Oh yes! Anandtech the best website ever! And damn right with what they said about the Nexus 7. The video shows similar problems that I experienced with my Nexus 7. The long delays and sluggish performance did my head in, but I suppose you get what you paid for HOWEVER Google should not have put the Nexus name on it as it badly lets down the Nexus brand.
Even the Nexus 4 is cheap however it doesn't exhibit the same issues that the Nexus 7 does, LG have done a much better job. You did well avoiding the Nexus 7 otherwise you would be pulling your hair out
So the HOS gets hot in this weather? That's not a good thing but I suppose that's what you get with Aluminium as it's a good conductor of heat, but nothing beats its sleekness and ergonomics - the most underated phone IMO!
I like your mock up, if only HTC released something akin to your mock up, I would snap it up in a heartbeat.
Can you imagine a HOS with front facing stereo speakers as your mock up allows, that would be awesome. You know HTC has spoiled us with front facing speakers and boomsound. I've put it in the back of my mind because no phone comes close to the HO, technically its sound in everyway but shame about HTC's QC, it's flawed.
These days money is so tight, I can't stand having things lying around and the only way to buy the Mega (which is being delivered tomorrow BTW) is to sell the Nexus 4 & 7. I have a few compact digital cameras laying around too but like you said it's not worth the hassle selling them as I won't get much for them, I agree with you, it's not worth it.
The Mega is a great device (so I think) and is just the thing for my multi media needs, however the 8gb on board worries me, I don't know how much Touchwiz will take up and I want to root it straight away so I can move games and other data to the SD card.
The intro was quite long, I was shouting to the screen, JUST GET ON WITH IT!!
He does seem to have deeper pockets, even my S3 looks quite large in my pockets when I'm wearing slim jeans. He must have had a special pair of jeans designed to accomodate the Note 2.
I know exactly what you mean, when I tried to stuff the Note 2 down my jeans in the Vodafone shop, it just didn't look or even feel right and I had to escape the attentions of the staff who worked there...they thought I was trying to steal their display model! lol
Yes the Note 2 is big, and the Note 3 will probably more or less the same dimensions but are you willing to give it a try?