***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Anyone tried the 4.4 from google yet? My phone is totally stock, found a unified android toolkit and the ROM from forums worth trying or waiting for the OTA update?

I flashed the factory image last night and installed the GEL apk. I am very pleased with the aesthetic results.
Anyone tried the 4.4 from google yet? My phone is totally stock, found a unified android toolkit and the ROM from forums worth trying or waiting for the OTA update?

Yep... Post 11590 on the last page! :)

Edited the .bat file so it didn't wipe my user data (retained Root too!!), then whacked on the New Search then GEL, Swapped it over to ART too, Not found any apps that don't work yet!! :)
I got impatient!! :D

I actually 'soft bricked' my Nexus 7 and had to use WUG to flash back to stock/un-rooted and go from there!! ;)

My Nexus 4 was successful first time as I wasn't tired when I did it!! :D
Can anyone help me please?

I have an annoying thing where when I type "the" and misspell it, it automatically corrects it as THR (in caps). Can I remove THR as a word somehow? It is NOT showing in my personal dictionary
Which ones??? I really could do with more battery!! :)

All of them! Might go back at some point and see if there are any I can turn back on, but to be honest I don't miss them. Given that I've got an iPad and laptop with me most of the time as well, I'm sure I'll get messages sooner or later.

Have a look in WakelockDetector - the facebook.katana wakelock was keeping my phone awake all the time, I was only getting about 12 hours. Was down to about 45% yesterday after lunch. Turned off my notifications and was on 15% when I went to bed at midnight.
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Anyone know how to create a shortcut in 4.4? It was shortcut>activities>settings>AppOps to create a shortcut to the App Ops App but I cannot remember were the shortcut thing is.
Anyone know how to create a shortcut in 4.4? It was shortcut>activities>settings>AppOps to create a shortcut to the App Ops App but I cannot remember were the shortcut thing is.

They removed Apps Ops in 4.4 :(.

I've stuck purity rom on with 4.4 since someone mentioned it earlier. Not sure I like it yet but it is smooth. Nova launcher works fine but now lose the clear notification bar.

The latest beta for Nova has the option for the transparancy bar as well as GEL style: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1389071
From Nexus 4's Facebook page....

Google Nexus 4 Android Kitkat OTA updates are starting!

To end a busy day filled with updates in style, the Nexus 4 OTA to KitKat seems to have begun. We've seen several reports of users getting the new KRT16S build pushed to them this evening — which should end a lot of tension for fans.

Seeing the new build lends credence to the opinion that Google didn't push out an OTA until they had the bugs properly squashed. We have to agree. Also worth noting that these reports come from folks who didn't sideload the factory image earlier in the week.
Impatiently checking for updates on mine every 10 minutes but no luck so far!

Carefull you don't get this...


Hmmm just got notification (and now installed and re-Rooted) for KRT16S for my Nex7, which was on KRT16O, it was only a 1.4Mb update!...

Probly get the same for my Nex4 soon then!, as that's currently on KRT16O


Ooooop!! Got it!! :D

It's just Optimising all 187 of my Apps, then I might need to re-Root :)
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Lol. For all the praise we give Google, they can't seem to do an update properly. Still waiting for both my N4 and 2012 N7 for the 4.4 update.

And yes I know that the images are available so you can sideload, but I personally don't know enough about all of that part of things where I'd feel confident doing it.

So stuck waiting for OTA updates that are taking forever to arrive....
Lol. For all the praise we give Google, they can't seem to do an update properly. Still waiting for both my N4 and 2012 N7 for the 4.4 update.

And yes I know that the images are available so you can sideload, but I personally don't know enough about all of that part of things where I'd feel confident doing it.

So stuck waiting for OTA updates that are taking forever to arrive....

Yeah, OK. :confused:
I'd rather wait a while and get a bug free update rather than have a rushed out buggy one. So you have to wait a couple of weeks or so for an update, big deal, it's hardly the end of the world.
Has anyone had their Nexus 4 for a year? I've found my battery to have become significantly dire over time. I'm thinking about moving over to MIUI to see if it makes a great deal of difference aswell as being a big fan of the ROM from my DesireHD
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