So, it is okay when 980Ti owners get upset and emotional and say things like the "1070 will be slower than a 980Ti" or "it is unreasonable" and it's "worth more"?
All I have done is attempted to enlighten those who seem to be confused as to why there is a sudden price drop. I feel I have done this as factually as possible with available information at preset time.
But the 1070 MIGHT be slower than the 980Ti in certain instances. Anyone taking Nvidia at their word and thinking the 1070 will smash the Titan x2 in everything... wow, OK, I'll have whatever you're smoking please! Benchmarks and reviews will reveal all, but the absence of this information renders certain offers on a Ti card today utterly ridiculous. One could argue the Ti value is in limbo until we know more, but there is no sudden price drop YET... there may be one, once we have further information, but you are very much jumping the gun by taking marketing speak as fact, which as experience and history should have taught you by now is a risky thing to do.