They seem to be doing a good enough job of destroying their business without any help.
Their biggest problem is their attitude, they need to sell phones to people, not networks. Get on our side and look after our interests, stuff the networks.
This is the problem with "exclusive" deals, its relies on the network operator / retailer to get all the information out there. In the UK's case we have to rely on updates from EE / P4U which have been getting very conflicting views. So the delays in the UK are DOWN to EE, as they have been having problems with there own firmware which from past experiences seems pretty normal with Orange.
It also comes down the commercials as well, what Nokia signed with EE. Its little things like that like that which can make a big difference to the communications to the pubic.
Nokia have been very good traditionally in the past at support, take for example the Lumia 900 and the camera problems. In a matter of weeks Nokia had released a fixed and the problem was all corrected. How many companies can rival that sort of support.