They aint pulling the jigs or equipping from tbe uk.I work for a global company in the aerospace industry and emails from my company stated prior to voting that investment may not continue to be made in the UK however an email today read that the UK has certain required skill sets and that we deliver world class leading technology and services globally. That's the positive the negative was them highlighting it will take some time to assess what the impact is of the exit decision.
I work on the A350 project (wing) and our facility has had major investment to ensure we can meet rate as it ramps up. I know that doesn't 100% mean that Airbus wouldn't pull the plug but fingers crossed!
Cameron brought this referendum upon us all to quell the support Nigel Farage was getting, in doing so a lot of the electorate saw it as a way to take Cameron and his stooge Osborne down, it worked.
He put his job on the line and it back fired, Cameron put all yours and the rest of the remain voters wishes to stay in the EU and keep the status quo on the line.
This was all started by a bunch of Tories who do not give a **** what you or I think, it was for their benefit only, and it has back fired big time.
So Cameron is who you need to blame, not the 52% of the electorate that voted remain and who are still being called racist, xenophobes and bigots on here and in the media, it's getting old.
Where is Osborne by the way? He and is mate Dave have screwed over a lot of people in the past 6 years, does anyone think those people didn't vote as a BIG **** you Dave? They deserved their chance and took it.
Then you have all the people who voted for other reasons obviously, i was always pretty confident it would be a leave vote because of what i have said above.
Oh and those tears from Dodgy Dave this morning, **** you Dave, **** you.
The country is also now split down the middle and in a nasty way, just look at it on here, all because of Cameron and his mates.
No because they outsmarted MI5 by using biros
Facebook has gone mental. It seems that democracy is great unless you don't win. Then it's terrible and 52% of people should never of been allowed to vote as their too old/unintelligent/racist etc. It's done, you might not like it, but we have to get on with it.
Was it not an abysmal turnout for the Scots, something like 25%?
I think we can all agree that there has been lies and deceit on both sides. It's been an awful campaign that has been very destructive from both sides. No one was ever going to come out of this smelling of roses.
What's done is done though. Let's bury the hatchet and get on with the job in hand and get this country back on track.
"People who didn't vote the way I wanted are racist!!! wahhh!!"
I've been reading this thread and the comments on the Youtube vid of, David Camerons speech this morning.
I'm seeing lots of praise from Europeans, all the negativity has come from the UK In voters mostly calling the Out voters racist and xenophobic.
I'm seeing comments from EU nationals also wishing to leave the EU, the best comment being "Brexit' to be followed by Grexit. Departugal. Italeave. Czechout. Oustria. Finish. Slovakout. Latervia. Byegium"
I've heard very similar from 'leavers' locally to, it's really disheartening, I really think there will be voters remorse on this one down the line, especially if Scotland leave, without their vote in the GE we're stuck with the Tories governing us for a very time if not forever.
Cameron brought this referendum upon us all to quell the support Nigel Farage was getting, in doing so a lot of the electorate saw it as a way to take Cameron and his stooge Osborne down, it worked.
He put his job on the line and it back fired, Cameron put all yours and the rest of the remain voters wishes to stay in the EU and keep the status quo on the line.
This was all started by a bunch of Tories who do not give a **** what you or I think, it was for their benefit only, and it has back fired big time.
So Cameron is who you need to blame, not the 52% of the electorate that voted remain and who are still being called racist, xenophobes and bigots on here and in the media, it's getting old.
Where is Osborne by the way? He and is mate Dave have screwed over a lot of people in the past 6 years, does anyone think those people didn't vote as a BIG **** you Dave? They deserved their chance and took it.
Then you have all the people who voted for other reasons obviously, i was always pretty confident it would be a leave vote because of what i have said above.
Oh and those tears from Dodgy Dave this morning, **** you Dave, **** you.
The country is also now split down the middle and in a nasty way, just look at it on here, all because of Cameron and his mates.
Time to get the new designs in place for new British Passport lads! my effort lol