- Great Graphics
- Excellent streamlined cutscenes
- Absolutely no loading screens within the game
- Compelling story
- Excellent combat style


- Can’t skip cutscenes – due to loading whilst cutscene plays and hence no loading screens
- Very hard in places, you most certainly won’t run and gun, you need to maximise your cover but sometimes you just can’t get to cover quick enough and get shot in the back..!! Annoying if you’ve ran out of painkillers..
- Cover is at times haphazard, you think you’re safe but you’re not
- If you die, you seem to go back quite a bit, which can be annoying
- The flickering or hangover affect can be too much at times.

Overall, even though I’m not to the end yet, very good game.

I'd agree with most of that :)

I didn't mind the length of the individual sections though. I never really felt like they were too long... Any shorter and they would have taken away the challenge. In the later levels I did find myself saving painkillers in the first few sections though - by that I mean, sometimes I would restart from checkpoint rather than accepting that I have lost two pk's worth of health that I might need for the later sections.
This game is brilliant.

The writing is great, keeps that old Max Payne feel despite most of being set in Sao Paulo.

Admittedly I've had a fair few crahes/animations glitches, but overall I'm impressed.

It's also a hard game, which I like, played through on hard initially and really liked the challenge.
Multiplayer is a joke. Pistols way overpowered. A couple of legshots and you're dead, but a shotgun blast to the chest from a few feet and you're fine. Go figure.
Hi all, I got a new monitor today and now Max Payne 3 crashes on boot, it just says "Max Payne 3 has stopped working".

I've tried editing the 'graphics' file in the Max Payne 3 documents folder so it has the right resolution, but it doesn't help. Any ideas?

EDIT: It only crashes when I launch from Steam. I think it's to do with my new monitor and the TriDef 3D stuff.

EDIT: It was that.
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Absolutely loving the game so far (I've just arrived at the airport). Fantastic fun. Graphics and animations are astounding. The characters have a proper depth and the voice acting/story telling is amazing and genuinely funny at times. The story is a departure from the original games, but is still dark and gritty and I welcome the inclusion of the flashback levels.

My only gripe would be that the action feels a bit disjointed - sometimes more cutscene than playing. However they are seamless and drive the story on so watching them never feels much of a chore.

Agree that it's pretty hard too - I started playing on Hard and switched back to Normal. I would rather enjoy the experience rather than feel like I'm ploughing through and getting frustrated by getting killed repeatedly.

Not finished the single player yet, but when I do I'm going to give multiplayer a go. Anyone else tried it yet?

Anyway, utterly fantastic game that more than lives up to the bar set by Remedy with the first two. Thumbs up, Rockstar :)
After finishing the game, I am glad that it was a worthy sequel. Brilliant game.

Hard was just the correct difficulty for the game as well.
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As a stand alone game with no Max Payne link, this game is pretty amazing and I think that’s how I have to look at Max Payne 3 to appreciate it. They decided to link it with a character so well embedded in video game history for reasons I can’t understand, for me any other non-descript grumpy old man would have fit the role without losing anything, it lacked everything Max Payne like.

One of the main things I use to love about Max Payne was the other characters, apart from a bit-part with an do-good ex-cop, it had none of that feel to it.
Would've given this goty but the scripted parts really bug me, especially as enemies can sometimes just appear out of thin air that weren't there before!. Also some of the levels if you die require you to go some ways back having to do it all over again and again :mad:, especially if that one bloke gets a quick kill on you.

Currently on the airport level and i think i've restarted it about 9 times so far due to one hit kills and enemies appearing out of thin air.

It's an awesome game but some parts are extremely fustrating, keyboard smashingly so
Yeh, the one shot kills do get quite annoying. The pinned down airport part, I was stuck on for ages :(. Otherwise the rest of the game was fine on Hard.

I also didn't like how they broke up the action at some points for a flashback.
There was another level I think, it was after putting out C4 on the building to make it collapse. You'd die quickly if you didn't use slow mo but if you did use slow mo and part of the building started to collapse it would break it causing your guy to fumble in MID-AIR and miss a shot.

There are also points in the game when you are near death, if gives your character a chance for an extra kill on the enemy to survive. But you can end up not being able to move the camera and it twitches back because of an object in the way, but clearly your head was in full view!
I hate the skillshot if you're out of ammo on a clip (still have more clips) as it wont let you reload during it and you end up dying anyway :(
I hate the skillshot if you're out of ammo on a clip (still have more clips) as it wont let you reload during it and you end up dying anyway :(

That was another thing which bugged me, where straight after cutscene you'd be thrown into a firefight with an out of ammo pistol.

For the last man standing thing, I don't think you're supposed to have enough time to reload.
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