***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

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Yeah, I'm in need of a Spotify replacement too, don't know why it's taking so long, is wp hard to write for or something?

No, in fact it should be easier. It just doesn't have a big enough market share for some companies to think it is worth developing for. If they do develop, it's last on their list of priorities.

However, things seem to be improving and there are plenty of good alternatives to most of the stuff you find on iOS and Android anyway.

Is there a way to decrease the notification display time?

Say if I get a message right now while typing it'll display for a good 5 seconds plus. I want to lower this to day 2 seconds.

I've just been cleaning the screen of my yellow peril and noticed that there is dust in the earpiece, no surprise there, what was a surprise was the dust in the front facing camera that my eyes were drawn to! Annoyed.

That is a pet hate of mine, I have loads of dust on my front facing camera. Tempted to clean it but too much effort for something I don't use (Maybe when Skype finally works without being stupid)

Loving this phone so much.

Things to do: pick up a case, explore app market, find replacement music app until Spotify releases their wp8 app.

Xbox Music is great! Been using it for nearly a year now. Admittedly, Zune was a better interface and it still is, except I need a different way of syncing my phone. A step back by MS.
Im loving Nokia music, yes it has its faults, but as a free service to discover new music, it cant be beat, Ive foud I have a liking for Jazz that I never knew I had.
I will probably go for xbox music or spotify at some point, I just haven't made my mind up over which online nusic service I like yet as they are all missing tunes I like..

My replacement phone arrives today, I cant wait, have missed the integration of WP8 more than I thought
I just checked and there is an absolute ton of dust under my front camera! Not sure how to go about cleaning it, but this seems like a design flaw.

Also could this be responsible for the fact that the phones auto brightness sensor seems to be struggling? On this handset when I turn it on outside it initially goes all pale and washed out for a second before correcting to normal. Is there any way to speed this up/ recalibrate the sensor? (I'm not sure if the sensor and the front camera are the same thing or not.)

Oh and finally, can anyone confirm that it is a Nokia tweak that now when on silent, when you plug the phone in/ take it off charge, it doesn't make a sound? It's either a very useful bug or they changed something in one of their sound updates!
Does anyone else get a crackly speaker occasionally? Odd tho, as it doesn't sound broken, it sounded more of a software problem as the audio sort of slowed down too... Odd.
Under settings in Plex,


awesome, thanks. is there a similar option for the smartglass remote?
I checked 39 mins ago and nothing. Checking now and.... indeed there is. lol

Obviously got in there a bit early!
Just finished. Took about 30 minutes in all to download and update! The install process took a fair chunk of that time.
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