Pah so close to getting a note iii earlier only to be thwarted by problems with three, got a text this morning saying they had a early upgrade offer so I popped into my local three store.
Turns out they we're offering 20% discount on early upgrades. Combined with the £50 extra deal three are offering with Mazuma mobile on trade ins for upgrades I'd have bagged £15 in my pocket. Got most of the way through the upgrade process before they had to ring somewhere to confirm the discount. Turns out the note on my account for the offer hadn't been mode so they couldn't offer me the discount, it should however be sorted later on in the week.
Staff if the store did everything they could to try and get it sorted for me there and then in store, but no joy with wherever they had to ring.
I just cant resist, I want the Note 3. I think I'm going to sell my Nexus 7/S4 and start a contract with 3. They're offering the Note 3 32gb black with an upfront cost of £99, and then £34pm for 500 minutes/5000 texts and all you can eat data. This seems perfect for me.
Anyone know of any better deals elsewhere?
Just a heads up, my mate went into the three store and managed to get them to waive the £99 up front cost and got it for free on the £34 a month internet 500 tariff.
I seriously can't see myself using 6GB in a month, considering my current monthly usage is regularly less than 200mb. For others, I accept that it may not be enough.6GB isn't bad at all although on 4G I can see that easily being reached, especially with upload speeds what they are for those who youtube etc.
I found some on Amazon. Got a cheap knock-off S-Case but it won't last - good protection until I can get a more suitable case. I also got some screen protectors, but the size wasn't right - good thing they only cost £1.50 for 6!Can anyone recommend any good cases /screen protectors that are out now? Most seem to not have been released yet.. Last but not least, what site has the most accessories for the note 3 at the minute?
Cheers guys.
Try in store...
There is no mazuma offering now?