****The Official Note III Thread****

Anyone using a screen protector? I'm contemplating tempered glass, but not many accessories seem to have been released yet :S
I am getting the Note 3 tomorrow.

When I pop in my SIM will the phone activate itself and the region lock removed or do I have to do something.

Also can I then get the phone unlocked to other network carriers?
Pah so close to getting a note iii earlier only to be thwarted by problems with three, got a text this morning saying they had a early upgrade offer so I popped into my local three store.

Turns out they we're offering 20% discount on early upgrades. Combined with the £50 extra deal three are offering with Mazuma mobile on trade ins for upgrades I'd have bagged £15 in my pocket. Got most of the way through the upgrade process before they had to ring somewhere to confirm the discount. Turns out the note on my account for the offer hadn't been mode so they couldn't offer me the discount, it should however be sorted later on in the week.

Staff if the store did everything they could to try and get it sorted for me there and then in store, but no joy with wherever they had to ring.
I just cant resist, I want the Note 3. I think I'm going to sell my Nexus 7/S4 and start a contract with 3. They're offering the Note 3 32gb black with an upfront cost of £99, and then £34pm for 500 minutes/5000 texts and all you can eat data. This seems perfect for me.

Anyone know of any better deals elsewhere?
Pah so close to getting a note iii earlier only to be thwarted by problems with three, got a text this morning saying they had a early upgrade offer so I popped into my local three store.

Turns out they we're offering 20% discount on early upgrades. Combined with the £50 extra deal three are offering with Mazuma mobile on trade ins for upgrades I'd have bagged £15 in my pocket. Got most of the way through the upgrade process before they had to ring somewhere to confirm the discount. Turns out the note on my account for the offer hadn't been mode so they couldn't offer me the discount, it should however be sorted later on in the week.

Staff if the store did everything they could to try and get it sorted for me there and then in store, but no joy with wherever they had to ring.

There is no mazuma offering now?
I just cant resist, I want the Note 3. I think I'm going to sell my Nexus 7/S4 and start a contract with 3. They're offering the Note 3 32gb black with an upfront cost of £99, and then £34pm for 500 minutes/5000 texts and all you can eat data. This seems perfect for me.

Anyone know of any better deals elsewhere?

Try in store...

Just a heads up, my mate went into the three store and managed to get them to waive the £99 up front cost and got it for free on the £34 a month internet 500 tariff.

6GB isn't bad at all although on 4G I can see that easily being reached, especially with upload speeds what they are for those who youtube etc.
I seriously can't see myself using 6GB in a month, considering my current monthly usage is regularly less than 200mb. For others, I accept that it may not be enough.

Can anyone recommend any good cases /screen protectors that are out now? Most seem to not have been released yet.. Last but not least, what site has the most accessories for the note 3 at the minute?

Cheers guys.
I found some on Amazon. Got a cheap knock-off S-Case but it won't last - good protection until I can get a more suitable case. I also got some screen protectors, but the size wasn't right - good thing they only cost £1.50 for 6!
Don't want to jinx it but I would hazard a bet that many people won't be dropping their Note 3 handsets because of the grippy back compared to the 1 and 2!

I don't want to use a case on mine because I don't want to lose the slim feel of it and it's so grippy and light that I can't imagine it slipping the same way the Note 2 did quite a few times this year!

As for screen protectors, I may try those matte ones but only because I like the visual look they give although previous ones I've tried have been a bit rubbish for image quality when looking at stuff on the screen.

Does anyone else on 3 get the LTE option under network mode?
Can't decide between this and the Iphone 5s. Both are obviously completely different phones yet I am still considering both.

I was planning to move to Apple as my Galaxy s2 (and android) is starting to annoy me. The Note 3 however is a compelling offer.

Use both, get what tickles your bits the most.

I've fixed LTE not showing as an option with the help of xda, now the rollout wait commences.
Okay when Samsung aired the advert videos to this I thought the screen on the videos looked doctored as I looked too clear and vivid. Today is the first day we have had beaming sun down here and I'm sat outside having lunch and the auto brightness has ramped up and it looks like how it did in those videos.

I didn't have too much trouble reading stuff on the Note 2 in the same sunshine but this is many times better and easier on the eyes. If anyone else has sunshine in their area today try it! On auto brightness the slider doesn't do anything at the moment, it's set itself to maximum by the looks of it and even -5 doesn't lower it.
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I'm keeping my eye out for a good deal at the moment. The best deals that suit me seem to come out at around £750.00 to £770.00 total cost for 24 months.

However, I have just come across this which may be of some interest if you don't use too many minutes. It also comes with a 'booster' that allows unlimited texts or calls to landlines or calls to t-mobile mobiles. I'll just have to weigh up whether I can cope with only 100 mins even if it could allow 'unlimited landline calls'...

Minutes -100
Texts - 500
Data - 1gb
£ upfront - £319.99
£ / month - £21
Term - 24 months
TopCashback - £126.00 (deal lasts for only a few days)
Total Cost - £697.99
Avg Monthly - £29.08
I just tried at 3 in store see if they would/could waive the £99 - wasn't happening :(:D
Then that is a small town shop, maybe in a bigger shop with more clout you'd pull it off?
3 store had the G2? That means p4u will as well, I'd like to have a play on one of those.
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