My experience of the 761 was to start on the lowest setting and stick to it for weeks as it is quite an aggressive razor. The other thing I found compared to other merkurs was that the required head angle was quite different and I had to relearn what angle to hold the razor at relative to my skin. I'd start with it at 90 degrees and move down until it just starts to shave and stick with that angle for a while.
It is rather ungainly especially for the top lip although ultimately I found it can give a very close shave (albeit it's quite a slow shave). I also found that without regular cleaning it can get very stiff to adjust. Ultimately I don't use it very much now unless I have plenty of time as I can get 95% of the shave with a 34C in half the time.
Sandalwood TOBS is probably my favourite so far although this T&H West Indian Limes is giving it a run for its money.
Is that the Aloe & Vitamin E one as I've used the white which its Green tea & Oat and quite like that, haven't tried the Menthol & Eucalyptus one yet?
BTW for those looking for something to store their Palmolive stick, search for 'empty lip balm tubes'
Just finished my first shave with the Futur.
Used a Derby blade, Wilkinson soap and brush in the shower.
Got one nick on my bottom lip (note to self - wipe away shaving soap before starting!) and three small nicks on my chin/neck where I got my angles wrong.
Did just one pass WTG (as I did with my Quattro) and the result is just as good.
My DIY fog-free mirror
Mirror from somewhere I can't remember. The hanging hook broke off when I tried to expand it. Small plastic container with the corner hacksawed off and stuck on with Sugru. Fill it with hot water from the shower and stick it between the shower taps.
Can't work out what's going on with that mirror, can you try a photo from a different angle?
Is that your first DE shave, using a futur whilst in the shower? Fairly brave going on my limited knowledge..