The Official Nexus S Thread

There's a guy in work with one, umm the screen has the same issue the galaxy s had, a green tint that makes everything look a bit sickly. Sitting a few phones together, the iphone 4 has by far the most neutral colour accurate screen, my desire is 2nd with a slight warm tint then the galaxy s/nexus s have a nasty green tint :(
I've seen 4 different samoled phone's now, 3 galaxy s and now this nexus s and they all have the green tint. If you put the brightness way up to silly levels then it get's rid of it but you blow everything out and kill your battery.
well it's up against a colour calibrated monitor, on their own they look fine, it's just a green hint not full on strong green.
Its not something you can notice, believe me. It may show in calibration tests but really for every day use you see a lovely looking screen. I had an iphone from day 1 when they first ever hit the shops and this is every bit as good and does more without needing to jailbreak it.
Ditched my Desire for this fella last week and couldn't be happier.

Thought I'd miss HTC Sense, but am now rediscovering all the cool little apps (and new ones) to do things better than Sense does. The lack of SD expansion doesn't bother me to be honest, and given that this will likely be Google's reference platform for a bit, I wouldn't be surprised to see it happening on other phones.

Whilst I can see the tint some people are mentioning, that's something that doesn't concern me either.

I'd say in the 4 days I've had the Nexus S, I've got more done and had more fun than with the Desire in months.... whether that's the same months down the line from now, it remains to be seen, but for now I'm well chuffed.
So is the general opinion that the Samsung Google Nexus S is a disappointment?

I like the size, the lovely screen, battery life and the sleek body. It’s fast, responsive, and doesn’t have manufacturer bloatware. Don’t care about the lack of SD as it’s already got all the space I need. I suppose the camera could be better but I use the real thing so no big deal. I’ve found nothing to annoy me. Gingerbread has a minor few bugs but then that's not unexpected and those will be resolved.

The Desire is slow and cumbersome compared to this and the small brick has gone to my wife. I’ll happily keep this one until the end of the year. So no disappointment whatsoever and one happy bunny.
Only just read this, but:

Games and emulators will most probably max out your cpu anyway (giving higher performance). Secondly even if it didn't and the cpu was smart and scaled the speed down appropriately what makes 2 cores at 50% speed anymore power efficient than a single core at 100%. Finally I doubt any apps are multithreaded.

Reducing the speed of the core(s) means the voltage can be reduced as well, lowed voltage = less leakage = more efficient (also cooler which I believe would help the battery in a minuscule amount)

Like I said, the 0% load state is far more important imo. A dual core processor based on essentially the same tech cannot possible have a lower idle rate of consumption.

A 'good' implementation of the Cortex A9 (note the Tegra doesn't do this afaik) can completely power-gate the second core, so in a 0% state you are only powering a single, smaller, more efficient core.

Then there's also the argument that having a dual core, and more efficient clock-for-clock processor then any workload you do will take less time at 100%, hence spending more time at 0% saving power.

There are very good arguments for the dual core a9's to save power over the single core a8's, whether that translates into the real world or not is the only question.
I think this thread needs more user opinions. I know this is meant to be Google's flagship device, but seems like its not as popular as other android phones.

I'm thinking of getting this phone, but I'm apprehensive about the level of performance vs. the Iphone 4 which it competes against.
I think this thread needs more user opinions. I know this is meant to be Google's flagship device, but seems like its not as popular as other android phones.

It's probably because the hardware is pretty underwhelming, when the Nexus one was released it was pretty much the highest specced android phone, the Nexus S is basically a Galaxy S with a few tweaks..
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