogle - really a good way to get customers - gonna decide by weekend regards cancelling, if they cant get the sale right, what hope is there for support...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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This is really bad on googles behalf (again) seriously...shipping all the 6pm+ orders out before the early 5pm ones is just a joke tbh lets hope the rest go out by the end of tomorrow I guess :(
two questions..

I had changed my mind after missing out first time, and realising some websites do S3 and note 2 just as cheap, and decided to go for one of them.

1) then got email yesterday, panicked, somehow ordered both 8 and 16. will Google take one back later for full refund?

2) convince I've done right thing, shouldn't cancel and go Samsung?! I won't root or use much for gaming...will use for internet, email, personal organising (astrid) camera.

Refuse delivery when it comes and you'll get full refund in a week or so.
I wonder why the 8gb is sold out, when the 16gb is at 5-6 weeks? Does anyone think that they've sold all they're going to make of the 8gb and thus discontinue it ready for a 32gb in the new year? I'm happy with my 16gb and will never need more but looking at the site it has made me wonder :p
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