****The Official Note III Thread****

Yeah as long as it's under 100ms it's pretty swift on all devices really. Just depends on how fast the rendering power/efficiency of that device is within the browser.
Dont know if anyone's interested, but Vodafone have the Note 3 on a 12 month contract for £39 a month, and £179 up front, and quidco have a limited offer for £100 cashback making the total over 12 months £547, less than buying sim free and not paying all in one go :)
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I'd watch out with vodafone and quidco, they rarely pay out. (Both in me and my gf's case anyways)

If that's the case it'd be Quidco's fault as every Vodafone cashback I've had through Topcashback has paid quickly :)

That does mean the phone is branded and sim locked though doesn't it?

Last time I was with Vodafone they had stopped locking their contract handsets, and I didn't have any branding either, but in this case I'm not sure? :)
Great price if so but be wary as Vodafone have no unlimited data options. One of their sales people tried to sell me a new contract recently but said they cannot offer unlimited data which is a bit poo.
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I'm on a contract with Vodafone - the only noticeable Vodafone interference was an app which I uninstalled. There's nothing physical and no sign of anything Vodafone-related now.

There might no unlimited option, but since my usage is minimal anyway, that doesn't bother me. I did get a 4G contract though - and they gave me an extra allowance, so I'm on 6GB per month - that's more than enough for me.
6GB isn't bad at all although on 4G I can see that easily being reached, especially with upload speeds what they are for those who youtube etc.
The Voda deal is really good! most people have wifi a lot of the time anyway, its still cheaper than sim free! you could just whack a 3 pay montly sim in it and let a family member have the voda sim.
Ordered mine, coming tomorrow, excited... had a note 1 for a few weeks then lost it.. Then moved to an s3 but always missed the size!
Ordered from vodafone. 20% discount (due to work) means £41.00pm (12 month plan) and £99.00 for the phone. unlimited txt, calls and 6gb 4g data. not bad, should be be a hell of a update from my s2 :D .

So far quidco has tracked, hopefully it pays out and that means handset was free.
Can anyone recommend any good cases /screen protectors that are out now? Most seem to not have been released yet.. Last but not least, what site has the most accessories for the note 3 at the minute?

Cheers guys.
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That does mean the phone is branded and sim locked though doesn't it?

all the Vodafone contract handsets I've ever bought were unlocked and unbraded on the casing. The only thing that would suggest it was from Voda was the start up screen with their logo. but that was in HTC Desire days.
Does anyone know if it makes difference what sd card you get for 4k video recording? Was thinking of getting Samsung 64GB Class 10 UHS-1 Grade 1 70MB/s or SanDisk SDSDQU-064G-U46A Ultra 64GB Class 10.

Well the data rate for 4K video is 47MB/s so keep that in mind. I don't use internal storage so all camera videos get stored on that then moved to the 45MB/s SDXC 64GB I have if I intend on keeping it.

Which reminds me, I have a 4K video @ 1GB to upload of the sea!
Well the data rate for 4K video is 47MB/s so keep that in mind. I don't use internal storage so all camera videos get stored on that then moved to the 45MB/s SDXC 64GB I have if I intend on keeping it.

Which reminds me, I have a 4K video @ 1GB to upload of the sea!


God lord if it was 47MB/s :p
Oops yes! 47/48Mbit :p

Actually I've been reading it as capitals all along for some reason, I blame VLC. Actual data rate works out at around 6-7MB/s so yeah any UHS card will certainly be fine as will most others. My phone has more space free on the internal storage than the SDXC card as half of that 64GB is taken up by music. Soon I'll be needing a 128GB card but I will hold off as they're £400~+ at present... arf.

My 3 minutes video is 1GB in size. The sound pickup of this thing is really impressive.
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