You can see how I hold it, each one lines up with a finger.
The large one by the top of the kickstand slot is little finger and then just work your way up.
Despite that not a single scratch on the screen with zero protectors.
Your hands did that? Do you have acidic sweat?
All the reviews slate it. And saying 6 hours to charge if off, significantly longer if you are using it. So basically if you are using it, the battery wont drain but will barely charge. What a massive step backwards.
Huh? Mine charges absolutely fine on battery?
That doesn't make any sense.
The charges on surface 3 is under powered and thus charges extremely slow. It's a decide killer, making it unsuitable.
13w compared with 24w and 48w available on other surface models.
Basically twice as slow to charge surface 3, in the 6 hour range. Rather than sub 3 hours for the Rt and 2. Other surfaces can and do easily charge up whilst in use, where surface 3 struggles.
no ones saying that it doesn't charge, just that it's stupidly slow.