***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Cool cheers guys, just looking at apps I've not tried yet. Installed Dash Clock yesterday and got to say I'm loving it, going to give Contacts+ a go as well.
Psycho Sonny said:

Originally Posted by tals

We could really do with a thread talking about custom roms and kernels

the whole point of this phone was that it runs stock android and get's updates before any other phone.

there is only a handful of ROM's which are any decent. and only 2 kernel's afaik that are even worth mentioning FAUX and Franco.

Paranoid Android is what most are using.

i think that's all the info everyone needs.

There are loads of roms which are decent and provide finctionality over stock rom, Carbon, Xenon, AOKP, Xylon, Ras bean etc etc, and kernels I find Harsh, Trinity, Matr1x and Motley better than Franco and Fauxs. These you just flash and forget and work very well.

PA is good but lacks customisation as other roms I've mention above.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
For anyone thinking of buying and concerned about battery life, don't be.

My phone uses around 1% every 2 hours in standby.

As a phone its exceptional, I had a 4 hour conf call and it barely used any battery power. The reception and sound quality make my iPhone seem like a relic too.

I frequently get 2+ days out of a battery and I'm on the phone 5-6 hours a day.

I have sync services turned off and auto brightness. That's all I did.

Cannot agree with this statement enough - the battery life is rediculously good. If only my S3 was this good! (looking after a family members N4 whilst they are away on holiday. if it wasnt for the camera I'd flog my S3 and get an N4 in a heartbeat)
Cannot agree with this statement enough - the battery life is rediculously good. If only my S3 was this good! (looking after a family members N4 whilst they are away on holiday. if it wasnt for the camera I'd flog my S3 and get an N4 in a heartbeat)

Get a genuine Samsung extended battery for the S3?

Definitely spend the £30 on the extended battery, it adds hardly anything to the phone but I'm knocking on the door of 6 hours screen time with mine over about 26 hours and I've been using my phone heavily for web browsing, music, games and texts and there's still 10% left.
after messing about with about 5 different roms and kernels i settled for a rooted stock install and francos kernel

liking the headphone volume boost on the kernel and i use the dsp manager from cm10

after a few more days usage will report on battery stats
That pretty much follows the information at GSM Arena and my usage of it too. Comparing to an iPhone 5:


It shows that it will last longer on standby and trounce it on talk time. But (despite the 50% bigger battery) when you start to use it for other things like web browsing the iPhone is so well optimized it can't come close.

I have to say while browsing with Chrome (nothing massive just standard blogs/forums/news sites) I've noticed the back get warm where the processor is. Not hot just noticeable.

Not noticed any heat issues myself but I have a cover!

Last charge lasted 62 hours ~20 mins down to 7% battery.

Of that 31% voice calls and 10% Chrome/ browsing.

Like I say, that's mighty impressive!
I am using a "skin" from www.dbrand.com on my nexus 4, it looks just like metal. At a distance it actually looks like my phone is metal :)

I also recently obtained a Belkin F8M389CW dock, its designed for the S3 but it fits the Nexus 4 perfectly.

I would still like a proper case, I tried the official bumper case but I thought it made the phone too bulky?
I am using a "skin" from www.dbrand.com on my nexus 4, it looks just like metal. At a distance it actually looks like my phone is metal :)

I also recently obtained a Belkin F8M389CW dock, its designed for the S3 but it fits the Nexus 4 perfectly.

I would still like a proper case, I tried the official bumper case but I thought it made the phone too bulky?

Which skin did you order and have you got any real life photos?

Did you order from that website (in USD)?
I can't take a picture due to the fact my camera is on the same phone haha

I bought 2 backs, 1 black leather and the gun metal colour.

$9 CAD each + $3 delivery

Price that went through on my credit card was £14.15
Ok I got my work colleague to take photos of the back from his iPhone 4s haha how rude !


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