What's wrong with Evernote, i use that to sync between all my devices
Nexus4 is really looking good while sleeping with 4.2.2 and Faux kernal. I'm comfortably getting 2 days use out of the phone right now which is huge, the battery loses about 1% every 6 hours while sleeping. This was how my battery looked when I got up this morning.
I currently have stock kernel in the N4 - is the main reaso to root a device batty or are their other gains. Finding something that talks about he benefits of the different kernels seems to be challenging. Anyone got a quick summary of the different kernels and positives on each one?
Does that mean that in theory, people can add features to the default camera app, and create a sort of "Cyanogen mod of the camera" type thing?
I use it with my Outlook.com account, push 24/7 and it doesn't seem to be raping my battery.Anyone using Exchange ActiveSync with the built in mail client? I setup my work email the other day and it is hammering the battery, even though I have disabled push.
Exchange Services is the culprit according to the battery stats. Before I was getting 1.5 days battery life. Now it barely lasts 10-12 hours (less at times).
Third party appHow do I get the contacts to sync pics with Facebook like my evo 3d did?
Loving my N4 so far. Battery life has been epic.
Just one question. Is there a way to show the number of unread emails for the email, gmail and sms icons?
Anyone else suffering from this? Driving me insane!
Dashclock shows Gmail and SMS, not sure about normal email app, there might be a Dashclock plugin (like the Facebook and twitter ones!!)![]()
i get it every now and then, used to get it on my Galaxy Nexus, i wiped it and it was grand