***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

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a bit stupid to do so isnt it? havent had the issue before.


hmm ok.. so i DID switch it off... that probably was when i got the phone to set the clock forward a little bit
a bit stupid to do so isnt it? havent had the issue before.


hmm ok.. so i DID switch it off... that probably was when i got the phone to set the clock forward a little bit

Problem is is some operators support it, others don't. We have to be able to cater for both.
Should be getting one of these next week on o2 for testing at work.

Been doing some reading up and its rumoured the Apollo Plus update may include traditional VPN support.

I take it the current update going out at the moment isn't Apollo Plus?

If it does indeed remove messages then it is utterly ridiculous. A communication device removing communications because the time is wrong :confused:

It doesn't actually remove them, it just places them in the corresponding part of the conversation thread for that time and date.

If the OP is actually seeing messages deleted then I don't know.

Speaking of texts and the likes, is there a way to see your texts that are backed up to the cloud?
Call me spoilt but I'm used to SMSBackup+ on Android which backs up your texts to your email account (creates a seperate folder).
As an old habit I always delete my messages every week or so to stop it slowing the phone down, with SMSBackup+ that wasnt a problem as it would always backup every 2hrs or 3 minutes after a text came in, on the 920 I'm a bit at a loss as I'm deleting texts but then not knowing whats gone off..

Anyone tried the 620 yet, probably not the place to ask but one of the guys at work needs a phone for email and taking close up pictures, I got him an Asha as they were cheap but its poop for close up camera work, the 620 might do the job...
Anyone have any suggestions?

I have a black Lumia 920 that doesn't rotate when in landscape mode in any app that should rotate around.

It has been reflashed once and it worked for about a week then stopped again. Any ideas how to fix this without sending it to Nokia for repair?
popped into the EE shop @ Victoria yesterday, picked up a wireless charging plate for 19.99!!
They have a promotion on, get it for the above price and get 4 payg sims with a fiver on each of them so it is free in a way..
I have been noticing a few interesting things since my Yellow 920 has arrived. The battery life seems much better than my white handset. Also the vibrate function doesn't sound broken, like it does on my old one.

Time to sell the old phone, now. :(
popped into the EE shop @ Victoria yesterday, picked up a wireless charging plate for 19.99!!
They have a promotion on, get it for the above price and get 4 payg sims with a fiver on each of them so it is free in a way..

That's really good, I may pop into a EE shop and pick up another one. :D
If you cant view them in the cloud, what's the point?
If it does delete messages from the backup when you delete them from the phone, what's the point?
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