- A - America - California
- B - Belgium - Trappists
- C - Czech Republic
- D - Denmark
- E - England - Sussex
- F - France
- G - Gueuze
- H - Ho Ho Ho - Christmas Beer
- I - IPA
- J -
- K - Kölsch
- L - Light Ale
- M - Micro Brewery
- N - Non alcoholic
- O - Octoberfest any German beer
- P - Pale ale
- Q -
- R - Real Ale
- S - Strong 8% and above
- T -
- U -
- V -
- W - Welsh
- X - X Rated
- Y -
- Z - Scrabble - total points awarded (don't forget your Jester)
Few points :
G - Glass. Any Beer, with matching glass.
K - Kolsch style, which is essentially a lager, or a beer from Cologne? I'd reconsider K and go for keg (thought that may be a bit pricey if we have to each buy a minikeg). Kilo may be good, as in 1000 ml bottles?
L - what's your definition?
M - as above.
T - triple hopped. Any beer that is triple hopped.
U - universe. A beer with a space theme.
Just a few ideas.