DJ, just checking I for some silly reason took a picture of two bottles of beer, both the same I just fancied a couple of them, is that all right or are you (Ahleck) going to be all girly about the rules.
DJ, just checking I for some silly reason took a picture of two bottles of beer, both the same I just fancied a couple of them, is that all right or are you (Ahleck) going to be all girly about the rules.
Can I draw a christmas tree on a printed picture then take a picture of the christmas tree drawn on the picture of the two bottles of the same beer printed on paper and emailed to you
Oops only just read entry needed a Xmas tree! I I don't have a Christmas tree , I'll go find one and resend!
I found a real tree, got some funny looks but sorted! For V does it have to be a UK supermarket?
sad panda
Excellent result and at long last an equally excellent question...
... I'd say NO it doesn't have to be a UK supermarket, after all it is beers of the world. Just try and make sure it's a well known one is all I'd ask
Can people duplicate beers? If I enter a beer this week, could someone then re-enter the same beer another week, ie W?
I want to stick a spanner in the works.
Can people duplicate beers? If I enter a beer this week, could someone then re-enter the same beer another week, ie W?
I want to stick a spanner in the works.
We already have done this, Q=Quote
Yes it's perfectly fine mate
UK entry sent including a Christmas tree!
Can I check you got this, as I didn't get your usual auto reply.
How many entries so far?