***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

It can be placed in the notification tray (not the quick settings panel) or home screen:

This is how power toggles looks on my S in the notification tray:

Can change the background etc.
It can be placed in the notification tray (not the quick settings panel) or home screen:

This is how power toggles looks on my S in the notification tray:

Can change the background etc.

Cool, I'll download it and add it to homescreen when I get a chance.

What software are you using for those snazzy quick toggles in your notification bar?


Get this...


And just turn the wi-fi (and loads of other settings) on and off from the Notification drop down, just like Sony and Samsung!! :)

I think it was mrk or Nexus18 who put me onto them!!... there's loads more controls you can tick and add, and you can also add a battery percentage in the notification if you want too :)
Is there a reason why the preview of the camera looks NOTHING like what the final image captured? It's really hard actually choosing settings and using the exposure compensation when you have no idea how it will actually affect it.
Is there a reason why the preview of the camera looks NOTHING like what the final image captured? It's really hard actually choosing settings and using the exposure compensation when you have no idea how it will actually affect it.

Of all the brilliant things the N4 has going for it the camera is dog turd. I came from an S3 and I haven't ever been able to get over how much of a downgrade it was.
I seem to be having problems with my Nexus 4.

I did a full Nandroid restore yesterday using Wug's Nexus TK which all went fine but i realised my phone was not exactly as was when backed up (was more like default nexus home screen).

Anyway, i wiped the phone and used Wug's TK to flash back to stock and un-root. All that went well. I then re-rooted. Once all that was done i WIPED (cache/dalvik/data/system/sd..etc) the phone in CWM Recovery in prep to install PA ROM.

Anyway, once it was wiped (using CWM Recovery) i used Wug's toolkit to send over the .zip files for PA and GApps for flashing. must have tried around 9 times to send and flash and although it says its sending, after reboot and stuff there be's no files on the phone.

So at this point i had to reflash stock and un-root again and then re-root.
I then copied over the files for flashing and had to flash over stock (rather than a full wipe and then installing rom/gapps).

Looks like the nandroid restore messed with my phone hence why i am no longer able to send files over for flashing using Wug's TK.

Is there a solution to this?
I always wipe phone before i install a rom but now that isnt possible as once it is wiped i am no longer able to send files over to it for flashing.....(like i use to using Wug's kit)
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Of all the brilliant things the N4 has going for it the camera is dog turd. I came from an S3 and I haven't ever been able to get over how much of a downgrade it was.

apparently it is the exact same camera used in the iphone and some other top end devices htc one x and s3 iirc from what I have read over on XDA, it's google's software developers who made the software for the camera who are to blame apparently. their was a mod to up bitrates which made file sizes extremely large with no added benefit in quality of the images taken.

they are hoping a developer can re-write the camera software, but i seriously doubt it.
I'm considering a N4 as my next phone, a brief background as to what I've had;

Galaxy S2 from release date, replaced by an S3 on release date. I smashed the S3's screen a few weeks back and have recycled it for £120. I'm using a friends 3GS at the moment to keep me going.

It's a toss up between a N4 and an S4. I prefer the S4 but I'm not sure I can justify over double the price (£240 for 8GB vs £500~ for the S4).

I think I can get away with the 8GB version as I never use my phone for music and I have 50GB of Dropbox (free for 2 years with the S3 purchase) for all my photos.

My only slight concern is the camera, battery life and moving to stock Android from Touchwiz (which I do like). I'm happy to live with the camera if it was S2 quality and I don't use it massively apart from taking photos of things as reminders and your average stuff (PC settings, places, Facebook photos, etc....). I would never use it as my 'main camera' and would always take something else if I knew I needed decent quality snaps.

I guess my main concern is the battery life. I would normally have about 30%-45% left after a full day on my S3 which leads me to think I'd have about 20% left on the N4 which I'd be happy with, the lack of removable battery is annoying but I can live with it.

I'm still really undecided at the moment, the minimum I'll keep the phone is 6 months (for the N5) and the maxiumum I would keep the phone for is 12 months (S5). I've already got a rolling contract that meets me needs at £7.22 a month so I like to change phones every 12 months for the latest and greatest normally.

Anybody been in the same situation, have any thoughts or could put my mind at rest?
For those with the camera problems is it specific to the app? So does something like Camera Zoom FX work? Or is it device specific?
For those with the camera problems is it specific to the app? So does something like Camera Zoom FX work? Or is it device specific?

the problem is in the OS i believe from what I have read over at XDA, no app can fix it, unless that app changes the OS/kernel or whatever it is. basically the software has been very poorly designed.

i have found a lot of the photos i take are blurry and you have to keep your hands extremely still, never had this issue on previous phones. the overall quality even if you do manage to keep your hands still is poor at best.

previous phone was an N8, I knew it was never going to live up to that, but i'm glad i ditched symbian, although an okay OS, android offers a lot more.
@Peerzy, the N4 is sound IMHO it'll be able to do everything the S4 can do except take decent photo's , I've got camera zoom fx at the mo it seems a bit better:confused: but not good compared to my son's S3.

The N4 gets 50gb off box at fast paid for speed, for being an LG so storage should be ok for you.

Sound phone let down by a camera but still usable it all comes down to the dosh really, I'm buying an S4 and keeping the N4 as a spare/number 2 phone.
Sound phone let down by a camera but still usable it all comes down to the dosh really, I'm buying an S4 and keeping the N4 as a spare/number 2 phone.

can't really understand why someone would keep a £200-£300 phone as a spare tbh. it's such a waste.

sell it on ebay, and if something happens to your phone, you can walk into a vodafone shop and pick up a G300 for £80ish iirc now, unlock it on ebay for a fiver and your good to go until you get a decent phone again. or order it online and be phone less for a day or two maximum.
@Peerzy, the N4 is sound IMHO it'll be able to do everything the S4 can do except take decent photo's , I've got camera zoom fx at the mo it seems a bit better:confused: but not good compared to my son's S3.

The N4 gets 50gb off box at fast paid for speed, for being an LG so storage should be ok for you.

Sound phone let down by a camera but still usable it all comes down to the dosh really, I'm buying an S4 and keeping the N4 as a spare/number 2 phone.

I am leaning more towards an N4 than the S4. I rarely need decent quality photos, I'm only ever using the camera as it's the only thing on me and it's normally just to take a photo for reference later.

I'd be interested in your N4 if it was in decent condition and you did want to get rid ;) That offer is open to anyone wanting to sell a decent condition N4.
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I guess my main concern is the battery life. I would normally have about 30%-45% left after a full day on my S3 which leads me to think I'd have about 20% left on the N4 which I'd be happy with, the lack of removable battery is annoying but I can live with it.

One of my colleagues has an s3 and the battery life doesn't seem much different. I think you may struggle on screen display as the s3 does look more vibrant. I personally like the n4 display but if you are used to a s3 screen it will be different.

Out of interest the battery definitely gets better after a few weeks. I am happy with mine and have an anker battery pack (8400) for when i am out and about when any phone would struggle

Love my N4 though
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