Well, I'm finding this game pretty tough - particularly the stadium section. I'm usually pretty good at these types of game, but the stadium section really clobbered me. I kept running out of ammo when coming up against the waves of enemies that swarm you after you take out the first sniper. My ally says that he will snipe to cover me, but he never fires a shot, the lazy goit :p

I died a once or twice in the previous sections, and in the following one (the "origins" story in New Jersey), but nothing compared to the stadium section. I'm only playing on "hard" difficulty (3rd difficulty out of 5), so it shouldn't be too bad.

Also - any tips for dealing with grenades when in cover? I can't seem to get out of cover and clear of the blast radius in time, especially when the grenades come in 2 or 3 at a time...
raaaaaaagh, getting serious rage. I'm pretty far through (i think), and have just
blown the building up
and got to the armored "boss" at the end with no pills and keep dying :( Stupid bloody checkpoint puts you back before a bunch of enemies too so you then lose the one you start with.
raaaaaaagh, getting serious rage. I'm pretty far through (i think), and have just
blown the building up
and got to the armored "boss" at the end with no pills and keep dying :( Stupid bloody checkpoint puts you back before a bunch of enemies too so you then lose the one you start with.

After you go up the steps, turn right and there are usually 2 pills in there. Save them for the armoured guy and just keep using bullet time on him until he goes down. Took me about 10 goes!
Well, I'm finding this game pretty tough - particularly the stadium section.

I'm only on medium, but I'm dying more than I thought I would. Usually it's because I've pressed a wrong key and then got flustered. Try and take some painkillers and enter bullet time instead...

I've only played a couple of hours though, so I expect I'll get a lot better as I go through the game :)
I also found it really hard on the first run through and had to reduce the difficulty, but then I played it a second time on hard and took my time to explore for all the Golden Guns and discovered a lot more stashes of pills.. So when I got to the final boss I think I had 9 Pills on me so it was easy.. as long as you can see the target on last-man-standing scenarios (sometimes not easy if there is a lot of smoke).
I found it better not to use the pills proactively and just wait for the last-man-standings instead and use them that way only, the aiming and headshots get easier, and sometimes it seems better to just rambo in and do a slo-mo dive than try and hide behind something, especially when entering a room full of enemies. Slo-mo dives + bullet time used often give so many more chances to take them down with less risk.
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Having used Medium to get to grips with the game, I'm finding Hard overall a bit easier (I'm not dying at all or so much in sections that proved difficult the first time). I will say, though, that those sections where you don't get a checkpoint for ages are a real pain, particularly the collapsing building section at the end of Chapter 12. Seriously, that section gets to you when you reach the end several times only to come across a guy in a massive armoured suit firing an LMG down your throat. Luckily I managed to do it on my tenth go or something stupid, and that's only because you get a couple of free painkillers and a bucket load of ammo for being so ****.
raaaaaaagh, getting serious rage. I'm pretty far through (i think), and have just
blown the building up
and got to the armored "boss" at the end with no pills and keep dying :( Stupid bloody checkpoint puts you back before a bunch of enemies too so you then lose the one you start with.

I tried this about 6 times and died each time, gave up for the day. Went back the next day and did it in the first go. Don't headshot the guy, all heavy armored guys have a weakspot around the throat, you can one shot kill most of them.
Just got back from hols in Florida and this game was $59.99 + tax (6%)everywhere which is over £40. Just ordered from Ocuk for £24.98 del, what an amazing price and from what I've read am really looking forward to it. Cheers Ocuk.:D:D:D
Well completed it and all I can say is it was one of most fun and engaging single player games I have ever played, challenging as well. Great dialogue and story, top characters, top GFX and sound effects, perfect package. Well except for the online play, that sucks. Rating just the single player it gets an 9.5/10 from me, amazing game and worth every penny.
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Got round to finishing tonight. Proper good.

Spoilers in spoiler tags (Durr :p):

Mr Cop dude REALLY narked me off at the end on the runway, KEEP THE CAR STRAIGHT YOU MUPPET!!!
Okay, so I finished the game :) My thoughts [no spoilers]:

Overall I thought that it was fairly good, though frustrating in places. I still think that the stadium section (specifically the part just after the first sniper) was the most difficult of the entire game... there was nowhere to find cover, and there were too many enemies for the ammo you can carry. It's almost as if you were supposed to have some sniper cover from Passos to help you out. The final battle was a bit of a disappointment - I found the last two battle sequences to be a lot easier than some of the previous battles on that level. I died only once at the first part, and not at all in the second (on Hard). I think I died 6 or 7 times in the first section of that level though...

Anyway: For me, the plus points were the style of storytelling, which I thought worked well, and the story in general. Very gritty, "film noir", and fit in well with the style of the previous Max Payne games. I didn't think I'd like the "play-by-play" style, where the frequent cutscenes lead you into the next set-piece battle, but I thought it actually fit in quite well with the movie-esque style of the game.

The downsides for me were all gameplay related. The cover system seemed to be very haphazard... Objects and walls that could be used as cover seemed a little random. There were dozens of times I wanted to take cover behind a perfectly good wall, box or other item, but couldn't. Also, the lack of an option to move around corners while under cover (like in Deus Ex HR etc) was a little irritating. Finally, the strict segregation of the levels into sections (with very artificial feeling "closed doors" after every turn) made searching for items quite annoying. I'd have preferred more flexibility to go back through the level and search for missed items where possible. There were a few times that I accidentally triggered the next section before I'd finished searching the area.

All in all, I'd say it was a fairly good game. Not exactly a classic, but worth the £30 and the 8hrs or so play-time. So it gets a qualified thumbs-up from me :)
. I'd have preferred more flexibility to go back through the level and search for missed items where possible. There were a few times that I accidentally triggered the next section before I'd finished searching the area.

Yep, this was a big pain.. and the reason why I found so much more on the second play through.

A lot of the cover wasn't exactly cover either.. I had a lot of problems in the Branco office, especially the part where they ab sail through the roof, as those desk partitions provide next to no cover, and when they do, someone tosses a 'nade at you.
Ok, well finally buckled and annoyed the girlfriend lol and purchased this over the weekend… Purchased it Friday evening and took a while to download however Saturday evening after I’d settled the baby to bed and missus was watching rubbish on telly, fired up the laptop and had a go..

To begin with, didn’t go well. Install went well however I was worried this would be another R* mess such as LA Noire or GTA and not optimised. Thankfully in DX11 1920 x 1080 game flew, but after the first intro sequence and chapter I, I noticed some weird graphical glitches, not as in the cutscenes flicker to simulate how drunken Max is, but textures looking odd…

Updated my ATI drivers, rebooted, started the entire game again, and superb.. Graphics, cutscenes, story and presentation are excellent. It’s a very hard game at times.. Raged whilst in the stadium, the boat scenes were just amazingly good, entire game runs smooth as silk..

Why then R* have you not managed to release a decent running game for the PC till now? Eh? If they did this for Red Dead sure a lot of PC gamers would buy it.

So far,

- Great Graphics
- Excellent streamlined cutscenes
- Absolutely no loading screens within the game
- Compelling story
- Excellent combat style


- Can’t skip cutscenes – due to loading whilst cutscene plays and hence no loading screens
- Very hard in places, you most certainly won’t run and gun, you need to maximise your cover but sometimes you just can’t get to cover quick enough and get shot in the back..!! Annoying if you’ve ran out of painkillers..
- Cover is at times haphazard, you think you’re safe but you’re not
- If you die, you seem to go back quite a bit, which can be annoying
- The flickering or hangover affect can be too much at times.

Overall, even though I’m not to the end yet, very good game.
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