*** The Official macOS Ventura thread ***

I noticed something strange in the past couple of days - my screen is flickering every now and again, it just goes black. Had no idea what was going on. Until this morning, I was playing a YouTube video in Edge. The screen went black and then the sound starting coming out of my iPad. I wonder if it's macOS handoff that is doing this. It's not something I'm likely to use, so going to switch it off to see if it cures it.
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Used that function before, as Chris said it does create a new virtual desktop which makes sense for half and half screen. If you want play around further with those windows it makes less sense ..
OK, this is strange. I use it on my MSU but I've never used it on the MBA. On the MSU, it moves the window to the side of the monitor, exactly the same way it does in Windows but on my MBA, it creates a strange virtual full screen desktop thing.

Checked on my iMac and it does the same as the MSU. Both the iMac and the MSU have multiple monitors but the MBA is just using its own screen. Is there a different behaviour depending on the number of displays attached?
OK, this is strange. I use it on my MSU but I've never used it on the MBA. On the MSU, it moves the window to the side of the monitor, exactly the same way it does in Windows but on my MBA, it creates a strange virtual full screen desktop thing.

Checked on my iMac and it does the same as the MSU. Both the iMac and the MSU have multiple monitors but the MBA is just using its own screen. Is there a different behaviour depending on the number of displays attached?
I tried it when my MacBook Pro was connect to multiple monitors.
This makes no sense. On my MBA, I get the virtual full screen desktop thing which I agree, is pants.


And if I do the same thing on the iMac, the windows tile to the side as I'd expect. Perfectly fine and usable.


MSU does the same as the iMac. MSU and MBA are on Ventura and iMac is on Monterey.

Did you even try Rectangle? lol

Nah, I looked at the one in the App Store and liked the look of what I saw and steamed right in! It's perfect for me. I'm also a bit nervous still of anything outside of the App Store and installing stuff. I will get over it the more confident I get with Mac.

You guys know that split view is built into macOS as well?

Click and hold the green traffic light, you get an option to move the window to the left or right of the screen.

I just found that way more clunky and slow to use that the app. Especially for something I will use a lot.

Just saw your pictures, on my mini I get the full screen desktop like you got on your top picture, which I why I didn't like it. Also single clicking inside one of the windows would often then make it full screen which was annoying.
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MSU does the same as the iMac. MSU and MBA are on Ventura and iMac is on Monterey.

This was really bugging me. On my M1 MBP and M1 MBA it was doing the full screen thing on Monteray, and now on Ventura after upgrading it.

If I hover over the Green dot my Options are

Enter Full Screen
Tile Window to Left of Screen
Tile Windows to Right of Screen
aka "Virtual full screen desktop thing"

If I hold option after hovering on the Green dot my options change to

Move Window to Left Side of Screen
Move Windows to Right Side of Screen
aka "Useful Side by Side windows"

What I can't figure out is how to swap these so I don't need to hold down Option. Anyway, just in case anyone didn't know.

Edit: I will test it with my external screens connected as well, after reading the above.

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Edit, did some more testing. aka mess around blindly in the new Settings app :D

The behaviour is "controlled" by:

When this is unticked you just have just the "Move" left or right options, and the option key does nothing.
When it is ticked you have the "Tile" left or right options and need to hold option to get the "Move" options.

It was one of many options I fiddled with yesterday, but this one requires logout, so I didn't realise straightaway when I changed it. Actually having 2 or 3 screens makes no difference. It just depends if and how you use Spaces. My machines don't have Monteray anymore, but it would be interesting to see where this option is as I don't ever recall seeing it before.

Final thing left to fiddle with over the next couple of days, Stage Manager!

Edit: All options in one by adding 2 keyboard shortcuts. aka "boss level"

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I wish I'd never installed this. I now struggle to hook up to my wifi and when I can it's so slow. I can't connect to my VPN. I'm hoping I can roll back.
I wish I'd never installed this. I now struggle to hook up to my wifi and when I can it's so slow. I can't connect to my VPN. I'm hoping I can roll back.

Have you tried a fresh install rather than a rollback? I use WiFi as standard and connect to a VPN for 8 hours a day minimum on my work laptop too and have never had any issues nor have our fleet of Macs, what sort of issues are you seeing? Any errors?
I wish I'd never installed this. I now struggle to hook up to my wifi and when I can it's so slow. I can't connect to my VPN. I'm hoping I can roll back.

Let it be a lesson, never install a .0 desktop OS :cry: Always wait for .1
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Have you tried a fresh install rather than a rollback? I use WiFi as standard and connect to a VPN for 8 hours a day minimum on my work laptop too and have never had any issues nor have our fleet of Macs, what sort of issues are you seeing? Any errors?
+1, no issues here.
Just got a mac again after taking a couple years break from apple. Curious, would it be possible to use Siri to control spotify on this new osx? Whenever I tell Siri to do something on Spotify, it tells me that I will need to update Spotify.

Doing some googling it seems that Spotify cannot be control with Siri on OSX, is this truly the case?

Edit: Did some digging around. It appears there is some bad blood between Spotify and Apple. It is unlikely that this implementation will ever arrive.
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This is less than inspiring, the new 'About this Mac' is a bit bland.


And items that run at login no longer have the option to hide them so I'm getting multiple apps appearing on my screen when I boot.
Bit of a faff but this should sort your login items issue.

Bit of a faff but this should sort your login items issue.
Funnily enough, I tried that but it didn’t work. The exported plist was empty as Ventura changes the way it launches apps on boot.

I’ve actually found a fix which involves writing a plist for each item and dumping it in launchitems. I’ll write it up and post it in here a bit later.
I haven't read this whole thread.. But, what's the consensus on Ventura? Is it worth upgrading on both my home and work MBPs? or should I wait for the first major bug fixes.
Right, this is how I've got applications to launch automatically at login and have them hidden. It looks more complicated than it actually is. It's quite straightforward.

First, if you have them set to start automatically already, go to System Settings / General / Login Items and remove them.

Next, open TextEdit and make sure you're working with a plain text document by pressing shift-cmd-t or clicking Format / Make Plain Text

Then paste the following into the editor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

With this in there, there are two things you need to edit.

In line 6, change this to be a description of the app you want to open hidden, just change the part before .LaunchAtLogin Actually, you only need to change this if you're going to have more than one app because it has to be unique for each one. In this case, I'm opening imgurls (which is an app I call via right click to upload an image to imgur and automatically copy the link to the clipboard).

Line 11 is where you put the path and filename of the application you want to open. In this case, you can see it's in /Applications and the app name is img.urls.app

You need to be careful to get this absolutely exact, including capitalisation and be aware that if you're opening system apps, they may appear to be in /Applications but they're actually not. For example, one of the apps I have opening automatically is Photos and the path for that is <string>/System/Applications/Photos.app</string>. You can check where an app is by opening a terminal and doing an ls -l in /Applications and again in /System/Applications

Once you've got the file tweaked as you want, save it with an extension of .plist and dump it either in ~/Library/LaunchAgents if you only want the app to open for the current user or /Library/LaunchAgents if you want it to open for all users.

Log out, log back in again and you're sorted.
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