****The Official Note III Thread****

Do you turn stuff off to get 3 days + 7 hours? I'm getting about the same (maybe bit better) than Note 2 battery life with my kind of usage. I have nothing turned off though and all sync accounts active.

Mine's not in full proper use mode just yet, main used it for web, YT, a bit of gaming etc. data turned of during the night. 3 SIM CARD inside, using it as a spare phone for the moment just testing it out.
Ah that explains it lol. I thought I was doing something wrong for a moment. I should really put it in flight mode or use the blocking schedule between certain times so it's already active when I wake up without having to do anything.
Not sure if I am being paranoid but I am now noticing a gap from the disappointing edging on this phone.... I think I have now noticed it due to the other person who has had issues and the dust getting in there a bit now its being used.

When my housemate gets back later I will post a picture, I am just wondering if that's how its meant to be or if I should send mine back too?

Can anyone show me a high res screenshot of the bottom of the phone, that's where mine is most noticeable?

Sorry that was me banging on about mine.

I dont have access to a camera to take any, but the gaps are just that, a gap between the silver bezel and the edge of the actual glass, so you can actually see the edge of the glass and a gap between it and the silver, also in my case the glue or sticky stuff they used - my first one was aligned all the way to the right, so it was flush on the right (no gap at all) but the left had a gap all down one side, second was fubar with the bezel bulging and buttons not working, this third one is a lot better, only really showing it on the corners and quite possibly near the ear piece but i think thats a reflection.

A case such as the diztronic one or the spigen neo hybrid (looks to add a lot of bulk) will hide all of this anyhow, ordered the diztronic and just waiting for it now.
the gap is an annoyance. took mine back to p4u and they opened two new handsets more and they also had slight gaps particularly along the top. figured for the hassle of 're installing everything didn't really make it worthwhile but if the dust build up becomes too noticeable then I'll return it.

that minor niggle aside this is by far the best phone I've ever owned. unbelievably good job Samsung have done.
You can combine the animated gif mode with the slow motion 120fps mode to create slowmo cinemagraphs!
If you're only visiting and using the phone within the EU then no problem. Alternatively if your network offers roaming benefits then also no problem

Or just root and region unlock it.
Are all the Note 3 phones like this? I thought once you register the phone its region is unlocked provided you register it in the region you bought it first?

Also anyone using the S view case? does it fold all the way back and does it feel awkward when holding the phone when folded?
Think I have found the reason why my Battery is only a bit better than Note II, I use Google Now's location reporting and history service and Better Battery Stats showed NlpWakelock causing the phone to wake up a lot throughout the day - This is network location provider service for stuff like Google Now. I've disabled Google Now and will report back tomorrow any findings.

At present with 3 hours screen on time I would return home and at around 5-6PM have 50% battery left. That's with the phone being unplugged since around 6:30-7AM. The social networking apps all operate push based updates and notifications so none of those are causing any wakelocks. NLP though did so I've turned off Google Now as above to see what I am left with by 6PM tomorrow with similar usage during the day. My workplace is also weaker on cell reception strength than at home so the 3G radio is working harder hence exra usage there, to be expected.
Just ordered the Spigen Neo Hybrid Metal Slate for £19.99 - should get it by Thursday. Will post some pics of it when it arrives if anyone is interested.

Just ordered the Spigen Neo Hybrid Metal Slate for £19.99 - should get it by Thursday. Will post some pics of it when it arrives if anyone is interested.


ordered the same from Spigen UK on Thursday 24th and was in stock, hoping it be here any day now..
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