It depends what they do, I'm hopping they'll wait till ~October then it can have a skylark CPU. Any earlier and it'll be Broadwell.
Still cannot belive what Intel or MS has done with surface 3, sisters over in USA, and was going through reviews. Not a chance I can get one with the stupid 13w charger, just wtf, were they thing, the surface rt and surface 2 have 45w iirc.
All the reviews slate it. And saying 6 hours to charge if off, significantly longer if you are using it. So basically if you are using it, the battery wont drain but will barely charge. What a massive step backwards.
I hope it's not an Intel issue and all other cherry trails have stupidly small chargers on.
Maybe I should look at core M, but then if your doing that straight to pro 4 but I have not gone for a pro due to cost.
Why did they %%%% it up so badly.