The problem is your razor handle rather than the blades. How long have you been using it, which model and are you adapting your technique as it's different to a cartridge style?
Does anyone use a shavette? Had a shave at Murdock's the other day (gift certificate), and fancy having a go with a shavette. They're much cheaper than I thought, going to splurge a whole fiver on one and see how I go.
I found a shavette gave me a far better shave than a DE but they are a lot harder to master the technique.
I've gone back to a fusion now though, I persevered with a DE for a year and it just doesn't work for me, gives me terrible sore skin.
The fusion gives me a closer shave with zero irritation its just a damn shame they are so expensive!
I actually used a fusion the other day out of necessity, for the first pass WTG I found it terrible - had about 5 days growth - tugging and pulling like hell, really nasty and painful. But for the second pass ATG, it was a breeze and left me smoother than my DE razor ever does even when I go ATG with that.
So your success with the fusion, do you still find it works even with several days growth? I'm considering using DE/shavette for first pass and fusion for second pass. Sounds mad but could be optimal.