*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

Leaderboard updated after Round C.

Don't forget, people. I will be away this week so the Round D results thread will not be posted until either late Sunday night, or more likely Monday.

Your entries still need to be in by Saturday 8pm. :)
Just taken my rather awkward picture for the D beer, the pub was empty so I had the barman stood looking at me like he couldn't decide if I was a 'secret shopper' reviewer or just a wierdo who photographs his pints before drinking them.

Guess it's the second one :D
Hope you didn't forget your note ;)

Struggling with Round E - Every beer I find that has potential has 'Imported from ...' rather than 'Export'. Very poor selection in the supermarkets around here.

I can't drink lager due to the after effects (and it tastes awful) which means I'll have problems with Round W too.

Anyone know places to order online that has no delivery charges? I don't want to fork out extra just to meet free delivery.
Struggling with E here too.

Just to clarify on week D - if it's out of a tap and I take a pic of the beer next to the tap it doesn't have to have 'Draught' in it's name?

Correct, just remember your note with the OcUK message.
mine ok DJ?

Also we having an early results or?
Late results, most likely Monday. I'm away :)

There should be a side pot for the 'who can get the most bar staff in your picture of a beer tap' competition!

I've got two!
Might want to try again mate, it has not come through.

Hey dj, just submitted a pic via dropbox, out and quite blazing and on a mates phone so options were limited hopefully all acceptable
Thanks for clearing that up, as I had no idea who it was from.
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